Author Topic: Tests back really stressed out please help  (Read 2783 times)

Offline domsnips

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Hi there
Got my blood tests back and here they are,

Free test    55.4   Norm range 34.5 - 98.0
Total test   19.5   Norm range 12.0 - 38.0
FSH           8.1     Norm range 0.9 - 1.5
LH             5.0    Norm range  1.3 - 13.00
OEST-17    161.0  Norm range 70.0 - 280.0

My FSH is so high and the doctor said that it is ok because everything else is in the normal I am very concerned about this and would like to get others opinions about why this may be the case. The tests where taken in the morning at about 9 am. I have gyne obviously and I am going for the surgery option and I really do not want it coming back or I do not want there to be something wrong with my testies iot has got me very worried so please explain.

Offline skyhawk

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I have basicly the same thing. FSH was elevated but LH normal. My endo said that this was indicative of "possible early testicular decline."

I am in the same boat as you. I want the surgery but don't want an underlying hormonal problem to cause it to come back. I know I am low Testosterone.

How old are you?

Offline domsnips

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I am 25 I am getting the surdery anyway spoke to the surgeon. He said that he will remove all gland and said that the chances of it coming back are very slim. I am looking into testosterone therapy my testosterone is not that low but it is low enough for the therapy well I think it is.
It really sucks though dosent it do you feel normal though I relly have a very healthy sex drive and feel great. Do you have any symptoms that would pont to low testosterone or early testicular failure. I actually have sex every night and never have a problem getting it up and sperm count seems fine.

Offline The_G0rn

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What exactly is "early testicular failure"?
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline adam_f

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Just opt for the surgery! You have to bite the bullet and say I dont want this any more! I had a really high FSH count but I am fine, infact just had our first baby 17 weeks ago (go my balls!!)

I have got my surgery in 1 week and really worried bout it but it will be so worth it after. I can wear what I want, go swimming with the Kids, take my top off when its hot, and on top of all that will feel better in myself.

I by no means would suggest that surgery is the best option for everyone but I am sick of spending time and MONEY on things that just dont work for me!!

Not to diss anyone that wears one but why the hell should we have to wear a bloody vest to suck it all in! why should we have to pay to get pills that do frackly nothing.

I am having mine done on the NHS and I know that if you live in the USA that comes as no comfort to you but it has taken me 3 years to get this done and I am finally at the last few hurdles!

Just got to loose another couple of stone and I will be a different person.


Offline domsnips

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Yes I have researched and spoken to the doctor and he said that there is no way he can tell me that my balls are going to fail my sperm count is great. The reason that I was really worried about them failing was eventually I would like to have another child I only have one 3 year old and thought if my balls are gauranteed to fail on me I am having another one before they do. Well it is a load of crapp aparently yes The FHS is high but my balls are still functioning as per usuall and there is no great cause for concern. He also said that there are many men out there with low high FHS levels and what he called my testosterone levels was standard levels and they do not have gyno they do not show any symptoms at all and never do. He said if the reason for gyno was low test levels there would be man boobs around every corner he did say that yes it can be a factor in gyno but the surgery is the only way to fix it he said that to go on to TRT would be a very bad idea in my case he said there is no use trying to fix something if it not broken so untill it is broken he will not do anything.
He recomended the use of zinc as I am always on a heavy diet and my levels will be down due to the things that I eat he said this after I explained to him what my diet consists of, So I have started to supplement with zinc. The other advice that he gave me was to take the zinc for 3 weeks and get my blood taken again he gauranteed me that I would be very pleased with the results. He also suggested that I get my blood taken every 2 months to keep on top of it if I see a rapid decrease4 in the level of testosterone we will get ontop if it straight away.

Adam congrates on the baby there is nothing better. Do you agree with me that there is no reason to go crazy over the FHS levels, Well obviously you can still blow a load and your testosterone would probably be around the same levels as mine because you obviously still have the urge to have sex. I have the urge every day without a doubt. So I am taking your advice I am still going for the surgery and I feel that I will I will be a different person to.


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