Author Topic: Surgery with Karidis Done! - With Pics  (Read 21725 times)

Offline Nipper

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Hey All

Well, I'm finally out the other side and hopefully on my way to a sensible healing plan/regime.  Don't have to go to work or have any commitments for the next month at least so no excuse to be impatient at this early stage, though I have been out for a walk this morning to get some decaf coffee ;)  

I had a good friend that I had confided in offer to accompany me , I said no, but she insisted.  As would I, if some one I knew was considering this.  So travelling was a breeze.

Booked a night in the Comfort Inn, Edgeware Road.  No frills but nice enough, got a room for 2 for 83 quid inc breakfast.  Had a lovely Italian the night before on the same road, Zonzo's or something.  

Rubbish night's sleep, obviously.  But up and at em, ten mins walk from hotel got there about 7:15, checked in.  Informed when I was in my room that I would be second in line.  Karidis came in and marked me up about 8:00 also marked a little on my flank, took 4 photos and left. Then I was requested to go in about 09:10.  

"Let's do this!" I thought to myself, I was calm as anything as I knew from the great posts on here exactly what to expect so I wasn't worried, not in the slightest.  

Dr Jesu the anesthetist was great and I fell off to the sound of his voice saying, little bit sleepy over and over... No sooner had I been out I was woken up to the rather embarrassing "Quite a lot of swearing going on there"...I had to apologize profusely haha!  

Wheeled up to the room, dry throat, drinking loads of water.  Pain was about 3 or a 4 out of ten, nothing to be worried about.  But my vest was on male thingy eyed, I'm about 90kg's so I can't blame them trying to shift that dead weight about.   Had it rectified not long after, felt pretty good but knew it was down to the GA and whatever else I'd been given.  

Spent a pleasant few hours in the room watching tv, having a lush club sarnie then my friend popped in to see how I was doing etc. Then, Karalina I think it was, Karidis' nurse came in and was surprised how alert and bushy tailed I was.  So she said after she found me a second vest I could go, so I didn't even stay to hear how much had been removed.  I will request that later and add the info.

Discharged at 3pm roughly.  Picked up outside, home safe n sound after a 5hr drive.  Couldn't believe how smoothly it all went, phew.  Now the journey really begins so will be relying on you guys and will indeed impart any advice I can to anyone in the same boat.  

As I said before, I don't know how much was taken out but I will post some before and afters now.  
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 04:13:25 PM by Nipper »

Offline Nipper

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I had a shower today and removed the big blue padded dressing, which had made my chest concave in a bit!  This is normal right?  Anyway, I took all plasters off and replaced with the waterproof ones provided.  Then re-applied the ones at armpits as they were peeling off a bit after getting wet.  I have a little bit of a reaction but not too bad at the mo on the armpit ones.

Offline Nipper

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Offline Nipper

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Offline Nipper

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Offline Nipper

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Offline Nipper

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Got some weird mozaic style bruising going on there :)

Offline Nipper

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So, now I just have the waterproof plasters on then the vest on top, not missing anything am I?

Offline Nipper

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I think the concaved area I referred to earlier with worry is actually meant to appear like that, it's where my moob used to sit I think.

Offline Nipper

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The blue pads had also left an impression in the skin so it looked a bit weird at first, but when I look at the side shot pic, it doesn't look as bad as I first thought,.  Haha, I'm already on the rollercoaster! ;)

Offline sjwsjw

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Good luck with the healing :) Im booked in with him on 15th Oct, feels ages away (im really ready for this to be done now)

I saw your other post about your consultation, did you have anything done to the nipple in the end?

Offline sjwsjw

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Im booked in for a consultationon Oct 15th that is, i really hope to get this done asap, i was ment to be running the London Marathon in April 13 but it just feels like i should be getting this out of the way and get through the healing process ASAP so im pulling out of that

Offline Nipper

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Do it mate, don't use things as an excuse to put it off anymore, I have in the past and regretted it when I lost the window of opportunity.  And no, I didn't get anything done to my nipples mate, I decided against it in the end. 

Karidis never brought it up or remembered anyway.  He stated at my consultation, guys want a flat profile - ie smooth shallow nipples that don't show.   I checked my nipples when I changed the dressing earlier, they have definitely changed in some way now there is no gland behind them, and they still look like my nipples ;) 

Offline kniveshurt

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Looking pretty flat mate! I bet you're thrilled. Glad to hear it all went smoothly for you.

You mentioned you had a friend with you? Did they stay in the room when you were having your op? My partner wants to come with me - not sure if that's allowed or not.

Anyway, congratulations on being on the other side. See you there in 8 days!!

Offline Nipper

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Cheers Knives ;)  I'm pretty stoked, I have to say..exciting times for anyone on this path I reckon!  I had a friend with me Yes, and she could have stayed with me in the room if she'd wanted to, but she went out and got some bits n bobs for me, paper etc...and just popped back a couple of times as I thought I wouldn't be getting out until 4-4:30 at the very least.  But I had passed urine a couple of times when Karalina appeared, but she was earlier than normal apparently...hence my 3pm discharge.


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