Author Topic: Steroids after having surgery  (Read 8092 times)

Offline raymond21

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hey guys if anyone takes steroids just like oral forum they are called russian dynabols ? is there any chance of gyne coming back ? im just curious to know ? like what are the chances?

Offline PhillyPUFF

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hey guys if anyone takes steroids just like oral forum they are called russian dynabols ? is there any chance of gyne coming back ? im just curious to know ? like what are the chances?

Dianabol, or D-BOL, is a highly anabolic and androgenic steroid. It aromitizes very easily, and without the use of anti-estorgens such as nolvadex or clomid, theres a great chance for your gyne to come back. D-BOL is also very toxic to the liver and it shouldn't be used at very high doses or for long periods of time. Its generally just used for a few weeks to "jump-start" an injectable steroid cycle.

I've never done roids but Ive researched them for over a year. For me, the benefits to potential risks aren't worth it. I also used to have a bad drug addiciton, which Is another reason I decided against steroids. Steroids are very addicting. You do one cycle, gain a sh*tload of mucsle in a short amoyunt of time, and then you just want more and more.

I would highly recommend doing your homework before deciding to "take the plunge". Steroids are very powerful hormones. You also need to understand that steroids alone dont build muscle. You need to workout intensely and eats a sh*tload of calories to build new muscle. If your a beginner with nutrtion and fitness, steroids are not a good choice for you. Check out this article to get a better understanding of what steroids are and how they work:

irish lad

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exactly what philly said man..

im a fitness instructor who has battled with gyne and now 4 weeks post op and all i can say is dont even think about steroids!! any at all! just stick to a good quailty protein supplyment and creatine if desired..

but the question you should ask yourself if you do decide to take them.. is it worth it? gyne ? all the money you spent getting rid of it!!! will be flushed down d tiolet..

amen lol

Offline Paa_Paw

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Anything capable of causing Gynecomastia prior to surgery is still capable of causing it after surgery.

I am somewhat more outspoken against the use of hormones without competent medical oversight and frequent lab tests. I fully realize that many young men will reject what I have to say because of my rigid stance. The approach given by PhillyPUFF may attain a wider acceptance. Certainly his information seems sound and he advocates that a person studiously consider the matter prior to taking the leap.
Grandpa Dan

Offline The_G0rn

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dont use roids. the muscle disappears when you go off your balls shrink, you get acne and go bald...oh and get gyne of course. before or after the op.

not to mention the fact that they are illegal and could get you a criminal record.
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline RyanMace

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Do your homework, and you can eliminate almost al esthetical side-effects. But, as of now, you shouldn't be using any steroids.

Offline dcvet

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dont use roids. the muscle disappears when you go off your balls shrink, you get acne and go bald...oh and get gyne of course. before or after the op.

not to mention the fact that they are illegal and could get you a criminal record.

Some of this is to to an extent.  If done properly, you can retain the majoity of your gains.  Some user experience ball shrinkage while others dont, however even if there is shrinkage, it will revert back to normal after proper PCT.  Depending on where you're located, they may be illegal.  In Canada they are illegal to buy, sell, etc. however they are not illegal to possess for personal use as they are schedule III.

Now to the OP, i would strongly advise against an oral only cycle, especially Dbol.  First of all you wouldnt get the gains that you would be expecting, second you would get some shitty sides including gyn. 

If you are younger than around 30 years old, I would not recommend doing juice either.  Take advantage of your natural test levels.  Eat and train.  If you are set on doin a cycle, research research and research some more and set up a proper cycle with even a minimal amount of test as a base.  Also dont skimp on your PCT, it's even more important than the actual cycle.  And finally, get blood work before and in the middle of your cycle, and then again after you are finished with your PCT to make sure that you are back to normal.  Starting juice without baselines is just not wise.  The best thing would be to find a good doc and get monitored throughout the cycle. 

Im not advocating the use of steroids, however I beleive that if done correctly under the proper supervision, they posed very little to no risk. 

Offline PhillyPUFF

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dont use roids. the muscle disappears when you go off your balls shrink, you get acne and go bald...oh and get gyne of course. before or after the op.

not to mention the fact that they are illegal and could get you a criminal record.

Some of this is to to an extent.  If done properly, you can retain the majoity of your gains.  Some user experience ball shrinkage while others dont, however even if there is shrinkage, it will revert back to normal after proper PCT.  Depending on where you're located, they may be illegal.  In Canada they are illegal to buy, sell, etc. however they are not illegal to possess for personal use as they are schedule III.

Now to the OP, i would strongly advise against an oral only cycle, especially Dbol.  First of all you wouldnt get the gains that you would be expecting, second you would get some shitty sides including gyn. 

If you are younger than around 30 years old, I would not recommend doing juice either.  Take advantage of your natural test levels.  Eat and train.  If you are set on doin a cycle, research research and research some more and set up a proper cycle with even a minimal amount of test as a base.  Also dont skimp on your PCT, it's even more important than the actual cycle.  And finally, get blood work before and in the middle of your cycle, and then again after you are finished with your PCT to make sure that you are back to normal.  Starting juice without baselines is just not wise.  The best thing would be to find a good doc and get monitored throughout the cycle. 

Im not advocating the use of steroids, however I beleive that if done correctly under the proper supervision, they posed very little to no risk. 

Good Post. Listen to dcvet, he knows his stuff.

Oh and for those of you who don't know, PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy. Its the period of time following a steroid cycle where anti-estrogen and possibly other medicines are employed. After a cycle your hormones are all out of whack. PCT meds will help you keep your gains, help to avoid the unwanted side effects of estrogen, and may also help speed up the process of Testosterone production.

Regardless of steroids or not, listen to dcvet's advise EAT AND TRAIN. Food is one of the most anabolic substances you can put in your body.

irish lad

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Offline senos

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I visited an spanish bodybuilding forum some time and some of the juicers there who had the gyne fixed said they never experienced any recurrence later.
They said it was because their doctors extracted all the glands, but today my doctor told me that is not possible and even 1 cell can make it grow back again. I always wonder if the used anti-e's in their later cycles or why they never had it grow again

Offline Gyno 44

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have any of u heard of 19 nor tren

my friend gave me a bottle saying it doesnt cause gyno

for a couple a days i would glance at some pills smell the capsules and after massage my scar tissue while thinkg if i should take them or not.

I decided not to but im worried that if there was a broken capsule or if the smell alone could get the hormones in my body and screw them up ?

what do u guys think? what about touching my nipples after touching the pills ?

Offline MSJ108

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hey guys if anyone takes steroids just like oral forum they are called russian dynabols ? is there any chance of gyne coming back ? im just curious to know ? like what are the chances?

Dianabol, or D-BOL, is a highly anabolic and androgenic steroid. It aromitizes very easily, and without the use of anti-estorgens such as nolvadex or clomid, theres a great chance for your gyne to come back. D-BOL is also very toxic to the liver and it shouldn't be used at very high doses or for long periods of time. Its generally just used for a few weeks to "jump-start" an injectable steroid cycle.

I've never done roids but Ive researched them for over a year. For me, the benefits to potential risks aren't worth it. I also used to have a bad drug addiciton, which Is another reason I decided against steroids. Steroids are very addicting. You do one cycle, gain a sh*tload of mucsle in a short amoyunt of time, and then you just want more and more.

I would highly recommend doing your homework before deciding to "take the plunge". Steroids are very powerful hormones. You also need to understand that steroids alone dont build muscle. You need to workout intensely and eats a sh*tload of calories to build new muscle. If your a beginner with nutrtion and fitness, steroids are not a good choice for you. Check out this article to get a better understanding of what steroids are and how they work:

good post.

Offline MSJ108

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have any of u heard of 19 nor tren

my friend gave me a bottle saying it doesnt cause gyno

for a couple a days i would glance at some pills smell the capsules and after massage my scar tissue while thinkg if i should take them or not.

I decided not to but im worried that if there was a broken capsule or if the smell alone could get the hormones in my body and screw them up ?

what do u guys think? what about touching my nipples after touching the pills ?

19 Nor-dione or 19 Nor diol? It's a prohormone and now illegal in the US. If you don't know much about it I don't recommend messing with it.

Offline Gyno 44

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nor tren 19 is diff

Offline RyanMace

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nor tren 19 is diff

19nor steroids can still cause gyno, due to progesterone. It's actually harder to fight the gyno if it occurs, than with a estrogen induced gyno.


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