Author Topic: My Story - 19 Year Old Male  (Read 4768 times)

Offline dabears

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I am a 19 year old male, I recently turned 19 as well.  I have had gynecomastia since I was 14, and it has definitely had a huge impact on my life.  I am 6'0, 155 pounds and I am in terrific physical shape, 6 pack the whole 9 nine yards except I have large puffy nipples that stick out.  I have managed to hide them from everyone I know except one of my better friends, who thank god understand enough to not say anything.  I am waiting for a consultation to get surgery for I understand now that this curse will never go away on it's own, I thought that time or working out more could stop it but I've come to realise surgery is the only option and I am willing to spend anything to get rid of these things.  I've always done the usual, wear a tight t-shirt as an undershirt and then a polo or another shirt over top, but I've never been able to wear any designer t-shirts or tight shirts to show off my body, let alone take off my shirt at the beach.  I haven't gone swimming in 5 years, and I have never taken my shirt off in public.  Whenever I would shower for hockey I would use the coldest water possible so that they would look normal (this is what kills me, if it's cold they look almost normal except for the glands pushing out, but most of the time they are hideous).  I've always hung out with "the cool crowd" and it has been hell getting along with all these guys and girls... if only they knew the truth.  Despite the fact that I'm at least glad nobody knows about my problem, it still affects me greatly.  Unless it's dark I can't do anything with girls, and the thing that I really miss the most is going in hot tubs and hot springs while on vacation, or tubing and skiiing on the lake.  I've developed a sort of slouch as well to the way I walk, I could rectify it but then you could clearly see the definition of boobs.  Sadly if any of my friends found out they would probably laugh and not understand, I really feel sorry for anyone with gynecomastia who is overweight, how can you explain that to someone when they just assume you have fat man boobs!  I'm from Edmonton, Alberta and I've called Dr. Haugrud in Calgary who is booked for consultations up until this january (I need this dealt with fast now that I realise it won't go away on it's own, I'm sick and tired of dealing with it and I have the money to pay) as well as a local plastic surgeon who told me to call back in december.  I am going to be calling Dr. Fieldings office in Ontario, I will definitely fly there if he can get me into surgery before christmas.  If anyone has suggestions for canadian surgeons who are experienced in this area, please post them here with their information.  I believe I only need excision only, I can feel the entire gland pushing out and if it wasn't there it would most definitely be flat... I have pecs underneath there I'm sure of it.

Just thought I'd share my story, and offer support as well for anyone who shares this curse with me.  I consider myself to have bad gynecomastia, but I have a great life besides that fact and I really feel for everyone who suffers the full extent that this disease can allow. I've read some stories on here and it really woke me up to how much this can affect your life and I have started feeling better than I at least have had a decent life while living with gynecomastia.  For the people who live with it for many many years, you have the most courage of all.

Thank you.


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Wow, this story sounds exactly like me.  This was originally posted awhile ago, so I was just wondering did you end up getting surgery?

Offline dabears

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After a long wait period for a consultation (ended up getting it Dec. 07) they told me they would call when surgery was available, finally that call arrived and my surgery was booked for May 2008.  I paid out of pocket ($5500) for liposuction only (no excision).  Dr. Lobay was my surgeon, he said if excision was needed he would do it but would only be able to tell mid surgery.  Apparently enough gland was removed that he was satisfied, so I have minimal scars (two tiny marks below each nipple).  I actually went out to a BBQ the night after surgery, then to a club the night after that (wearing a pressure vest)... so obviously the after effects were very minimal I never took any painkillers etc. 

For the first few months I thought the surgery hadn't worked very well, my chest was still very puffy.  However as the scar tissue diminished over time they went down and look ALMOST normal now... it has been a year and I going to call Dr. Lobay to schedule a followup appointment to see if I need cortisone injections to remove the scar tissue that I still believe remains (especially in one nipple).  Overall though I am very happy, I can wear the t-shirts I want and take my shirt off without feeling embarassed... boy did that take a long time to get used to though!  I remember the first time I took my shirt off at the beach last summer (it had been 2 months since surgery)  and looking around at all my friends to see if they were whispering or would start laughing... nobody said a thing but I still felt like I had gynecomastia.  Slowly but surely that feeling has for the most part gone away, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world.  I recommend surgery to anyone, hopefully you are able to afford it or have health care cover it.  Any questions post them here, I haven't checked this thread over a year and a half but hopefully my story will help.


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Its all in the mind aint it ... once you get it removed your still trying to get over the mental damage caused by gyne!


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