Author Topic: Surgery Completed 20.07.2011 (with NEW PICS pg.1)  (Read 6491 times)

Offline somedude999

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Cheers pal. Will take some photos after a week when I take the bandage off. What does the vest do keep the swelling down???? Cause he said only 2 weeks then 2 at night. Did you keep it on that long through choice?

When did you get full movement back with your arms????

Yeah exactly, vest keeps swelling down.  If he said 2 weeks and then 2 at night that will be fine, coz you'll be doing 5 weeks of compression including bandage week. I kept mine on longer coz I was afraid of swelling but barely got any.

Check my log on here a few threads down but I think it took a few weeks until I could raise my arms completey above head without discomfort.

Since Levicks procedure is purely through the armpit incision I believe it takes us slightly longer than Karidis patients to get arm mobility back.

Don't worry, you've made a great choice in surgeon, I'm nearly 10 weeks post op with Levick now and I'm constantly down the gym training hard as I can. Got my shirt off at every opportunity I can get :D

You will be MAJOR flat when you first remove your bandages, maybe even slighlty concave. Then over the course of the next month or so your chest will fill out a bit and become more natural looking. Don't start massage until at least 3 weeks post op, I wait till a month or so.

Any questions PM me dude

Offline mr rich18

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Quick update. Took my armpit plasters off today. It's quite bruised under there but it has all healed up. Feels quite lumpy aswell.

My arm movement is quite good aswell can left and move them good.

Only got 2 more sleeps and I can remove the bandages.

Offline mr rich18

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Today the compression bandage is digging into my side causing serious discomfort. ( worse than the op)

Did anyone remove there bandage before the actual full week and will putti g the vest on early cause any issues? 

Offline somedude999

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Today the compression bandage is digging into my side causing serious discomfort. ( worse than the op)

Did anyone remove there bandage before the actual full week and will putti g the vest on early cause any issues? 

Yes mate I took it off a day early for the exact same reason.  Didn't do any harm just switch to ur compression vest.

Offline mr rich18

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I took my compression bandage last night and had the shower of my life. All looks well I have put some pics up on pg1.

I hear people talk about the pancake affect. Does this mean the chest I look at now is not going to be the final product.

There isn't that much bruising. I don't know if that's because it's gone or it's yet to show it's head. My chest feels swollen and the longer I was in the shower the more it swelled. I have put the compression vest on now and it's more uncomfortable than the bandage. Hopefully I will get used to it in a few days.

I'm happy with my results. I know it's still a long road.
What do you guys think?

Offline somedude999

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Cracking result mate bet u are well pleased.
Bruising will come out more in next week or so well did for me anyway. 
I had big lumps near armpit incisions, don't worry if u get these they go after a month or so.

Yeah most people start to get scar tissue etc and won't be pancake flat for very long, again this is normal so don't worry. I tried to hang on to pancake effect forever but didn't happen lol. Just don't stress its a bit of a rollercoaster ride.

Offline mr rich18

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10 days post op now. Feel great 90% movement in the arms. Bruising under the arms has gone. Slight bruising under the nipple area but very faint.

The compression vest is feeling more natural now just rubs when i move my arms.

I have some pics of the gland removed on my chest. Not sure if it's too graphic for the forum. Shall I post the pics. What you guys think???? 

Offline somedude999

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Glad ur doing good.
As the bruising subsides and you get movement back etc you will start to marvel at what a cracking job Dr Levick has done :0).

Yeah post it up dude I never got to see my pics coz his camera died just before my op.


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