Author Topic: Steroids after surgery?  (Read 3135 times)

Offline ironman2005

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I am 18 and have just had gyne surgery. I am really into weightlifting and was thinking about taking a cycle of test and d-bol (steroids). I was wondering if anyone out there know if there is any chance of the gyne coming back after or while taking the steroids. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Offline phantom

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You probably don't need a lecture on the long term use of steroids, especially at such a young age.  The fact you have had gynaecomastia means that despite surgery, there is a chance that there could still be a little glandular tissue remaining.  If there is then you run a real risk of further breast enlargement.  I don't know your personal circumstances but how would you deal with gynaecomastia returning?  Would it bother you or are you in a position where further surgery is not a problem?

I am of the view that because you have been vulnerable to it in the past, then regard it as your body telling you that steroids or any testosterone supplementation is not for you.  But it is your body and I am in no position to tell you how to treat it.  Whatever you decide, make sure you are well informed of all the implications.  Asking an 'off the cuff' question on some public internet forum where at best all you can expect is an unprofessional opinion to me, is not indicative of someone that has much knowledge of gynaecomastia, steroid taking and both the long and short term risks.

I'd say do more research.  Much more research, including confiding in your medical practitioner.

Offline RottonDane

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I dont really understand your want to take steriods for two reasons.  First, as a fellow weight lifter I can tell you that we have chosen a particularly hard and slow moving hobby.  It taks a lot of time and sweat to do what we choose to do, and I for one think that is the greatest part.  I love being able to look at my body and know that I did all of it on my own, with no help from drugs.  I have always viewed roids as a cheaters tool, and I couldnt sand the thought of being a cheater.  Wouldnt your body mean all the more to you if it was all you?  Secondly, why would you choose to even chance the gyne return, for somthing so stupid and trivial.  So you take the roids, build this body that with a little more time and effort you can have anyhow, but now you have a set of ta-tas hanging off the front of it.  Sound like a good idea?  Not to even get in to the impending heart problems ect. associated with roids.  So, yes there is a chance.  A strong chance your gyne will return if you use the roids.  I realize your only 18 -I dont mean that in a negative way-and your out look on things and your decisions will be different because you are young.  My advise to you is to listen to these people on this thread, and drop the thought of the roids. ;)  


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drop the dianobol its a real baddun for getting the gyne of
all tests can convert to estrogen post on the steroid part just get all your facts b4 you use as its a viry high risk of getting the gyne back

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Alternatively don't go on muscletalk or any other site and don't use steroids and have a FAR better chance of the gynecomastia not returning.

25% of all gynecomastia sufferers have the condition because of drugs- prescribed and self medicated- a large number of which are self medicated steroids.

Steer clear.

Offline markashleigh1979

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  • I've had my final operation :)
My gyne is due to juice, i would stay clear the second time!!!!


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