Author Topic: LOOSE SKIN  (Read 5483 times)

Offline sergeantpepper

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Anyone suffering from loose skin knows how bad it is. After all you went through with paying for surgery and recovering from it, now you have loose skin. Anyway, I posted this because I wanted to know if anyone else had loose skin that eventually tightened up. I have a crease in middle of both nipples that bothers me quite a bit. I am only 19 and very healthy and thin. How long should I hold out hope for and when is it too late for the skin to still tighten up? I've heard it can take years for skin to fully tighten up after this kind of procedure. Any information or experiences would be very helpful. Thanks.

Offline Don Won I

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It depends on how much you weigh(ed), your genetics, and your age. I had loose skin on my arms that tightened somewhat, but never what I would've liked it to be.

I've heard it can take years for skin to fully tighten up after this kind of procedure.

Very true. I've heard it can take up to a year (and sometimes more) for skin to tighten with weight loss and the same thing applies to skin after surgery.

Offline LMC1307

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The best thing you can do to help is add some mass to your chest, that way your skin should tighen up.
Went under the knife on 7/27/07 - Revision 5/22/08 - Great results this far.
Surgery performed by Dr. Placik M.D. F.A.C.S. in Chicago, IL

Offline hope2recover

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here it is
i wanna lose skin after the haRD diet,10955.30.html

Offline sergeantpepper

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I was really surprised to have this kind of problem post op because I was told I was basically an ideal candidate for this kind of procedure. Oh well. I had a few drinks maybe a week or 10 days after the operation. I keep thinking maybe this prevented my skin from tightening up but I'm pretty sure that's crazy. I'm about 10 months post op now so I guess there is at least SOME hope this will go away on its own. And I have been adding alot of muscle to my chest which seems to be helping somewhat.

Offline sergeantpepper

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Are there any creams or anything that increase skin elasticity? or is that all bs?

Offline Don Won I

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Are there any creams or anything that increase skin elasticity? or is that all bs?

I tried a few creams when I was desperate a few years ago. It tightened the skin on my chest somewhat. It wore off after a few hours. I can't remember the exact name of it, but I think it was from the Neutrogena family... not too sure though.

Offline flex1appeal

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It just takes work and due diligence coupled by patience. I am almost 9 months post op 2nd surgery and that's where I developed loose skin. Not the first surgery. It will only tighten up so much without help. Since you are young, it will tighten quicker and easier without help than someone my age (35) or older. I would encourage working out and building your pecs and surrounding muscles to promote tightening. It has helped me. My skin has almost completely tightened in 8 months but I know it will be this time next year before I will be able to see a complete change and see an appearance of normal.


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Anyone suffering from loose skin knows how bad it is. After all you went through with paying for surgery and recovering from it, now you have loose skin. Anyway, I posted this because I wanted to know if anyone else had loose skin that eventually tightened up. I have a crease in middle of both nipples that bothers me quite a bit. I am only 19 and very healthy and thin. How long should I hold out hope for and when is it too late for the skin to still tighten up? I've heard it can take years for skin to fully tighten up after this kind of procedure. Any information or experiences would be very helpful. Thanks.

It depends on the problem to be treated.  For almost all of my male breast reduction, skin relocation is not needed.  After massive weight loss, the nipple areola can sag badly resulting in a droopy chest (ptosis).

Dealing with loose or extra chest skin can be a problem. Male chest skin reduction scars can be an issue.  That is why I evolved my Internal Male Mastopexy to limit surface scars.

Here is another patient who had extra skin after losing weight what I also did a Male Mastopexy Short Scar Breast Lift and Reduction.   I removed a great deal of tissue through this small incision.

We are glad to help patients explore such concerns during their consultations or preliminary remote discussions.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline sergeantpepper

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Thanks to everyone who replied. I just opened an account on photobucket and will soon have some pictures to show you guys exactly what I'm talking about. Flex, do you have any pics?

Offline flex1appeal

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Go to the picture section and go back about a month or 2 and you'll see. I can try to post some new ones today later.



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Thanks to everyone who replied. I just opened an account on photobucket and will soon have some pictures to show you guys exactly what I'm talking about. Flex, do you have any pics?

Posting standardized after male chest surgery photographs is a good way of helping others understand your concerns.  You will note that my standard views include those that will not look good if there is a problem.  Flexing tissues tends to show residual tissue and adhesions.  That is why they are part of this standard set, so you can evaluate both the original problem and what surgery accomplished.

How tissues evolve after surgery depends on the original problem, what was done, skill of your surgeon, after care, how you heal, and other factors.

Tissues do change over time.  Swelling does evolve over time. 

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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