Author Topic: Post-op garment and heat  (Read 4266 times)

Offline ddrop

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I intend to have my operation just before summer. What conerns me is that i will have to wear the garmen for 6 weeks, and where i live temperatures tend to rise to 30 degrees in june. So i was wondering what is the garment made of? Does it ventilate so i dont sweat like an animal? Is it light?

Offline gynebegone2

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Depending on what garment you get, it could be ok as far as ventilation.  However I planned my operation to avoid having it be detected (I can wear hoodies and things in the winter).  What I would see as being annoying, and that if you do sweat alot in the heat, a.) it would stink, b.) wearing it 24 hours a day with dried sweat etc might lead to a rash (I know it would for me).  The vest is the most annoying part of the whole operation to me, and dealing with heat itching and smell of a hot summer would make me completely miserable!

Offline ddrop

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Is it that visible under a t-shirt?  I tought it looks like a common undershirt ???

Offline gynebegone2

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Depends..  Mine has velcro on top of the sholder that is visible where they overlap (even under some heavy shirts), and a zipper in the front that also is made thicker by an extra flap of fabric and some hook fasterners.  I also have a gut so the elastic on the bottom will ride up to my midsection from time to time and leave sort of a ring of fabric.  I think it would definately be visable under a tshirt, but I'm sure it would be doable.

Offline lexuslexus

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i found that my vest (even in winter here in england) gave me a lil bit of a rash, so at the moment im wearing a t-shirt under it and its working like a treat. but i belive in summer this would kill me wiht a top ontop of that lol

as for the vest, i just brought a few light zip-up hoodies as for the first few weeks you wont be able to lift your arms above your head anyway. while they do hide most of it, it is still a little visable on the stap area. but in summer this could pose a problem as you will bake lol

about 4 days in i really couldnt be bothered with trying to hide it and just told anyone who asked that i had an operation on my chest and had to wear the compression garment to make sure it heals ok. while there were a few jokes thrown about, people were generally not bothered by it.

generally the vests are light weight, and because of their matrerial dry quickly after ebing washed, a word advice would be to buy two, as i only borught one and im a lil smelly atm lol

Offline ddrop

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So it's as light as a undershirt? I can manage an undershirt in far spring and begining of summer but i doubt i could manage anything more in temperature of 27 degrees :'(

Offline ddrop

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Just one more question! My doc told me i should wear it 6 weeks after surgery. Do i have to wearit 24/7 every day? Or just for a period of time? If so for how long can i take it off, in the later weeks?

Offline lexuslexus

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there is alot of debate as to how long you should wear your vest, and it ranges from doctor to doctor.

i had a compression bandage around my chest for the first week, then after that i was told to wear my compression vest 24/7 for 3 weeks (taking it off for 30mins to a hour each day for showering), and then wear it at night for 3 weeks.

some doctors however say to maximise results you should wear the compression vest 24/7 for 4 weeks post op, then wear a stage 2 compression vest for another 4 weeks.

unfortunately there is no evidence to surgest wearing a vest for longer periods of time will help you get beeter results, but the vest is designed to make you heal faster limiting swelling (which is mostly gona after 4 weeks), and the stage 2 is there to reduce scaring.

what i am doing/plan to do
im wearing my vest 24/7 (apart from 30 mins each day when i shower) until 4 weeks post op (currently 19 days post op).
then im going to switch to my stage 2 vest (which is more like a very tight normal vest) and wear that for another 4 weeks 24/7; then after only wear it while working out if i notice swelling occuring.

this may be seen as over cautious, but i'd rather be prudent and make sure my results are the best they can possibly go with.

if any doubt i really would just ask your doctor.

Offline ddrop

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Does it cause excess sweating for now?

Offline lexuslexus

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when i first put on the vest i did sweat quite a bit, which has led to it being a lil unpleasent.
however i got a cheap white t-shirt and cut it down the middle like a waist coat and wore that under  the vest.

this actually reduced the amont i sweat, and now that im 19days post op i now put normal tshirts under it as i can lift them over my head.

i do belive in the summer (as its winter here in england) it would lead to excess sweating) but in all fairness nothing you cant handle

Offline fullonc

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I have to admit that reading the posts here pre-op, Everything I could get down was put at waist height in anticipation of not being able to lift my arms. Especially as I had about 300cc form each side removed. I was able to raise my arms shoulder height right after surgery and by day three, straight up over my head. That aside, the garment I got from the dr. is made of the same power net as a ladies girdle. As I had for so long previous to the surgery worn a similar self-constructed garment to avoid embarrassment, wearing this one isn't much of a pain-- except for the all night long part. I', only a week post, so can't wait to get to week four and hear the dr. say no more binding!!!.
You might also try a light powder or cornstarch or something like "goldbond" under the garment as it could help with comfort and sweating.


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