Author Topic: Lumps in Chest  (Read 2224 times)

Offline Noel

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Good afternoon everyone, I just signed up for this website in hopes of finding some one who has or is exp what I am exp. I am 27 y/o and in pretty good shape. I eat pretty healthy and work out pretty often. Either way, for as long as I can remember, I have had these lumps in both of my pecs. I have been seeing a breast specialist who doesn't know what it is and every test that I have had, (ultrasound, biopsy, mammogram, MRI), have come back negative. I just started seeing an endocrinologist and so far all my labs have come back normal. I have another apt with my specialist on 26Nov2013. The endocrinologist wants me to have all my labs redrawn. She also mentioned that I should probably go to a dermatologist. The lumps aren't visible, but can be felt. It almost feels like a cluster of BBS. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?


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Some of my breast tissue feels like that! I thought it was something else but the mammogram and ultrasound showed that all was fine. Did yours show any extra breast tissue?

Offline Noel

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No, it said everything was normal. The breast specialist I am currently seeing, said that it wasn's normal, but he does'nt know what it is.

Offline Noel

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Have you had better luck on figuring on whats going?


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I wish I could help you out more! I have areas that feel like BBs but not clumps just a couple together and I was told that they were breast tissue. I was worried that they were strange lumps! I've got very big breast, but I lost my testicles a long time ago so there was no way around stopping them from growing so big. I have no idea how one is suppose to tell a lump has formed because there are so many different things you can feel in there.

I wish you all the best in getting some answers! Please keep us posted.


Offline thetodd

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yeah i agree with hammer it sounds like breast tissue.

Glands do kinda of look like they have bb pellets attached to them. If you go to the UK forum, and just do a search for "levick" and have a look for any threads that have post op pics inside. If you scroll through the surgeon takes pics of the glands after excision be prewarned though its pretty graphic.

You would get this directly behind the nipple and the immediate surrounding area, if its elsewhere then its a bit of a mystery.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Noel

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I got my labs back and my TSH and prolactin were a little high. I saw my endocrinologist today and they want me to redo my labs again because the first set of labs were normal and now the second set are abnormal. She also mentioned that I might have some type of hypothyroidism or a prolactinoma. I started off trying to figure out with the lumps on my chest were and now I am getting an MRI of my head.  I see the breast specialist on Wednesday. He is also giving me a hard time about getting these lumps removed. He pretty much told my primary care manager that if all of the diagnostic test came back normal, he wasn't going to do anything. I want to see what he has to say before I find someone else. I work in a clinic and I have yet to meet someone with the same issue I am having .

Offline Noel

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@thetodd. Congrats on your surgery. How did your chest feel prior to the surgery?


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Noel, good luck! Get done what you need to get done. The thyroid is nothing to let go, I have hypothyroid myself and I'm here to tell you that you need to get everything checked out.

Good luck and God bless.



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