Author Topic: alcohol and gyne  (Read 1332 times)

Offline zoidberg

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I had gynecomastia since I was about 10, but it increased over the years with my alcohol usage.  are there any others out there who've had an increase in gynecomastia with alcohol?  have you been able to quit?  if so, has the gyne stopped or slowed?  if not, has it slowed, or stopped?  I don't in any way want to promote alcohol use, I'm just looking for info.  i'm hoping to get surgery sometime in the future, when i'm able to afford it.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The person who has an occasional beer or a glass of wine once in a while with dinner should not have a problem.
But a person who drinks to the point of intoxication could be in trouble and the occasional binge drinker is also in that group. 
Alcohol has a double whammy.  It is toxic to both the Testes and the Liver.  alcohol toxicity can cause the testes to temporarily stop producing Testosterone.   Meanwhile, men also have Estrogen, but the amount is usually held in check by the liver.  With alcoholic toxicity, the liver is less capable of that control.   So the net effect is that our natural Testosterone goes down and the Estrogen goes up.
If the effects on the hormonal balance ended when we sobered up, it might not be so bad, but the fact is that the effects linger for some time.   A person who binge drinks every week-end could well be estrogen dominant most of the time. 
The catch is that it does not have the same effect on everyone.   I know a sot who I would not recognize if he ever showed up sober who is lean and flat chested.  I also know casual/occasional drinkers that very definitely have  Gynecomastia. 
Overall, I don't know that alcohol would cause Gynecomastia all by itself, But I am not going to chance it. 
Grandpa Dan


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