Author Topic: 32 year old male- having surgery winter 2014. Attn: Dr. Silverman  (Read 2214 times)

Offline JimRB

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I'm a 32 year old male suffering from gynecomastia since puberty, and I will be having my surgery done this winter (2014). It's just a matter of finding the right surgeon for me.

 I've had a few consultations in the past weeks to gain more knowledge of my options. I am in Massachusetts and actually plan on having a consultation from Dr. Silverman soon.

From the research I've done, I understand I have a more severe case. I'm asking for your professional opinions if you believe a case like mine can have positive results without the removal of breast skin. I would prefer to not have any obvious long scars other than the lipo, nipple & drain openings.

All suggestions, thoughts and opinions from the surgeons and forum members are appreciated.


Offline Zenxer

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I would recommend losing as much weight as you can before you have the operation. The less bodyfat you have, the better the outcome will be.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You are somewhat overweight and have rather large gyne.  In cases similar to yours, I usually recommend losing as much weight as possible prior to surgery.  Five to ten pounds, though, wouldn't make a significant difference.  It would have to be more.

Sometimes it is difficult to lose that weight, particularly if you flop around when in the gym and become embarrassed.  In cases such as this, I usually recommend initial minimal incision surgery to remove as much tissue (fat and gland) as possible.  Then allow Mother Nature to heal over six months or more.  More than likely you would end up with a flatter chest and depending on how much your skin tightens, either a snug chest or some mild laxity which would result in a retained infra-mammary fold.  However, on a big guy, this could be natural and acceptable.

I feel strongly that you would not need any skin excision (with large scars) -- at least at the initial operation.

Dr. Silverman is a great choice in your area -- good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline JimRB

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