Author Topic: Just been accepted here!  (Read 1493 times)

Offline Bobbi4244

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Hi everyone, I’ve just been accepted and wanted to introduce myself. I’m 56 years old and live in the UK. I developed gynecomastia when I was 15. In those days treatments were limited and it was very much ‘wait and see if you grow out of it’. I didn’t and had bigger breasts and as female looking some of the genetic girls at school.
I was bullied. It was determined I had high oestrogen dominance and started medication which had to be stopped as it was making me ill.
Surgery was never offered and so my breasts continued to develop as they do in females. I ended up with B/C cup breasts. Bra size 44c or 46b depending on the bra (UK sizing) I met a girl who empathised with me and helped me to be a more confident person. She eventually introduced me to the world of wearing a bra! She was my rock, we married and was happily married until 15 yrs ago when due to an increase in my female hormones I began to be dysfunctional in our sex life. She started to resent me having breasts and felt I was becoming more feminine than she could accept, stating eventually she needed a real man. We divorced. It’s been a lonely life since, not helped by my gynecomastia and what that brings. Society is not as accepting as we’d like to think and wish for so the struggle remains. I hope to find friends here? Both male and if there are any? female too. I hope I hope to be supportive to others too and happy to chat. Ask me anything. Thanks for reading. Take care everyone. Bobbi

Offline blad

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Hi Bobbi. I too developed breasts in school, starting at age 13. I was constantly reminded that I needed a bra by everyone in my class.

Out of curiosity I started trying bras by age 14 and found that I did fit one well and actually felt better wearing one. Somehow it made it more acceptable in my mind to have breasts while wearing a bra.

I am much older now, have worn a bra everyday for a long time, and have a great wife that agrees with my need for a bra.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Traveler

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Welcome Bobbi! Plenty of stories very similar to yours here. Just know you’re not alone and we’re here to help.

Offline Dale Warnio

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Sorry it has been hard for you. A lot of us here can empathize. 


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Hello Bobbi,
I was just accepted here, also.  I made a post today.  I'm glad to be here and see that I'm not alone.  


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