Author Topic: HRH Surgery (Now DONE!) Pics included  (Read 8716 times)

Offline matthew1

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Hi guys

Just to let you know - I am booked in for surgery in the UK tomorrow. I will release details of where and when when I return :) Gotta go pack my bag!

Oh yeah, Gyne "before pics" below


Normal "warm" (poolside stylee! :(!!)

Side view Normal

And "pinched/cold" - but still not looking too great!!

What u reckon guys?

my condition is similar to yours,  if I stimulated the nipple area [ cold air, water etc]  nipple retracts for a bit almost seems normal, then  later they expand back out, anyone run into that?

Offline Toffer

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yeah matt thats exactly how it was for me!

So far not too much swelling - a little bruising - hurts to wash my hair/reach up etc but thats just the bruising, and fortunately my girly has been really helpful.  I've noticed some itching sensations near the nipples and a few other itchy areas.  I guess this is normal and I imagine is a good sign that I still have good nerves in those areas and they are all repairing.

Turning - it was free through the armed forces. Not sure how it works through the NHS.  The forms I filled out were all NHS forms but the team that operated on me were Military, which I preferred. I have an element of trust in the higher ranks of the Army than those of the NHS, given previous stories I've seen  :'(

BNM - Cheers dude, don't worry I think I'll be just as excited to show off my chest :D pics will be up as soon as I can!

Offline boobs-no-more

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Offline Toffer

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Well, a couple more days have passed so thought i'd let you know how I am getting on.

Had a shower for the first time yesterday and my god it was a releif - although I was told to keep it on at all times I decided to quickly remove the big bandage, leaving the tape, stitches and plasters in place and hop in.  Nothing came unstuck and I was also able to see the full extent of the bruising.

My left side of the chest is quite yellow and my right not so bad, and a small amount of fluid has built up near my left armpit, though it's not that big.  I couldnt resist peeling back the plasters to take a quick look at my nipples, and am pleased with the result. cant really see the size change yet as they're covered in butterfly stitches but i'll let you know! I had a gentle press on them and didnt feel any lumpy glandular bits so thats great, and i dont think they'll be sticking out much.

Ate a fair amount of food today so starting to get a little panicky as to my lack of excersise (i usually run for 30mins a day)  Gonna take the dog for a brisk walk tomorrow to burn off some of the calories!

Bandages officially off for good on Thursday, and i'll throw some pictures your way when I get back from Haslar.  For now i've refitted the main one and got the compression vest on :)

Watch This Space!

Offline Toffer

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Okay I'm off to the Plastics dept. tomorrow to have a check up and bandage remove/redress etc.

Here are some post op pics from yesterday evening and today

Post op Day 6 -

Post op 1 Week -

I didn't take any photos before then unfortunately.  The bruising was more significant and swelled than it is now - what you think guys?

Offline sickman

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nice one mate!!
youve put a real good story and its giving me more confidence, i love it
im 17 (still young :D)
my ops booked next week on 14th july.. on BUPA
your results look quite scary and amazing lol
doesnt all the blood, swelling, bruising freak u out?
im a bit squeemish u see. but ah well. for a flat chest, im all up for it.
also u said u got an underworks over the standard one
is the nhs one that bad?
cos i think the BUPA one they'll issue will be exactly the same..
and i havent got an underworks one :(

Offline boobs-no-more

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just got back from holiday, but rushed on here to say..


they look great! good job.


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