Author Topic: Getting Piss-tested pre-op??  (Read 6580 times)

Offline supersecretname

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I'm considering surgery. In my case it's a must. Haven't asked my parents yet, but soon I'll hopefully gather up the strength/courage to do so. I know it's normal for them to preform various tests to see if your gynecomastia can be treated some other way. I also know a lot of people like to recite the myth that marijuana can cause gynecomastia. Lastly, I know that when you smoke weed it breaks up into various canabinoids over the next month or so.

My question is, did any of you guys get tested for drugs during your pre-op preparation? I'm asking because I'd rather not have my parents know that there's THC in my bloodstream/fat.

Thanks in advance :)

Offline KryptoKnight

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Of course.  Most everyone should have gotten a routine blood and piss test (I think?)
It's routine to make sure you're healthy, etc.

Offline Ps3touch

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I didnt have any tests maybe since I am relatively young (22) but I have no idea

Offline KryptoKnight

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Oh well I'm 19 and had it done.  I dunno, it's obviously taken as a precaution.

Offline supersecretname

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humm... I'm 17, so I don't know. In my case my problem is genetic though, that's practically 100% certain. Guess I'll have to wait and get clean for a long enough period just to be sure, heh.

Offline dcvet

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Of course.  Most everyone should have gotten a routine blood and piss test (I think?)
It's routine to make sure you're healthy, etc.

A blood test can be done to make sure you're healthy, but in order for them to find levels of THC, they have to test for THC - there is not generic blood test that tells a DR what drugs you've taken.

To the original poster; i wouldnt worry about it - I've never heard of anyone get tested for THC pre-op

Offline moobius

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unless the doc orders a tox screen, they aren't gonna test your piss for THC. pretty sure it'd just part of their standard workup to make sure your kidneys/blatter are working fine and looking for any signs of disease... i wouldn't worry about it.

Offline supersecretname

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good to hear, really appreciate the replies. thanks.

Offline 9Wolf

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No, they don't test you for anything like that unless there is a medical reason to. The blood labs they draw for you prior to surgery are just to check your blood clot times and things like that to make sure your body is acceptable to surgery in general, that's all.
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline WXYZ

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Are patients catherized (urinary) during the op?


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