Author Topic: Surgery next Friday  (Read 3036 times)

Offline kane790

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Hello all,
I am getting surgery next week the 29th. Is it wise to lift weights prior to surgery? I want to do a good chest workout in hopes that my skin will contour better. Am I paranoid or do you think it will help? Also, has anyone tried cardio a week after surgery? I would like to keep in decent shape before I am able to lift again. Thank you in advance...
-Mike in SoCal

Offline snycs10

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It certainly wouldn't hurt you to work out prior to surgery, but I just wouldn't overdo it. Not great to put too much extra strain on your body prior to having surgery. A week after surgery you could do some light cardio, but nothing that would involve the upper body. A stationary bike should be fine though.

Offline 9Wolf

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I was working out hard before surgery, but it doesn't matter either way because you're gonna shrink back during the post-op since you can't work out at least 4-6 weeks anyways.

If you do the stationary bike, make sure you keep your compression garment on... you don't want to be jostling your skin and healing tissue. It'll be like re-tearing your scabs. Just take it very easy and lightly that early on IF you do it. I would just kick back for at least 2-3 weeks at a minimum depending on your severity and case.
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)


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