Author Topic: Worst. Gyne. Ever.  (Read 14481 times)

Offline Recreating

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Well. Maybe not the worst. But to me, it is death.

Let me first start out by saying. This site/forum has helped me a great deal with my struggle against my m00bs.
I used to think I was alone, only until a few months ago have I ever heard the term, "gyne"
It was like a breath of fresh air knowing I wasn't the only one.

Anyway, I've avoided posting my pictures here for the longest normally because of the homosexual comments, sarcasm, or just plain asinine replies.
But, here it goes..

My stats:
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 250

I've never really been too sure if I had any gland, or if it was all just fat. Growing up, I used to be on a lot of medication for depression.
I guess I just kinda' let myself go.
After so long of self-loathing, I decided to do something about it. I tipped the scale at 320 at my fattest, but have worked off as much as I could.
But recently, I have met a girl I am totally in love with.
I just can't bring myself to be with her because of this. She's never remarked, but I've never put myself in a situation where I had to be shirtless yet.
Truthfully, I'm afraid I'd lose her or gross her out before I ever got the chance to really be with her.
She's much prettier than I'd ever expect to get, pretty much out of my league.
(I have roughly two months before the situation is is pretty much do or die for me)

I've put in a word to Dr. Bermant & filled out his remote package & hopefully plain on getting it done by him within a few months.  (I only have around 5k saved up for this.)

Anyway, my left breast is obviously much bigger than my right. I don't know why. I've tried going into training, to no avail. While the rest of my body shrinks, my chest always stays the same.
I would more than likely be classified as severe.
So, be warned before looking at my pictures.
The questions I pose to the unlooker is this:

1: Gland or Fat? I'm thinking just fat, but if it were just fat how come one stays the same size while the other shrinks?

2: Do you think 5k would cover this? or do you think this would cost much more?

3: on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being best, 10 being worst)
How bad is my gyne in your (the viewers) opinion?

« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 04:57:05 AM by Recreating »

Offline disarm

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Hey bro from what I see it's difficult to tell as to whether its mostly gland or fat, but in my opinion i think its a bit of both. The fact that the left side is bigger than the right is sort of a give away that you indeed have some sort of glandular gyne it is usually a larger amount of gland on one side that causes asymmetry, I don't think I've ever seen a case where someone had a bigger breast than the other and it was because of fat. On the other hand I would suggest that if you plan to get any sort of gyne removal surgery you should try to get at a weight where you are comfortable and also being thinner helps to show whether or not it is actually gland or not. When you lose weight and your breast size stays consistently the same while the rest of your body gets more toned that is a sure sign that you indeed have gyne. I have personally experienced that as I lost a large amount of weight and got toned everywhere after I started working out by breasts were still present. I am currently scheduled to get surgery this may with Dr. Bermant and I'm thrilled at the idea of finally having the chance to do something about it. I too met a girl and I'm going to get married this December so I want to get it taken care of eventhough she's already seen my chest and hasn't gotten grossed out by it. I know she loves me and she supports me getting the surgery, but I know that even if I didn't, she'd still love me. A girl should love you for who you are and accept you the way you are. If they don't then they don't really love ya man. As far as whether 5k is enough, well I don't know it all depends on what surgical needs you require and everyone is different. From what I've seen the most basic gyne removal costs $2800 plus anesthesia and operating room fees which from what I've heard brings the cost close to 5k. Again that is the mildest case so I don't know. My quote is alot higher than that, but I trust that Dr. Bermant is a good surgeon and his work alone is a testament to his surgical skills. Anyway thats just my opinion man and good luck with everything and whatever choices you should make.  :)

Offline Recreating

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Thank you for the reply, Disarm. Very, very much.
I've heard the whole "they need to love you for who you are' - but at times, even I don't love me for who I am. Why would I expect anyone else to?
My pictures were taken with a webcam, so that might explain the crappiness of them.
Do you mind me asking what the rough cost of yours is?
If not, I understand, & am sorry for asking.

Offline disarm

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Bro my teenage years weren't exactly from a fairytale book man. I also went through periods of depression as I was obese my whole life since childhood and I never had any friends what so ever. I never told my parents or anyone about how I felt and I just bottled it up all inside to myself. Even my brother and his friends teased me about my boobs. I was always a loner and a fat kid with boobs who everyone teased and made fun of. Well 4 years ago I decided to lose weight which did wonders for my self confidence. I started working out and gained muscle tone & definition everywhere except my chest. About a year later I met my fiancee who I immediately fell in love with and realized she was the "one" for me. I started college full time & working I was so busy and being disappointed about not being able to do anything about my chest, I let myself go and gained roughly about 25 lbs.  A year ago I realized that no matter how much I worked out I was never going to get rid of my breasts and learned that I had gyne. Today, I am happier than ever and I am never ever sad or depressed. I never sought any professional help and I don't know the severity of my depression back then, but now its totally gone. A month ago I started working out and taking care of myself again and half lost roughly between 10 to 13 lbs. A week ago I sent my remote consultation package to Dr. Bermant and as of now I don't know what exactly I am going to have done. He told me I have some excess skin along with fat and gland which is part of my problem and he needs to see me in person to decide what will be done. I will be having either an external mastopexy (breast lift) or short scar internal breast lift. I prefer the short scar technique as it leaves a very small scar around the edge of the areola and the results are awesome so I am hoping that once I see him in person he'll tell me I will be a good candidate for that technique. So at this point in time I don't know exactly how my problem will be handled, but I've been quoted at roughly between 10k and 11k. My parents will be helping me with some of the cost and I will be getting a loan to pay for the reast. The short scar internal breast lift is slightly more expensive than the external and they are both roughly in that range. The reason that its probably that high is that its no longer just fat and gland, but also involved excess skin and that makes the whole procedure alot more complex. Also from what I know Dr. Bermant is the only one that does the short scar internal breast lift as he is the one that invented it and it truly has amazing results. Here's a link to an example You can check out my pics at so you can get an idea of what my problem looks like. My parents, brother, and girlfriend have been so supportive and understanding and they know that getting this done means alot to me. I know that when you have depression problems you feel that no one loves you, but you need to realize that life is too short to be miserable and sad all the time and that your parents and gf do love you even if you don't want to believe it. Don't hate your body man, changing it is in your hands, you posses the power to change it, you just need the will and desire. I hope I don't sound like Richard Simmons man, but its the truth!  ;D
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 11:47:20 PM by disarm »

Offline Spleen

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Well, you do have a pretty splendid case of boobs there.  The excess weight doesn't help, but the assymetry and volume is enough to put you in the "severe" category.  

That said, as unfortunate and potentially embarrassing as it is, it's not fatal or irreversible.  You have the opportunity to correct this aspect of your appearance.  This is gut check time and you have to convince yourself to be strong & focused.  Eat correctly, get in shape and if you want surgery your gonna have to get prepared financially to get that done.  None of these things will happen on their own.  The great part is that you *can* create a solution.  You have that ability.  Believe in yourself and in no time you'll be a boob-less ubermensch.  

And if you like that chick, just keep moving forward.  If she looks at your chest funny you explain that yeah, you know it looks weird and you're doung something about it. Discussion over.  If your chest is a deal-breaker for her, than that's not the kind of person you want to be with when stuff gets serious.  

Offline boobhater22

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Why does it cost so much? Mine are more severe than yours...way more severe. i could never afford 10K...5K I might be able to manage, but 10K would mean I would have to spend years more with these! Is the cost because you are going to a famous plastic surgeon?
My pics:;action=display;num=1113178068
I don't care if I have a brand name suregon or a fancy procedure...but I just would like to have mine off at a reasonable cost (no more than $5k).

Mine are worse. If the girl doesn't like them...she isn't worth the time of day. Superficial people are not the kind you want to be with for the long haul.

Offline Recreating

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The 10k scared me when I first read it. It would take a few more years to raise that much.  years of torment & misery! oi..
It's sorta' misleading to see the surgery 2.8k & the final product over 10k.

Thanks for the support, every one.. it really makes me feel better inside knowing I'm not a freak in everyones eyes.

Offline disarm

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I didn't calmly accept the price either, but after weighing down the pro's and con's of getting it done with Dr. Bermant I decided that I would much rather pay a higher price to a highly experienced and qualified plastic surgeon who has a vast amount of client pictures to show than to someone who has done one or two gyne ops. Initially I got bummed out bcuz I had originally told my parents the op would be around 5k to 6k. I thought they'd respond with something like "your outta your mind!" when I was told that it would be between 10 to 11k , but instead they were like "well if you really want to have this done then get it done with someone who has alot of experience and don't worry about the cost. If you really want to get this done and its important to you then we will support you." So I applied for a student loan and I am in the process of getting all the paper work done, but I was told that I am approved and they need to verify some documents they requested and I won't be required to make any payments on this loan until after graduation. My parents will  help me pay half of the op along with some of the traveling expenses and they know that it's really important that I get this done now since I'm getting married this December. I just want the least amount of scars and the best possible realistic outcome I can get. Believe me I don't have the cash to put it all upfront. As far as why its so much, I'd say its the complexity of the op along with the price he charges because afterall he is very highly experienced in gyne ops. Also the 2.8k on his Dr. Bermants website is only his surgery fees which does not include the anesthesiologist and operating room fees. Dr. Bermant will be charging me like 7.8k for his surgeon fees and plus the operating room fees and anesthiesiologist fees it comes up to 10k or 11k depending on whichi procedure I wind up getting done.

Boobhater: I say you get what you pay for. I've seen alot of folks who go to local/cheap route and their surgery results are pretty bad man. I don't know....

Recreating: your not a freak man, none of us are. It's just something that we have to deal with in life, but having gyno doesn't make us less of a person. I think is a great place to find and give support man and I'm here for everyone man. We've all had similar experiences growing up and no one can understand us like we can understand each other. Think about that ;)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 09:28:20 PM by disarm »

Offline boobhater22

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I am currently a student. I was planning on saving most of the room adn board portion of my financial aid for the operation. But to my knowledge (which is very limited), I can only take out loans up to the full price of budget. What loan, specifically, are you taking out and from whom, if you don't mind my asking? I ask because perhaps it is an option I could pursue myself to get more student loan money to use...

I appreciate any help you can offer.

Sorry to Recreating for stealing your thread here...but I think this is valuble information many of us could use.

Offline Recreating

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No sorries needed.

Offline disarm

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Well the loan I got is kind of an independent loan. It's not through the government, but instead from a bank and the funds can be in whatever amount you choose. You can use the money for any student costs like tuition, rent, traveling back home, a computer, I mean pretty much any student expense you can think of and it's not limited to only the cost of your tuition and from what I understand it doesn't even sometimes get sent to the university, but instead directly to you. I did the online application and right away it says whether you are pre-approved or not. I applied with my mom the first time and I got rejected. Then I applied by myself and I got accepted. Theres 3 things you need in order to qualify by yourself: 1) Employed full-time for the previous two years with the same employer or working in the same field, and continuing that full-time employment while attending school, 2) Have at least two years' credit experience, and 3) Be a U. S. citizen or a permanent resident of the United States for the previous two years. If you don't meet the requirement then you can always apply with a friend or relative who has good credit and mid to high income and you should be approved. If you need any further details about the loan like where you can apply email me I just checked today on my application status and they received my documents yesterday so in about a day or so they will give me the final word after everything is reviewed again.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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So take it from me he is ripping u off  by 4-5 grand.. Take a little more time and find a good doc a little closer.  But dont take my word on anything just my advice..  IM planning on seeing Dr. Fielding in cananda does very good work a little far but take a little vaction while im there and iv seen his results and they are great better then Bermant in extreme cases like ours.


Yup! I agree with CML. Bermant is quoting you way, way to much coin for the proceedure. Fielding would probably charge you approx $4000 US ( $5000 Canadian ). Six large extra is alot of coin Dude! You could get a plane ride and a hotel room for alot less than $6000!

$11,000 US.... something's not right there Dude! :o :o :o

Shop around...  ;)

Oh, BTW, Dr. Fielding does over 150 Gyne reductions a year. More than qualified IMO.... ;)

Click on the 'Pics' link in my Sig below to view my pics...

« Last Edit: April 21, 2005, 05:03:12 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Recreating

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Two Quick Questions

one was to CML
What questions would Dr. Bermant not anwser,(or anwser to your satisfaction) exactly?
Do you mind me asking? Also, what made you think he was a weird guy?

& the second was to Bambu,
Your results look GREAT!
Does your doctor have a site, & if so, do you know the URL/addy off hand?

Thanks for the information, guys. It really is helping me make to make the right choice. I only get one chance at this... I really want it done right so I can move on. You know what I mean?

Offline toronto

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.. BAMBU is a grat guy and is very happy with his results take it from him and me dont WASTE ur time with Bermant

i think Bambu turned out great but he's not 100% happy with one of his nipples (although he acknowledges it could just be a matter of giving enough time to heal)

i've been following all the surgeries fielding has done as mine is very soon

Offline toronto

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Two Quick Questions
Does your doctor have a site, & if so, do you know the URL/addy off hand?

Fielding doesn't have a website, he should though, i wonder if he ever reads this board, has anyone here told him about it? has he mentioned it?


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