Author Topic: How can I prepare myself for surgery?  (Read 3585 times)

Offline reymysterio

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Hi guys and doctors, I'll get surgery done in a couple of months.I've a quite toned  body but in this vacation period I gained a couple of kgs, so I started to eat very healty: no junk foods, no chocolate, no fried food, no alchool. I also reduced the daily quantity of cigarettes from 20 to ten cig/day and I started the guerrilla cardio program to burn fat.
Every comment or suggestion will be more than appreciated, thanx.
You can find the success before sweating only on your dictionary.

Offline gettingrid

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to be very safe I would quit smoking for a month or 2 weeks before surgery because it can cause complications with bleeding and healing. Smokers risk chest infections after anesthesia. Smoking also reduces blood flow to the skin, which can increase the risk of circulation problems after surgery.
also avoid aspirin, ibuprofen type things which can cause bleeding problems.

the more toned and lower body fat you are the better the result would likely be. Of course dont let the body be physically stressed out right before the surgery.

Offline theblues

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If you allow me to slip in another question; what about alcohol? How long should I avoid it before and after surgery?

Offline reymysterio

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to be very safe I would quit smoking for a month or 2 weeks before surgery because it can cause complications with bleeding and healing. Smokers risk chest infections after anesthesia. Smoking also reduces blood flow to the skin, which can increase the risk of circulation problems after surgery.
also avoid aspirin, ibuprofen type things which can cause bleeding problems.

the more toned and lower body fat you are the better the result would likely be. Of course dont let the body be physically stressed out right before the surgery.

Thank you for the answer mate. There's another question: if I quit smoking a month or more before surgery the risks that i can encounter are similar to a non smoker's risks?

Offline gettingrid

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If you allow me to slip in another question; what about alcohol? How long should I avoid it before and after surgery?

I have heard it ranges from at least 2 days before no alcohol. Some places say 2 weeks.
It can interfere with the anasthesia determination and irritate the stomach.

Again to be on the safe side, I did 2 weeks before and 2 weeks due to the painkillers after surgery

Offline gettingrid

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Thank you for the answer mate. There's another question: if I quit smoking a month or more before surgery the risks that i can encounter are similar to a non smoker's risks?

Not sure about this one. You should ask a GP. I would guess the circulation stuff should be ok with 1 month off but the chest infection I'm not sure. Not sure if the web has statistics on this.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Yours is a very good question, but you are asking it in the wrong place!

First of all, You should have been fully honest and candid with your surgeon about your use of any Alcohol, Tobacco, Prescription Medications, Non-prescription Medications, Street Drugs, even Herbals and Vitamins.

Second, follow the surgeons pre-op and post-op instructions to the letter!

Your question should have been asked while you were in the surgeons office!

Its not too late, you do have a phone don't you?
Grandpa Dan

Offline reymysterio

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I explained him my habits as you said, my only problem is cigarette smoking.
I saw my surgeon for an informal discussion; next week I'll see him again and I'll be more specific with him about this matter.


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