Author Topic: New laws coming  (Read 4590 times)

Offline Justagirl💃

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2025 is bringing many new laws that will effect me as intersex. Texas and the city of Amarillo have new ones on the horizon. 

City of Amarillo stated, "The Traditional Gender Policies position statement reads, “The City of Amarillo supports state policies that recognize biological sex at birth as the determining factor for gender in all legal, educational, and public settings.”

Recently a trans-parade was declined a permit due to it causing "harm to the community."

My birth certificate states female, and according to local ordinances I must use the women's room, but my ID states male and can't be changed in Texas. I prefer the all-gender restrooms, but sometimes that isn't possible. 

I really don't fit in the men's room without causing a commotion, and can sneak into the women's room without problems. If I show my birth certificate I'm fine if questioned until I show my ID. 😳
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline taxmapper

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This  is an unfortunate aspect of radicalization. 

Happens on both sides and is a result of an education system hijacked by political parties vying for control over the youth. 

Rather than teach children the ways of the world, they want to indoctrinate. 

Offline blad

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Time to move to California.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Traveler

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I see people say it’s both sides, but it seems that only one side is banning and/or burning books and telling people how to live their lives. I get people don’t want to give up on their beliefs, but forcing them on you is wrong.
As to the education system? Seemed fine till politicians stepped in.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Making things a political talking point never resolves anything, and only makes things much worse. 

Offline JJ_Gyne

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If its unconstitutional for the federal gov to have laws to protect rights then it should be unconstitutional for states to pass laws to take rights away.

I feel for your situation. I hope we don't see more targeted attacks in the future but I fear its only the beginning. And anything that gets or has a label is going to be persecuted 
and expunged however it is deemed necessary.

Offline Moobzie

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"Time to move to California."
Might not want to do that if you crave and respect freedom.  Communazifornia is becoming increasingly Peking-ese.  A few years back the "sniberals" (sniveling liberals) were shrieking "Get the government out of our bedrooms!".  But ... now the Calif regime (run by those same sniberals) is in every: gas tank, furnace, electrical utility meter, light switch, electrical socket, toilet tank, shower head and faucet - just to mention a 'few' things socialists (aka communazis) want to control, along with what we're allowed to say or write, and we have to take 'training' (= indoctrination or brainwashing) annually at work on all sorts of speech / and thought restraints.
The only 'free speech' allowed is heterophobic.

Offline WPW717

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Right on , Moobzie !
Regards, Bob

Offline blad

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"Time to move to California."
Might not want to do that if you crave and respect freedom.  Communazifornia is becoming increasingly Peking-ese.  A few years back the "sniberals" (sniveling liberals) were shrieking "Get the government out of our bedrooms!".  But ... now the Calif regime (run by those same sniberals) is in every: gas tank, furnace, electrical utility meter, light switch, electrical socket, toilet tank, shower head and faucet - just to mention a 'few' things socialists (aka communazis) want to control, along with what we're allowed to say or write, and we have to take 'training' (= indoctrination or brainwashing) annually at work on all sorts of speech / and thought restraints.
The only 'free speech' allowed is heterophobic.
Realistically I do not think the balance will ever be right. And everyone has a different perspective of what that balance should look like. Very polarized times with seemingly no middle ground.

Offline gotgyne

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"Time to move to California."
Might not want to do that if you crave and respect freedom.  Communazifornia is becoming increasingly Peking-ese.  A few years back the "sniberals" (sniveling liberals) were shrieking "Get the government out of our bedrooms!".  But ... now the Calif regime (run by those same sniberals) is in every: gas tank, furnace, electrical utility meter, light switch, electrical socket, toilet tank, shower head and faucet - just to mention a 'few' things socialists (aka communazis) want to control, along with what we're allowed to say or write, and we have to take 'training' (= indoctrination or brainwashing) annually at work on all sorts of speech / and thought restraints.
The only 'free speech' allowed is heterophobic.
I'd always prefer Florida over California as a citizen of the U.S.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Extreme polarization has been occurring over the last few decades. Many items are become political talking points when they really should never have been. The dividing lines are between red States and blue States.

Finding a happy medium is getting tough to find. I definitely don't want to live in a blue state nor blue community, however the red States and red communities see me as a threat. That is simply because of the way I was born?

Rural Oregon is probably my best choice due to my lifestyle and political beliefs. As a moderate Republican that would be well accepted in rural Oregon, but state laws will protect me as well.

I'm just not sure why we don't get government out of the personal sphere?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 06:55:22 AM by Justagirl💃 »

Offline tryingtoaccept

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All this can be summed up as "Government Over Reach", they want their hands in every aspect of our lives.
Redfox 🦊

Offline JTL

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Things used to be so much simpler.

My mother was born at home in 1912. Whoever filled out her birth certificate listed her as a male. When she was going to apply for Social Security in 1974, she decided to get that corrected to female. She went to city hall and they took care of it in a couple minutes. No court order needed. No letter from her doctor. Easy peasy. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Things used to be so much simpler.

My mother was born at home in 1912. Whoever filled out her birth certificate listed her as a male. When she was going to apply for Social Security in 1974, she decided to get that corrected to female. She went to city hall and they took care of it in a couple minutes. No court order needed. No letter from her doctor. Easy peasy.
I petitioned to have my birth certificate amended. I sent my medical records and notarized statements from people that know me. The website said it takes 6-8 weeks to get a decision from them. Less than two weeks later I received my amended birth certificate. 

The state of Texas no longer accepts amended birth certificates. Basically whatever gender you first appeared as in their system stays with you for life. That's their new law here. 

Social security demanded to see the court order, and I told them there isn't one. It took several hours on the phone and two visits before I could get them to make the change. It was a correction on my certificate and not a court ordered gender change. 

Offline JJ_Gyne

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It has always amazed me why people in general and the government care about what people do in their personal lives when these people do no harm to others.
Why do we care what clothes people wear? Why do we care which side of the store they come from? Why do some care about tattoos and piercings and their sexuality?
Why do people get upset about the LGBTQ community? Cross dressers and the like?
And why would anyone care if men wear bras because they have boobs? Be it from gynecomastia or just from being overweight and their weight just happened to go straight to their booobs.
Everything is political now….crazy.
I think it is all about power and I’m better than you attitude. Makes them feel better about themselves to put others down or that they have power over you.
Or maybe it’s just us feeling really self conscious and bad about ourselves because of the way we dress and wear bras. Just maybe the majority of the people could care less if they see our bra straps or our boobs stick out. Whatever it is….cant we all just get along?
The world would be a much better place….I pray for that day to come.
Well put, well said.
If only more people would subscribe to that style of thought.


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