Author Topic: Questions ,questions questions ?  (Read 1790 times)

Offline UKguyINspain

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Hi , I have been living with male breasts since my teens and has always been an issue for me ,now at the age of 38 and with a change of circumstances I basically want to tackle the issue head on . I know I am overweight but even after slimming right down my breasts are still quite noticeable at the moment I weigh 110kg and are 6ft 2" .
Moving to Spain with its warmer climate has made the issue bigger for me ,I would love to have the confidence to walk round shirtless and unashamed of my chest, I am currently on a diet which could be the wrong word ,I am doing the Herbalife programme which is a lifestyle change ,but still feel when I reach my optimum weight my breasts will still be visible.
If I have the surgery will it cure the problem for life or if its glandular will it reappear later , I once read in a men's magazine about a bloke having the surgery and it returning because they hadn't crushed/removed the gland in the procedure.
 I will post some pics and let people see and give me advice and are they places in Southern Spain to have the procedure done and any recommendations for surgeons.

many thanks Amigos Lee

Offline headheldhigh01

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welcome to the boards, and you're right that weight loss won't fix this.  gyne is induced by hormonal fluctuations, usually around those early teen years and sometimes in senior years.  it is possible for it to come back post-op, but the less you have left, the less likely i'd think that is to happen.  to be sure, you would probably want to talk to an endocrinologist to make sure there are no contributing factors still going on right now in your levels. 

i don't know much about herbalife, by the way, but make sure you're not exposing yourself in shampoos etc to tea tree oil and other substances that have been tied in studies in the last year or so to hormone fluctuations and therefore increasing the odds of gyne, they say particularly not to expose young boys to it.  if you google it up or use the site search engine here you'll find something on it. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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