Author Topic: Another question...or 2  (Read 2950 times)

Offline kane790

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Do compression vests and chest binding t shirts accomplish the same thing?

I'm 12 days post op and I still get pretty swollen to the point I think my titts are coming back, but after I ice them for about 30 minutes I look quite normal -- besides the fact that my nipples look pinched a bit from the stitches. Did anyone encounter the same things? Does it hurt like a mother when they take the stitches out?

When can I do cardio, I like to do the stair machines...

Mike in so cal

Offline 9Wolf

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Yes, compression vest, belts, or binding shirts do the same thing. They have to be pretty snug though (not super-tight), they can't be loose. They hold any loose skin against your body and keep the area tight so that extra swelling and fluids cannot accumulate in the area.

If you're 12 days post-op, why are you getting more swelling? Are you not wearing your compression garment? It seems from your routine of swelling and then icing, that you are not wearing your garment. It's supposed to be on you for 23 hours a day for about 6 weeks or more! Only time off for a shower, and that's it.

The stitches might hurt for a split second coming out, depends on that individual stitch and where/how it is. Don't worry about how the nipples look. Everyone's looks weird for about 8 weeks or longer.

You can do cardio after 4-6 weeks. Usually with the garment on.

Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline kane790

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I only take the vest off to shower. I am sore throughout the day still, I don't take any more of my pain medication as it was killing my school work/attentiveness. It's wierd, maybe it's all psychological. While I have my vest on I adjust the gauze that is supposed to be over my nipples (to prevent chafing), the way my chest bulges in the compression vest (veroneque) makes me self conscious. But when I take it off for a shower I am pretty pleased because it looks really good except for bruises in my sternum area and underneath my right peck. I also have random bruises on my bicep and along my under arm area. I bought I binding t shirt from under works that was super tight, I wore it once on Saturday while I hand washed the Veroneque c-vest. I see my doc on Thursday so we will see what he says, I get the feeling my doctor is ultra positive no matter what I look like. Should I not be icing this late? I'm up @ 6 Am and get home @ 9:30 and it feels nice to get some ice on them.

Offline The_G0rn

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Did the doctor tell you to apply ice? Or are you just doing on your own accord to make the swelling appear to go down?

I'm just curious if ice has any sort of long term or short term benefit or speeds up the healing process in any way.
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline gynebegone2

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I was told I could ice as well, but I only kept it up for the first few days..  I think you are about to head downhill in your recovery, after week 2 my swelling was beginning to diminish.  After that week 3+ you will have some scarring start to form.


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You will swell up, get scarring ... it'll be a roller coaster of ups and downs but in the end it will all reside and heal.


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