Author Topic: Newbie in desperate need of help......PLEASE READ AND REPLY....Thank You!  (Read 2643 times)

Offline Motivation20

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Hey Everyone,

I'm 20 yrs old and a brand new member, starting today. I just wanted to ask for some helpful and benefitial advicefrom people who actually know what their talking about regarding gyno. Im 20 yrs old, skinny, but in my opinion am devasted to take off my shirt or be comfortable around my g/f because of my "puffy nipples" and small man boobs. I workout and run quite frequently but this is something that has bothered at the start of puberty (which at the time I was a bit chubby) but the got very skinny due to exercise/ and loss of apetitite. I have considered piercing my nipple because I feel that when my "nipples" are hard they look much better. I have also seen plastic surgeons and they say its a small problem that prob isnt worth the money. I have discovered on-line drugs like tamoxifen, Gyne max, and I know this may be a scam but I am willing to DO ANYTHING to make this issue better. Has anyone actually used these, and could recomened them?

Also I came close to purchasing the Chest Coach System, and the Get this off my Chest now system by Trey Jones because deep down I prayed it would actually help reduce my fatty man boobs. HAs anyone ever used these?

Also I know my condition is not extremely bad, and I may tend to overreact but I have been told I do have small "little titty's" and all the other harmful words from some friends. I just want to do anything possible, exceot for surgery to help treat this issue the best possible.

Can anyone from personal experience recommend which chest coach systems work?  or if they even work?

IS their any medicine thats safe, and has been used to help treat gyno or pseudo gyno?

Which excersises work best for someone like me ( not fat, looking to gain musce, but lose chest fat)

Which foods/supplements to eat? What foods to avoid?

I tend to be a sucker to these on-line scams for specific gyno drugs, and coach systems because I am willing to do watever to literally get this off my chest. I would appreciate ANY and ALL help regarding peoples personal experiences with these drugs, diets, and chest systems, and please point me in the right direction....

Thanks Again, and I appreaciate your feedback!!!!!

Offline slyblackdragon

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if it is gyne surgery is the only answer. Trust me, all the diet and exercise won't make it go away. It WILL make you look a lot better, but it will always be there unless removed. I would avoid any "product" that sounds too good to be true, because it is.

Offline moobius

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theres' no magic food you can eat, no magic pills you can take, no magic workout routine you can do to get rid of glandular gynecomastia.

don't waste money on the chest coach, tamoxifen/gyne max/etc.  dont' get your nips pierced b/c you think it may make your gyne look better.

as much as everyone would love to find some magic potion to rid themselves of this abnormality, surgery is your best bet.

even if it's not glandular and merely fatty deposits... your body naturally wants to carry fat in that location. you can diet down to really low bodyfat and MAY be able to make it less noticable but as soon as you start slacking on your diet the fat will come back. if even on a VERY strict diet with lots of exercise, if this is a "trouble" spot for fatty tissue it'll be the last to go and the first to return.

even with weight training/lots of cardio/strict diet... i've found that as you become leaner, more muscular, etc that even if the gynecomastia is not as noticable to others that you will be paying more attention to your physique and will be more critical of yourself. the harder you work the more disappointed you will be with the lack of results (as far as getting rid of the gyne).

it's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the sad fact of the situation. sorry...

Offline macho

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if u r worried then go for surgery. thats the only way to get rid of this f****** condition.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You  said you had seen "Surgeons" and that "they" had advised that your condition did not warrant the cost or risk of surgery.

The fact that you used the plurals in referring to the Surgeons is one very important indicator here.

Whatever you may have paid for a consultations with those surgeons probably probably barely covered the cost of operating the surgeons office. Surgeons make almost all of their money in the operating room.

There is a strong financial incentive for a Surgeon to agree to operate, even in very marginal cases. The fact that they attempted to discourage you from having surgery is a testimonial to their honesty and character. You are fortunate to have seen people of such high character. I think their opinions are to be believed.

There is a condition much worse than Gynecomastia, it is called Body Dysmorphic Disorder or simply BDD. Find a psychologist and get a truly impartial opinion about this.

Good Luck
Grandpa Dan

Offline theblues

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even with weight training/lots of cardio/strict diet... i've found that as you become leaner, more muscular, etc that even if the gynecomastia is not as noticable to others that you will be paying more attention to your physique and will be more critical of yourself. the harder you work the more disappointed you will be with the lack of results (as far as getting rid of the gyne).


I can't wait to have surgery, and after that start exercising again. As it is right now, I have absolutely zero motivation for getting in shape. No matter how hard I try, my body will look great...except for the boobs. What's the point in working hard to stay in shape, if you don't want to take your shirt off anyway? None. So yeah. I couldn't have put it better myself.  :)

Offline fed-up

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even with weight training/lots of cardio/strict diet... i've found that as you become leaner, more muscular, etc that even if the gynecomastia is not as noticable to others that you will be paying more attention to your physique and will be more critical of yourself. the harder you work the more disappointed you will be with the lack of results (as far as getting rid of the gyne).

- That is so very true! -
Surgery performed by Alex Karidis - 11/09/08


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