Author Topic: My case & some questions  (Read 3000 times)

Offline Omari

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Hello, my first post  :)

I've been having Gyno since I was 12 (now 21 years old). 3 Weeks ago I finally went to the doctor. It was a really big step for me. The stress gyno gives you every day was becoming to hard. Always thinking about it makes you go crazy. Wearing t-shirts, sports, talking to other people, having a relationship, etc... Always trying to hide your "breasts".

So I went to the doctor and he said I have gynecomastia. He referred me to a Plastic C. at the local hospital. Wednesday I went to the PC and I made an appointment for 11 February!!!

I know I don't have a really big case of gyno (will post pics today or in the morning), but enough to get picked on by others. And it bothers me immense.

What is he going to do:    -Remove the breast tissue (100 Euro each x 2= 200 Euro)
                                   -Liposuction (500 Euro)
                                   -Local (Free of charge) OR general (250 Euro) anesthesia (I can choose)

Now I have some questions:

- What do you recommend: Local OR general anesthesia?
- Why also a liposuction? (He said I didn't have that much of feat)
- Can you go to your weekend job (4 days between operation and work) (I have a student job as an safety agent)
- How long can't you do sports (Fitness & basketball)

Those are the first questions I have.


« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 10:37:18 PM by Omari »

Offline KryptoKnight

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To answer your questions:
-I also had the choice and I went with local because as you mentioned, it's not only cheaper, but a much safer method.  Also, once you're done with the surgery, you can just get up and leave and you feel perfectly fine.  It's a little funky being awake during the surgery, but it's not bad at all.  Only pain you feel is during the injection of the local, which isn't that bad.  It's definitely worth it,
-I personally did not get lipo done as the doc gave me the same reason, I don't have much fat at all.  Lipo usually helps though so I don't know, that's up to you.
-You might want to ask the doc.  I stayed off my job as a waiter (I'm also in school) for about 1 week and little since it can be laborious. 
-My guidelines were cardio, 3 weeks.  Strength exercises, 4-6 weeks.  Sometimes it's earlier sometimes it's later depending on your healing/case. 

Offline headheldhigh01

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hi omari, welcome.  i think general is better, because being awake during that operation is memories i never want to have.  205 euros sounds like a lot, but it could be three to five times as much in the states, i think it's worth it in the long run.  why lipo?  no way to know without pictures, but if you have enough mass there, it might be more efficient and faster.  i don't know what you do as a safety agent, but it depends on how extensive the surgery is.  you might be able to do it if you don't have to lift anything, but if you do, see if you can get some vacation time off instead, at least a week or two.  hold off on the sports about 4-6 weeks, it's not worth risking tearing anything. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline dusty87

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well krypto pretty much summed it up, im also a 21 year old student. im 6 weeks post op and i had excision and lipo. i was put under completely so all i remember is going to sleep and waking up starving with no pain. id say take at least one weekend off. say ur out of town at a wedding or something. i just started hitting the weights hard again but i have been hunting and hiking at about 2 1/2 weeks into it i just kept the vest really tight. any other help just send a pm

Dude, 6 weeks?  thats lame, i was hoping to be atleast back on the bike trainig within 2 weeks!  maybe im being way optimistic. :(

Offline Omari

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My pics...

Is there a result difference if you go for Local anesthesia?
And for my job I have to search people's body. Is this possible after operation?

Offline KryptoKnight

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Dude, 6 weeks?  thats lame, i was hoping to be atleast back on the bike trainig within 2 weeks!  maybe im being way optimistic. :(

If it's a stationary bike I see no problem in doing that.  But I don't recommend any real biking, pretty intense.
My pics...

Is there a result difference if you go for Local anesthesia?
And for my job I have to search people's body. Is this possible after operation?

No results difference, unless your doc tries to put animal parts in you while you're asleep :D jk obviously.

As for your job, assuming you work at an airport or office of some sort?  I'm sure it's fine just take it easy with the patting down.

Offline Omari

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Offline slyblackdragon

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I went back to the gym yesterday after 12 days. I did heavy squats, pullups, curls and did Guerilla Cardio on a bike. It is hard working out and not doing anything that involves your chest. I couldn't do any type of press, bench, or dips...couldn't even do chest supported rows.

Offline reymysterio

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My pics...

Is there a result difference if you go for Local anesthesia?
And for my job I have to search people's body. Is this possible after operation?

Your choice about anesthesia doesn't affect the  ouctome of gyno surgery.
I think you should relax for about one week post op, at least I did so.
You can find the success before sweating only on your dictionary.


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