Author Topic: Post-op: does your chest look normal when flexing?  (Read 6407 times)

Offline hope1

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I am 2 weeks post-op and I have some swelling.

Because of that, I have noticed that whenever I flex my pecs, my chest looks really weird. Obviously it is WAY TOO EARLY for me to make any kind of definitive conclusion,

But I would like to know if anyone else has noticed this, if it corrected itself, and how long it took (roughly).


Offline hey_ya

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Yea don't even think about that right now give it way more time. Mine had lot's of swelling still at two weeks and it has been 1.5 months and every day it gets better and better.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I am 2 weeks post-op and I have some swelling. Because of that, I have noticed that whenever I flex my pecs, my chest looks really weird. Obviously it is WAY TOO EARLY for me to make any kind of definitive conclusion.

What exactly does your chest look like when you flex? What do you mean by 'weird'?


« Last Edit: April 29, 2005, 05:25:08 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline ByeBye

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Weird as in slightly rippled and caved in at some areas...

I guess swelling is responsible... :-/

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Weird as in slightly rippled and caved in at some areas...

I guess swelling is responsible... :-/

Yes, I have those 'caved in' spots also and the swelling was gone long ago. That's just the way it is I guess. Ya gotta keep in mind though, when tissue is removed, you've got to expect some irregularities. It's called having 'Realistic Expectations'.  ;)


Offline monzo

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Everytime I lift my arms its all screwy like ur mentioning

Offline There_Is_Hope

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Offline theprick

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I'd much rather have a weird looking flex then a set of breasts.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I'd much rather have a weird looking flex then a set of breasts.



Offline toronto

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i have the depression when i flex on both sides as well...

i'd take this over moobs anyday though...

Offline doddy

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Good news, guys. I'm a little shy of 7 weeks post op and know exactly what you're referring to when you say both "rippled" and "caved in". However, my chest has become more and more filled out, and consequently is looking better and better when flexed.

I fully anticipate all "rippling" to go soon enough.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I fully anticipate all "rippling" to go soon enough.

Awesome! I hope it works out for you Dude....


Offline monzo

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how about if any of you put ur arms up in the air... my nips concave in when I do this... anyone else have this prob?

Offline Boobies_Redux

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Its not a problem.  

A mere 2 wks after surgery, you will only have the slightest idea of how your recovery will look months down the road.

If you are going to go and get a slab of meat taken out of your side, you will look cut.  But, if at rest you look normal, then this is 100% good.  

Don't kid yourself that you will walk out of surgery looking like magazine cover pectoral implants with a makeover in stylish clothes and babes hanging off your arm and that, somehow this is how it will go.  Just laugh at that.  

Man, you are coming out of a banal process with huge expectations where the nurses probably discuss amongst themselves that breast cancer patients are more in need of the same surgery.  There are probably a lot of people along the way who just don't see the point.  I disagree with that.

The doctor does.  You do.

My post op looked exactly like gyne on the left side with and upward facing nipple, and on the right, a large sag of skin.  It was terrible.  Right after surgery, the swelling on the left was quite prominent and the doctor drew a large syringe of fluid from my nipple.  It only "caved" on the top, but the swelling remained.

I went around feeling worse than ever, wondering if my disfigurement was permanent, whether the doctor made a mistake, and questioned whether I was justified in deciding to get this done.  Only recently, has it decided to tighten of its own accord, and there are daily incremental improvements when I wake up.  Of course, it is really wierd for a guy to be checking his boobs in the mirror every day for months and months.

Bear in mind for so minor an elective surgery, it requires a great deal of expertise and infrastruture.  Also the body is formed in such a way to guide doctors to the best end results.  But don't forget this is an invasive process.  Noboby can "create" a chest for a man.  Its a godsend to have professional expertise to get this done.

Aside from that, depending on how old you are, you have to deal with years of backbiting and damage to self-esteem which do not correct right away.  Behaving in a certain way will take years to forget properly and a conscious effort to get over regrets.  Put it behind you as best you can.  The hard part is over.  Recovery is in order.  That is your responsibility.

I had my operation in August 2004 and only now it has begun to tighten up, 9 months later.  Its a natural process, and you will feel when it begins to tighten by itself, and it will look better.  It will take some time.

I lived for months with disfigurement due to surgery before things got better.  I felt terrible, and worse of all,  no one to confide in.  There were even people on this board who could not relate or even suggested that disfigurement was my own fault and that I should not be self-conscious about having boobs.  

A visit to the doctor helped, and will go for a final checkup once again on the anniversary of my surgery.  Hopefully, my recovery will be "full blown" by then and I will not require any post op procedures.

Even though I figure I look kind of "cut" with a flex,  that's fine.  


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