Author Topic: Ok, doing 4th and final surgery on the 10th of September.  (Read 2807 times)

Offline BigLouJr

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I had it with this problem. I had lipo. on 2001, as recommended by the surgeon (I did not know any better), but it failed. Second surgery (2003)consisted of direct incision on one side, it did not cure the problem since not enough gland was taken out; performed by same surgeon with reduced fees (full clininc, and anesthesia fees). Third time in 2005, incision on both sides and removed some glands and not all, hence the problem persisted (same surgeon).

I committed to the same surgeon since the fees I paid were half than the norm and thinking that he knew what he was doing since he is the chief professor in plastic surgery for a top medical school. I spent well over 9k including all of the expenses. Now, I am filing a lawsuit agaisnt him to get my money back.

Anyways, I am living to Peru on the 10th of September. A US trained doctor (licensed in CA) is going to do the surgery for only $800.00, including the anesthesia, and clinic fees. He does plenty of this operations a year and specializes in reconstruction of facial and body disfigurement.

He is going to do Liposuction first, then an incision to remove all of the remaining glands and liposuction as needed. It will be done under local anesthesia.He is also going to remove the old scars from the previous surgeries. I will stay at a hotel accross the street from his clinic that costs only $30 USD a day and includes food. This doctor works in this area to help poor people and does humanitarian surgeries on a monthly basis.

He teaches US doctors in his specialty several times a year. I hope it goes well and after 3 failed surgeries, I will try anything but self surgery. Look at the details:

Airplane roundtrip-$630
Hotel room-$30 daily (x5 days = $150)

TOTAL---$1580 plus any additional expenses but since I will be confined to the bed, I do not see that happening.I will be posting pictures after the surgery. Current pictures are listed  on the Gyno acceptance forum under my screen name, BigLouJr. Feel free to post your comments.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2007, 03:06:00 AM by Forum Adm »


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