Author Topic: Surgery Completed 20.07.2011 (with NEW PICS pg.1)  (Read 6441 times)

Offline mr rich18

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I first went to my GP when i was 12 with this problem and he said that they would smooth out over time. I went back at 18 cause they were still there and he said it was normal. Now after all this time I still wont go swimming or take my top off in public. This is something i have just dealt with and avoided at all costs.

I went for a consultation on Monday 11Th July with Dr Levick. I was very nervous but he put me at ease. We talked about medical history and routine stuff. He talked about how he had the surgery and how it has changed his life. He showed me before and after pics then examined me and showed me where the incisions would be.

He said that he would make an incision under each arm Pitt. He would then remove all the gland through this incision in the arm Pitt. (is this the norm now??)

I would then have to spend the night in the hospital and he would removed two drains the next day. I would have to wear a dressing that compresses the chest for a week. Then a compression garment for 3 further weeks and then another 3 week at night only.

I have booked my surgery for Wednesday 20Th July.  :o :o :o :o :o :o

I have been told to get some anrica tablets the strongest available and take them a week before. (Are 30c arnica tablets the strongest??)

What compression vest did you guys get and where from??????

Pre op

1 day post op

1 Week Post op

« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 05:30:52 AM by mr rich18 »

Offline fingerit

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Thats great news mate. That sounds like a different technique to Karidis but I guess different surgeons will have different techniques.

I just got told to take arnica post op and was given some as part of the post op meds,  mine say 200C on them, not sure about different strengths. I'm not actually sure whether these are making a difference but then I have nothing to compare to.

I was given a couple of vests too, just google MaCom compression garments and I think there should be one on there specific for Gyne. Its good to have two so you can wear one in the day whilst the other is drying from washing.

Hope that helps

Offline mr rich18

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I have ordered the compression vests from Macom compression garments. Got two like reccommended, they were supposed to be £49.99 each and £3 delivery. Found a promo code on google and got the lot for £86 including delivery!!!!!!!!! ;D

Started taking the arnica tablets today as suggested.

Did anyone take any vitamin's C or anything else to help the recovery??????????

Offline dapuffnipz

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How long did your consultation take if you don't mind me asking?

Offline mr rich18

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Bout 45 mins. Really depends on how many questions you have really.

Offline fingerit

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Dude, I didnt take any Vit C tabs but then again I avoided any supplements, alcohol etc a few weeks before the op. Is Vit C beneficial, I havent heard much about it relating to surgery.

By the way did you get your arnica from by the way?

Offline mr rich18

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Got arnica from boots. Levick said to have vitemin c after op so wanted to check if anyone else did and did it help.

Only got 3 more sleeps now. My vests have arrived.

What did you take to the hospital with you just the bare essentials???

How long were you totally out of action for????

Offline mr rich18

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My surgery has now been completed.

 I arrived at my hotel last night, had some tea on the way. Didn't get much sleep was really restless and worried I would be late. I wasn't aloud to eat or drink after 6.30 am.

Got down the hospital just before 11am. Quickly got shown to my room. Ordered my lunch dinner and breakfast. Was given a gown, silly socks and a chemical wipe to clean myself up.

The came to get me at around 3pm and I walked down to theatre. I waited in a room waiting for the anaesthetist to comeand do his bit. Mr Levick quickly came in marked me up and took some pre photos. The anaesthetist then came in put a cannula in my hand, made a little joke and I was out.

Next thing I am waking up and all is done. I feel fine at the moment no pain. Got a drain in either side untill tomoz. Just ate my tea and I was starving.

The whole process has been a pleasure so far and I have been made to feel relaxed all the time.

Mr Levick then came to my room and shown me some pics of the gland. They are huge I cannot believe how big the glands actually were.

Ive got to keep a compression dressing on for a week untill I can shower and put the compression vest on. I will post some pics soon as I get a chance.

Offline mr rich18

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Had my cannula out and drains this morning. Not really anything in the drains and Mr Levick said they were a bit of a waste. Had a good night sleep. Got to leave my cOmpression dressing on for a week now if I can bear it then comPression vest for 2 week day and night. Then night only. Going to get dressed in a minute then get my meds then go home. Whooooooo.

Offline dapuffnipz

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Glad it all went well mate. You'll have to get some pictures up when you've recovered.

Would you mind giving me a cost rundown of absolutely everything? ( consultation, surgery, tablets, vests etc)

Offline mr rich18

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Consultation £100
Surgeon £1705
Anaesthetist £350
Hospital £1800
Surgical vests £90 (ordered two and used discount code)
Hotel £160 (Traveled the day before)
Arnica £10
Vitamin C £5
Travel £100

Offline somedude999

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Congrats mate, I'm 9 weeks post op with Levick and absoloutely thrilled to bits.
Get some pics up when you can.

Try and wear compression long as you can, I managed about 5 weeks 24/7 and then another 3 weeks overnight only.  Keep the bandage on as close to 7 days as you can, it will annoy the crap out of you in the last few days.

Offline mr rich18

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Cheers pal. Will take some photos after a week when I take the bandage off. What does the vest do keep the swelling down???? Cause he said only 2 weeks then 2 at night. Did you keep it on that long through choice?

When did you get full movement back with your arms????

Offline fingerit

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Dude, I'm trying to find Arnica, the boots ones are 30C but the ones I was taking were 200C, I'm assuming more potent. I did a quick search on eBay and it only seems to return Equine stuff (for freaking horses!!), not sure what to buy to be honest.

Was tempted to get arnica cream since I still have slight bruising (4 weeks after).

Congrats on the surgery mate, all the best with your recovery!

Offline pharmerjoe

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yeah, every Boots I went to, kept saying they don't do 200c. So I went into some random homeopathic medicine store, and they had it. So somewhere like that, or possibly Holland & Barretts will have it.


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