Author Topic: WORRIED AS HELL AND SCARED TO DEATH  (Read 1843 times)


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I am soooo worried,it is scaring almost to death,I think I might have testicle cancer,I am hopping that I am just thinking too much and that I have too much time on my hands,in my last post that no one had any thoughts or opinions on I told about how a few weeks ago I got whats is called EPIDIDYMITIS in my right testicle,it's an infection in the coiled up tube that goes from a mans testicles and carries sperm to the tube out of the penis,and that yesterday I think I now have it my left testicle,now today the pain seems to be in both testicles.

      What makes me think I have testicle Cancer is the fact that I have pain in both testicles,also a few days ago I noticed that my breasts have grown a bit bigger than they where.I read in that's web site WEB MD that one of the symptoms of testicle cancer is non painful swelling of the breasts because when a man gets testicle cancer the body starts to produce a hormone called BHA or BHT or something like that,and it is the same female hormone that they test in woman when they do a pregnancy test.

            when I saw my doctor a few weeks ago about the first bout of this infection I told him I was scared that I might have testicle cancer and he said that if it was testicle cancer there would be no pain in the early stages and that there would be some kind of lump in the testicle,     but now I don't know,my testicles are killing me and my boobs have grown and I am worried as hell,I have an appointment with the doctor on Monday but the wait is also killing me,I am bouncing off the walls here.....

Offline rhyno18

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Try to stay calm and see what your doctor says.  I'd trust his opinion over a panicked self diagnosis off WebMD.  :)

I'd posted in your other thread about epididymitis.   I had it one side and then the other within a few months of each other, so that could be what it is...hopefully so.


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I know it is hard, but I would agree with the last post and try to stay calm! Web MD, is a good place to go if you have no Idea where to even start but you have an appointment on Monday already set up! I know that it feels like weeks away but it isn't!

I had similar symptoms when my testicles were dieing after a vasectomy, but not one doctor would even pay me any mind until I got to the U of M! I went through pain clinc to determain the pain was infact comming from the testicles and in fact it was, they would also go soft, and back to hard periodically.  The ultra sound said cancer, the MRI said not, but in the end I lost both due to them rotting, but one year apart from each other!

That was 1994-1995, and a lot has changed! You have a doctor that is working with you not telling you nothing is wrong (just take aspren ) or saying your nuts more or less!

In the mean time Joe I will include you in my prayers if you don't mind. A prayer don't hurt now and then!



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Thanks rhyno,thanks Bob,I was going to go to the ER last night,but I had to wait till my wife got home from work and fell a sleep waiting,when I woke up this morning the pain went almost away,there is still a little there but not half as bad,I have managed to cam my self down soI guess the what will seem like weeks away to see the doc wont seem so bad now,I will make it point to let you all know what happens at the docs on monday,and thank you for the prayers Bob it for sure wont hurt.......


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