Author Topic: Calling it Quits  (Read 6842 times)

Offline Dadadaboom

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I'm writing this because I don't know where else to turn.

I can't live this life anymore. I can't.

I'm always alone. I'm always rejected by all but the ugliest, fatest, or drunkest women - or women just looking for a one night stand.

I'm almost thirty and I've never had a girlfriend. I've had sex with 21 women. I've been physical with somewhere around 150 to 200 (lost count after about 80). But never a comitted relationship. Not 1.

I'm a successful professional. I pull in a six-figure income and have been doing so since I was 26. I'm not fat. I'm not disfigured in any way (well, except the gyne - but that's not so big a deal anymore thanks to Dr. F). Yet I always get brushed aside by women. Always. They don't return my calls. If they accidentially answer the phone, they tell me there's no "chemistry", whatever the f** that means.

I don't know what it is. I thought it's because I'm short (5-8), or have a small frame. But I see dudes smaller than me doing better with women.

And it's not just women. Everyone has abandoned me. My friends and family treat me like I don't exist, unless they want something. My whole life, I was never accepted. Not by guys, not by girls, no one. About the only place I seem to attract any company is in the gay community - but I'm not gay.

Whatever it is, I can't fucking take it anymore. I work a mind-numbing job, come back to an empty home, day after day.

I've been looking out the window of my high-rise apartment a lot lately. I think I'm going to jump. I can never see myself attracting a woman for anything more than a one-night stand. And I just can't take it anymore.

Offline Shattered_Nyte

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I use to be that way as well.(But without the money)I thought I was going to die a lonely grumpy old man. I was like that for 7 years before I meet my g/f and we have been dating for over three years now. In Aug. we are getting married. So you would have to hang in there and think postitive, it will happen. F*** the chicks, if they can't accept you for who you are, Screw them!!!
Here in Edmonton, Woman like men with thick wallets. You could be the ulgist man alive. If you have drugs or a bank roll, your IN.

Offline willy27

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6 figures huh.. Let me introduce you to my sister... just kidding. What do you do lol, and where can I apply?

I guess this shows that theres more meaning in life than just money.

Offline Aim

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Just get the gyne surgery and see a psychologist. It sounds like you have some major issues that need attention.

Offline Aim

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That's too bad man, and I know that there's nothing I can say that will make you feel better, but you should definitely talk to a professional before you do anything drastic. You may have a chemical imbalance or other disorder that is giving you this outlook. I know that sounds depressing, but it's really not that rare, a lot of people have emotional disorders and once they've been diagnosed and are getting the proper treatment they can go on to live happy lives.

I guess what I'm saying is don't give up on yourself. You've been knocked down, but it's time to get back up and get the most out of life.

Offline mecca_00

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what do you do?
maybe you should use you're money to go see a psycologist/counsillor, or go use one of those matchmaking services for professionals' services....but i suggest fixing you're problems first.

Offline jimw15

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If you are infact fairly wealthy and get the occasional one nighter, you are in a way what many married men dream of being. Just think of it that way. You might wanna be them, but they wanna be YOU. All the freedom in the world.
I lack a serious relationship in my life too, but I dont feel as bad when I see things like my friends GF just leaving him after 4 years for another dude. Either life isnt all peachy. You just gotta take it as it comes.

Offline PeterBateman

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  • Posts: 430 not replying so that daddaboom gets what he wanted - sympathy and not an axxhole, ive just seen this enough where people say these b.s. things to get attention, and be told ''no no no you're a very special person" etc bla bla bla. 

my response:  if you wanna kill urself, do it, dont be writing on a gyne forum, or taking some pills then calling ur friend and saying under your breath ''oh by the way i just took some pills'' then not expect to be saved.

either kill urself, or go get help.

im responding rather to Merle.  a quick check of daddabooms last visit to this site was shortly after he put up this thread.  so, if Merle knows the IP address, he should really call the police so they can source it and locate either; his rotting corpse, or a shirtless daddaboom banging some broad relentlessly...

just my opinion!

Offline marx

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Sounds pretty obvious to me you have some money, you've banged enough women, yet no relationship - it's your personality!  Maybe you should take a look at how you come across or how you act.  Are you self-centred?  Self-absorbed?  Maybe you should join a club to get to know some women.

Offline mc88

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Go to the grocery store, lots of women.

Offline Pacifico

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To those who are reading this man's post. Look at the date of his post, then click on his screen name and go to his last active day on this site.  It makes you wonder, I pray he just decided to stop using this site, nothing more.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah, I hope he's okay!  :-\

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Go to the grocery store, lots of women.

You've got that right my friend! Lots of women in the grocery store checking us guys out... All ya gotta do is to bump into their cart and start up a conversation... ;)


Offline rage.against.the.machine

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How long a woman stays with you can depened on where you met her, for example, a chick at a bar/party/club may have a one night stand with you, but isn't likely to stay with you. 


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