Author Topic: Surgery Completed Through the Military w/ pics  (Read 3409 times)

Offline kcornell6

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Hey all,

First time posting on these forums but I've used many of the resources leading up to my surgery yesterday. (19 Feb)

It's been a long road coming but I finally got the dirty work done and had those little suckers removed. Just a quick history about me, I'm currently 23 in the Active Air Force and have gyno since I was about 13. As just about what everyone on here could relate to, it was always embarrassing even if people said they never noticed it. It held me down mentally for a decent time of my teen years and college. Working out a fair amount helped with the self-conscious issues, but it wasn't enough.

When I took the physicals to join the USAF, I was worried that gyno would come up as an issue and require waivers. To my surprise, they barley noted it down and everything went on just fine. With that milestone out of the way, I was on my way to pilot training at Laughlin AFB in TX. After settling into the base for about a month I made a trip to my flight doctor to describe the issue with my chest. He was very understanding and never asked about emotional impact, only sent me to get a few labs completed and next thing I know it, I was setting up consultations at Brookes Army Medical Center in San Antonio TX.

After first seeing a general surgeon who had done the operation a few times, he referred me to a plastic surgeon. I was pretty relieved with this because I honestly was not too confident with the GS. That eventually lead to yesterday where the staff at the hospital made me feel welcomed and not nervous for my first time ever going under any type of blade.

So I'm sitting here with this wrap around the chest which is slightly annoying, but I hope it's doing its magic underneath it all. I'll be sure to update this thread to hopefully help at least one other person out there. I know there aren't that many subjects about being in the military with gyno so please feel free to ask away.


« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 10:29:33 PM by kcornell6 »

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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That's great news!  Congratulations and good luck on your recovery!



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We've had some active duty posters that have had the surgery covered by tricare! That's good that they do cover it for you while on active duty, the VA doesn't do anything for you after active duty when it comes to gynecomastia surgery.

Offline kcornell6

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It's been about a week and a half now and everything seems to be doing ok. I'm not too worried about how recovery is going since I've had many of the same 'symptoms' as others have had within 2 weeks post op. The compression vest is on 24/7 and sometimes I use the ace bandage wrap on top of the compression vest to get some extra pressure at night. I just feel like it probably can't hurt so why not throw it on for a few hours at a time.

The doc used those liquid stitches on me so the marks of the incision have dried blood underneath of the glue stuff. I'll take some pictures later on to upload.

Offline kcornell6

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2 weeks post op. The incisions look dark cause they used liquid stitch and there's dried blood underneath.


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I would expect them to heal just fine! It's amazing what can be done through such small holes!

Offline kcornell6

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After the liquid suture's came off. Overall happy so far, but I have a feeling there is some real scar tissue forming.  :-\

Offline kcornell6

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About 7 weeks post op now things are going well. I was prescribed a silicone gel SC-01 if that means anything to anyone.

Main ingredients are
Levocetirizine dihydrochloride
PCCA Pracasil
Pentoxifyylline USP
Prilocain hydrochloride USP

Haven't noticed a difference since I've had it for just a few days. I know it doesn't help with the scarring under the skin, but I massage the area thoroughly when I apply the gel.


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