Author Topic: Any good surgeons in Brisbane area. Any experiences?  (Read 9157 times)

Offline Jojojojo

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I am planning to get surgery done for my Gyno. The last time I did a lipo only, tho my appearence has improved I am not fully satisfied as I think I have some glandular tissues still there along with some skin.
Can anyone suggest any good surgeons in Brisbane area. I was looking at Dr Chen and Dr David Cambell. Will help if someone can provide some info or share their experiences and costs involved.



Offline Punta

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Do yourself a favour and go and have a consultation with Dr Peter WIDDOWSON in Southport, Gold Coast. He is definently the man when it comes to this procedure.

See my post from June to get a run down on costs. He is expensive but you get what you pay for. My results are fantastic. I considered your original surgeon but I heard he preferred lipo so I gave him a wide berth.

Out of all my out of pocket, I just received rebates from my health fund and medicare totalling $1000 so take that off the price. If you have private insurance, it will cover the cost of the day surgery stay. He operates in Short Street, Southport, which is a fully operational day surgery centre supported by Pindara Hospital.

Good luck, Punta...

Offline Jojojojo

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Hi there Punta

Sorry for replying so late. I have just made an appointment to meet Dr Peter Widdowson on the gold coast. Can you tell me how soon after your operation were you able to drive. I live in Brisbane and having surgery on the gold coast means I have to take my car with me.
How is it healing over for you at the moment. Are you totally satisfied with the results.

cheers Mate


Offline Jojojojo

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In addition to my above post

Does this surgery have an item no and covered by private health insurance. Just want to make sure that this is not a restricted service on my health cover

Offline Punta

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The medicare item number is 3152X7.

As gynecomastia is a recognised medical condition, it is covered by your private insurance. What this means is the cost of the theatre is fully covered. You have the procedure in the same building and the surgery centre is fully backed by Pindara Private Hospital. Is called Short Street Day Surgery Centre. You also get a few hundred back from your fund for the cost of the surgeon. From memory, the combined cost of the anethatist and surgeon was $5250 and from my health fund and medicare combined I got back around $1000. Also any medical procedure that you put through medicare over $1500 you can claim as a tax deduction. When I did my tax I saw a further $600 refund so you can claim next time you do your tax.

As for driving, you will have to get someone to drive you home. No way will you be able to do it yourself, nor will they let you. I actually spewed on the short 5 min drive home, had nausea pretty bad in the car, then stopped as soon as I got out. I was driving about 5 days after but more comfortably at 7 days. Hopefully you can arrange for someone to come with you and drive you home.

Dr WIDDOWSON is highly skilled and I am sure you will feel comfortable after the consultation. As for the results, it is important to be realistic. It is so hard to get this procedure perfect as gland excision is by feel only. He did a great job on me, scars gone after 2.5 months, swelling and brusing only minimal. My only concern is I have some scar tissue build up where the cut along my nipple line was done. This is making the nipple slightly puffy. I rang and spoke with his staff about it and they have scheduled another appointment with him in November for me, free of charge. Scar tissue build up at the incision site is common and usually subsides by itself. If not, he can inject a product called Kenelog into it to break it up.

But overall, I am happy. He is very caring so hopefully you get the service you are looking for. He comes with the highest qualifications and does between 30-40 of these per year.

I actually booked my surgery before I went and saw him as the wait was a couple of months. I knew if I wasn't happy after the consulation I could cancel it. You only have to pay a week or so before hand so it may be an idea to book the surgery to cut waiting time.

Good luck and keep us informed.

Offline Jojojojo

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Hi everyone

I could not make it to Dr Peter Widdowson on the Gold Coast for personal reasons. Had an appointment with Dr Paul Belt the other day.
He said that he would perform an tissue excision on me. Basically the method of making an incision just below the nipple area and cutting away the tissues. I asked him if he could also remove the skin, and he said that this would not be required as the skin will adapt to the new chest wall, else I will be scarred badly mainly due to my skin colour.
He was understanding and would answer any question. Also told me about all the types of risks involved which I think anyone would.
Also he believes ultrasonic liposuction is unsafe, I forgot to ask him tho if he uses drains
I have private health cover and so would be covered for some amount.
The dr fees is between 2000 to 3000 AU $  (Rebate between 700 and 900$)
Asistants fees    200 to 300 $
Anaesthetist fee      1000 Au $   (rebate dependent on your health fund)
Theatre fees should be covered by my health fund.
Garment     100 $

item no   31527 X 2

Dr Paul has peformed Gynecomastia surgery for 3 people in the last 6 months.

Anyone who can advice me or needs further info can contact me

Punta  how severe was your case to start with. Was any skin removed in your case.

cheers mate


Offline Punta

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Sounds like you have found a doctor that you are comfortable with, great news.

I would rate my case as moderate. I do not have the exact measurements of the tissue removed, but was considerable.

As for skin removal, didn't get it done. There was a bit of looseness, like a small roll,  under the nipple but as my chest is filling back out and things are adjusting, is getting much better.

All the best.

Offline brisguy1

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all the best with your surgery jojojojo
i'm planning on getting it done with Dr Belt as well  :)
do you know what his booking schedule is like?
and did he say whether or not he performs lipo as well as excision
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 01:54:58 PM by brisguy1 »

Offline Jojojojo

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Hi Brisguy1

I was lucky to get an appointment with him because firstly I was scheduled to have a consultaion only on the 4th of October, but there was a cancellation on the 28th and they asked me if I could make it immediately at 4 pm, which I could.

I have again had a consulation with him today and yes he will do Lipo and excision, he is highly qualified and seems to know what you want. He will aslo be using drains, I feel comfortable with him and so will go in for surgery.
Also he has a understanding of the whole procedure and has done it before.

Will keep youll posted



Offline brisguy1

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sounds really great
sorry one last follow up question
does Dr Belt perform the surgery at his clinic onsite or at a hospital and under general anastesia?
Hope to hear well of your surgery!
thanks again

Offline Jojojojo

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Dr Belt performs surgery at his clinic as well as other hospitals. Like brisbane private, greenslopes, princess Alexandra. Its on his website.
About the anastesia, I am not very sure. I would assume it would be general, as this is atleast a 2 hour operation. I got a letter from the anasteisa person yesterday and his charges are 900 $.
Also this person is a member of the Australian society of anastesia and so is highly experienced.

I would advise you to have a consultaion with Dr Belt, get a GP's refferal so that you can claim of medicare before meeting him. You can also go in for a second free consulation if you still have questions or need further clarification. Dr Belt seems to give you honest answers and explains all possible risks also.
I would prefer a surgeon who is honest rather then one who would give you false hopes.



Offline Jojojojo

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Hi there Punta

With your surgery, were you under general anaesthesia

My surgery is in about 2 weeks time and Im already feelin a bit nervous.

Offline Punta

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Was under general. Being a little nervous is only natural, actually if you were not concerned at all I would think that is more of a worry.

With surgery I was well prepared for what to expect as bodybuilding has caused me  to have many operations over the years. I can say that after this surgery I recovered the quickest and woke in the least pain.

If you done your research, and sounds like you have, trust your surgeon and his/her other staff. You will be fine.

Good Luck. Punta.


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