Author Topic: Mammograms  (Read 8228 times)


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I just had my 7th mammogram. It is always a bit awkward for me, but moved into terrifying when an ultrasound was ordered for the right breast. It turned out okay, just really dense gland tissue, but it made me think about how important these mammograms can be. Early detection is key. My mothered died from breast cancer. It is the reason my endo has me get them every year or so...even though my GP thinks it is unnecessary. I have "marked" gynecomastia. 42C. The report recommends yearly mammograms from now on.

For the first time I really considered surgery to try and prevent getting cancer. I once talked to a surgeon about having them removed. He told me if I didn't like how I looked now, I probably would not like what I looked like when he was done. I guess about 50% of the guys who go get the surgery don't like how they look afterwards. Is that true?

Theses stupid boobs are a part of me now. I am not sure I want to risk surgery to prevent cancer, only to hate what I see in the mirror even more.

Anyway, I mostly posted to say mammograms are no big deal. Get them! Worth it, if it saves your life. It is also kind of humorous and embarrassing at the same time when you sit in the waiting room with larger breasts than half the woman waiting for their mammograms.


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I agree,  no big deal !

Offline Boomer

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll be scheduling my first when I see my doc in 4 weeks. It will be my first, so just nervous. I know no big deal but just my "heightened" anxiety kicking in.  


Offline walt

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hi guys I have had two mammo`s and ultrasounds ,testicles ultrasound as well. they seem to go hand in hand. no big deal, I wore my usual jms cup bra and know the xray teck as I work in that hospital.she said that male mammo`s have become a weekly thing these days.and has seen men who wear a bra in there frequrntly.

Offline Alchemist

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I'm your friendly unofficial group health care consultant and statistics.  With the rate of male breast cancer 1% that of female, and gynecomastia is not a risk factor, the risk of mammograms leading to cancer is about 100x that of for women.  The risk per mammogram is the same but it only prevents 1% as many serious cancers as in females.  I have been told that males are subject to the same high incidence rate genetics.   In any case, get expert advice who understand the risk differences.  Some doctors "just assume".  I suffered for decades because of assumptions.


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I am not sure I understand your post. You saying mammograms for men are not useful? According to the Radiologist, I need one every year. 75% glandular...and the same tissue as a female. My mother died from cancer, so I guess I am higher risk? I watched her die, and it could have maybe been prevented if she had got a mammogram sooner. So, I disagree that men with gyno are not at risk. If you have real breast tissue, you shouldn't ignore it just because you are male. I would rather have a mammogram than DRE any day.

Offline Alchemist

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I am not sure I understand your post. You saying mammograms for men are not useful? According to the Radiologist, I need one every year. 75% glandular...and the same tissue as a female. My mother died from cancer, so I guess I am higher risk? I watched her die, and it could have maybe been prevented if she had got a mammogram sooner. So, I disagree that men with gyno are not at risk. If you have real breast tissue, you shouldn't ignore it just because you are male. I would rather have a mammogram than DRE any day.

"I have been told that males are subject to the same high incidence rate genetics.   In any case, get expert advice who understand the risk differences. "  This sounds like exactly what you did.  You got your mothers genes so the risk for you is very different.  My mother had colon cancer.  I'm in a high risk colonoscopy category.  Good luck.


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I have a male friend who has a chest flat as a fine oak cabinet quality board, but one day while in the shower he noticed a lump and sure enough it was breast cancer! He had a full mastectomy!

It can happen to anyone, as we all have breast tissue! 


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Absolutely, Hammer! Especially if it runs in the family. I carry an increased risk due to my history of thyroid cancer. I was a little uncomfortable with the first one. The girls there quickly put me at ease. They also performed a sonogram because of what they saw which made me nervous again. Turns out, I have dense breast tissue  and a sonogram gives another set of images to compare. It also established a baseline for future images.


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I've had a couple mammograms and one ultrasound so far. Been told I'm low rick, but should have it done every few years. It's really no big deal, as you say the girls are really good at putting you at ease about it!


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You guys and this topic remind me that I'm due for another mammogram.  Un-fun.  So far, they've all been rather embarrassing experiences. When I check in and ask for a little discretion, they nod and smile and then ignore my request. And they aren't very helpful or understanding at scheduling me first or last to avoid a waiting room full of women who look at me like I'm some kind of pervert.
As you can tell, this whole 'acceptance' thing for me is a journey, not a simple event.  I'll know I'm there when I don't worry about the time, but instead check in and then talk with some of the 'regular' patients about choices in support bras.


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You know that guys that don't even have gyno have mammograms too? You don't need to have breast enlargement to have a need for one to check for cancer, in fact having gynecomastia does not increase your chances to get cancer either! 


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I have been getting annual mammogram and sonogram at the Breast Care Center for about 20 years. It can be a little nerve racking in the waiting room. I am accustomed to just wearing a bra and t-shirt when I go. I kinda want to make a non verbal statement that I am legit and I need to be there just as much as any woman who is waiting to have the same test performed for their health. 

Offline jdb

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I have found mammograms to be a positive experience so far.  I have had a nurse express some surprise at the size of my breasts and tell me that normally she would do scans for men from the side only but in my case I needed a full scan from the top as well, but apart from that, just friendly professionalism.
The waiting room usually has more than a sprinkling of men, many I suspect are accompanying their wives for emotional support.
I have also had ultrasound and biopsies done where I am surrounded by attending nurses who on one occasion got into a discussion with me on how to care for my breasts by examination and she said "You might find a well fitting bra would make you much more comfortable." I told her that sometimes I do wear one.  At no time have I been made to feel embarrassed.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 12:38:43 PM by jdb »


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I have found them to all be VERY professional and courteous at all times. I have filled out the questionnaire and specifically asking about if I wear a bra, how often and what style and if I had changed sizes in the past year. I believe that they are collecting data? I go to mine wearing a bra. Not much of a secret. 


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