Author Topic: Should I be concerned?  (Read 2160 times)

Offline Blink

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The story goes as this.

For my entire life I have always been pretty thin due to a fast metabolism.  In fact, only a few months ago I was concidered to be under my minimum weight according to height.  So, I decided to do something about this by creating a diet plan that would enable me to put on some weight.  Basically, I'm supposed to eat 6 meals a day which consist of alot of protein.  On top of this I have been doing minor work out routines at the house.  As of now, I am within my weight bracket, and everything seems to be going well untill one day I noticed that one of my nipples seemed to look a little puffy.  Now, I have never noticed this untill I began to put on weight.  I'm pretty self contious so I automatically did some research on the topic and came across gyne.  I've read some of the forums and I have seen several pics and examples, but most (If not all) cases I have seen are much more extreme than what I have.  I have done a self examination and I can't seem to feel what is described as a lump around my areola, it just squishes together like fat.  It is not tender from what I can tell, and the actual chest looks normal, it's just the areola that sticks out a little.  I'm not sure if it could be gyne, or just an affect from putting on weight.  I should also add that I am 19 years old and if being a late bloomer has anything to do with this, maybe I will just have to wait and see if it corrects itself.  I mean, I can't even grow a beard let alone full mustache yet...  Basically I would like to know if this is just fat built up or if it could possibly be gyne.   Any feedback or advice would be appreciated.  Sorry I don't have the ability to take a picture or I would.

Thanks in advance.

Offline phantom

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Hello Blink

The best advice any could give you would be to go to your doctor and explain your concerns.  There might be a hormonal issue to address.  A simple blood test is all it takes to rule in or out hypogonadism (low testosterone levels).

Most males develop gynaecomastia during puberty from and can appear at any time.  For many it goes away once hormones have balanced out.

If you have not had any steroid supplementation to help gain weight, then that is not the cause.  No one on here can tell you definitively if you have gynaecomastia or not, so until you have a medical opinion to validate or invalidate your concerns, you will not get a definitive answer.

Best wishes.

Offline Blink

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Thanks again, I may plan to see a doctor if it doesn't resolve itself in some time.  I should add that I havn't taken any steriods or performance enhancing suppliments, it's been all  natural.  Nor have I had any effects of hormonal imbalances other than what this could possibly be.  I may just be worrying over nothing, but now I see just how much this can affect a person's life.  Maybe I'm just not used to not being skinny anymore  ;).  But either way I wish all of you the best of luck, and thanks for all of the info.


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