Author Topic: For all those who have just found this board...  (Read 12242 times)

Offline sydneyc

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I remember when I strayed across this board. It was a revelation. I had been in denial for 25 years - not even discussed with my partner. Why am I saying this? Because seeing intelligent conversations about this condition gave me the courage to go and see Paul Levick. It was the hardest step to stand there in front of him and answer the "how long have you had it" question.

I had surgery just over a week ago and cut off the bandages tonight. Bar the sound of skin coming off my shoulders with the bandage (those are sticky bandages..) I could barely beleive my eyes. For the first time in my post-13 year-old life, I can see what I would have looked like. It sounds bizarre, but the pyschological effect is as dramatic as the physical. It is as if a  troublesome neighbour has finally moved out. The sensation is incredible.

I am writing this since I came to this board looking for confidence boosters. I want this post to  be one. If you have found this, and are thinking of having surgery, then I would urge you to go ahead. With all the usual caveats in place (do your research, question your motivation etc), I cannot tell you strongly enough how much this has already changed my life.

Thanks to all those who inadvertently helped me by posting their accounts. I will always be grateful to a group of strangers who probably never even realised they helped me. I hope this in turn helps others who are new here.

Best wishes


Offline Pferdestärken

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Thanks SC, as someone who is just taking the first steps to getting rid of this condition that's really positive encouragement! At age 44, I too have been living with this for an awful long time.

My motivation for acting now is innocence - the innocence of my 5 year old son not knowing that he shouldn't mention that his daddy has boobs. Something that obviously for the most part "social grace" normally stops people from mentioning, but my boy, bless him, tells it as it is.

Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline shaggy-dude

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Must say the other side is pretty good.. seem to have got that summers day feeling every day now.. walking tall (even though I'm short) and being able to wear anything (ok almost.. still have compression vest on) is absolutely amazing..

will be reminding myself not to take it forgranted as the months and years roll on..

to those that haven't had or got the courage/finances/ resources/willpower etc..  "come on in .. the water's lovely"

It really is worth the pain and cost.. I walk past a large mirror'd window on the way out of my office and normally I've got the double D's wobbling but now :).. they aint there !! and I look much better.

it's genuinely worth doing.. self esteem flies high.. you feel much better.. and I'm saying this at a far from perfect result at the moment, right side is swollen about 30% more than left, and VERY lumpy with hard ridges/lumps but I still love the difference.

sorted by the "levickmeister" april 14th 2005
pics here

Offline sydneyc

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If you need any information etc. please do not hesitate to drop me a  note.

Best wishes,


Offline webster

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Hi Sydneyc, I am in the position you were a few weeks ago. Gynecomastia has dogged my life for 25 years too and I haven’t really discussed it with my partner. Emotions got in the way.

Posts like yours do provide a boost as I consider the next few difficult months when I intend to finally sort this out (c/o Levick). Its funny how the years have gone by always hoping that this problem would go away on its own – hasn’t though -  bugger! Its only got a bit better when I’m really fit and thin but I’ve not been like that for 10 years. Beer got in the way.

Like PS the thing which is driving me now is guilt that I am letting my young children down by shying away from getting involved with all the ‘topless’ activities – swimming, beach holidays, etc -  that are fun for them, and would be for me too. I don’t want my problem affecting them.

I only found out the medical term for my condition from watching a bit of that C4 documentary last summer on the telly. That quickly brought me to this excellent site. It pisses me off that I have been blighted with this so long. Since I am considering Levick it would be great if you could post more on your post op experience and whether you are satisfied.

As you can imagine I am anxious – any info greatly received, esp about your experience with Levick. Such as, was there anything you know know that you wish you had know before surgery?

Laters…. WEBS

Offline Pferdestärken

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Sounds like you and me are in pretty much the same place! I know what you mean about having it so long, I try not to think about how long I've been living with this and how my life might have been ...

Still, the main thing is to get it sorted now. I'm looking forward to being able to play football, go the the swimming baths, strip down on the beach.

I am worried that I'm not going to get properly fit again before my hols at end Aug; I expect to be carrying the little fella on my shoulders a lot around Disney, I'm hoping I won't be struggling with a battered and bruised chest by then. Thats something I'll be asking Mr Levick next week.

Have you seen Mr Levick yet?

Offline London_boy

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Webster, ps - I think all three of us are in the same boat ! I had my consulatation with Levick back in February and have surgery booked for August having tried to forget about it for 15 years.........

Offline Pferdestärken

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London boy

Its weird that for all these years I've felt like I was just so alone with this, such a freak.

Its good to talk!

Offline London_boy

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Hi ps

I know exactly what you mean, I felt exactly the same until I stumbled across this board and then I thought "wow, it's not just me" and it was only then that I though the time had come to finally do something about it !


Offline sydneyc

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Webster and others,

Will happily post my thoughts on post-Levick life. Am just travelling with work right  now but should be able to do it this weekend. Sorry for the slight delay, but I would rather have a clear chunk of time to give you a comprehensive update.

Speak soon.


Offline webster

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Yup, giving your condition has a name, lots of other sufferers in the same place and hopefully an exit makes all the difference in the world.

I have been thinking about the affect my gyne has had on my psychological outlook since avoiding situations that would make me feel uncomfortable has been in the back of my mind, well forever. It is a wearisome burden to carry and I imagine I will be walking on air if I can leave it behind (so don’t f*ck it up Mr Levick).

I can’t say suffering from gyne has ruined my life though it has just meant I’ve passed up on many opportunities I’d liked to have done and its always on my mind.

To illustrate, I was drinking in the local with a good friend of mine recently. We are getting merry when he suddenly starts babbling about ‘breasts on a man being bigger than his wifes’. I instantly feel sober. Then I realise he’s talking about himself and indeed offering to let other drinkers take a look at his norks. There is general laughter. His breasts are a lot bigger than mine! My shirt stays firmly on. The point is my friend is fat but he doesn’t have gynecomastia. He’s laughing and has resolved to diet, I’m not laughing and have resolved to have surgery.

And that’s the effing thing about it.

I feel a bit tired now. Good night.  WEBS.

Offline webster

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Oh, I forgot your question PS.
Seeing Levick 2 weeks. Ideally I would see a few more so I called Karadis and Stanek but they are making consultations for October now – seems too long!! But I would like to try and get a second consultation otherwise how can I make a comparison?
Like you I wonder how on earth I am going to carry kids around / have them jump all over me whilst black and blue – no time is a good time for invasive surgery, but no time will be better than the present, so post up what you think of Mr Levick.

My thoughts are that he obviously does loads of gyne cases but does seem to have quite a personal technique and there are a few problem posts on this site.

Just meet him and decide I suppose…but IMO it is best to have a list of all the questions sorted before to get your £80 worth.

Good luck.   WEBS.

Offline Pferdestärken

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I agree, I'm getting a list of questions together. There's no way I'd go through with invasive surgery unless I was totally sure it was safe and right for me - its not like you can take it back if it doesn't fit!

Offline d2000

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This is my first posting ont his site but the site has been extremely valuable in helping me both before and after the operation.

My story is similar to others who have posted on this string.  I'm 41 and had the operation on April 25 (not with Levic).  I lived with this for years, it never ruined my life but it was always there.  I'm very athletic (use the gym regularly and run about 50 miles every week) but i could never get rid of my fatty chest.  I took years to do something about it.  Read an articly about it in the Guardian in 2003 and went to a cliniic promising to treat myself for my 40th bitrhday but family and work commitments ( and if I'm honest, fear) meant I pulled out.

This year I went back to the clinic and made a snap decision.  They could fit me in within 2 weeks and I decided to go ahead.

My wife was very supportive even though she didn't think I had a problem.  I've also been open about this with all my friends who also thought it was a minor problem (they didn't have to live with it for 41 years). I eventually concluded I had to either forget about it and get my head around the fact that I would have this condidtion for the rest of my life or shut up and do something about it.  Anyway to cut a long story short the operation went ahead and 12 days later I could not be more pleased with the result.  The surgeon remover 400cl from each side (and everyone said I didn't have a problem!!)

There is still some bruising and a little swelling but all the fears I had about loose skin and poor results have been proved wrong.  I did have a fear that my age would stand against me.

On Thursday night I revealed my chest to friends who were around for dinner and everyone agreed that even though there is still bruising that it does look good.  Today I took the compression vest off and my wife even admitted that my clothes do hang better on me.  I know this all sounds very vain but I really do feel so much better within myself.

I would recommend the operation and I really don't think that age is a disadvantage.  From my experience the pain is minimal (really just a bit of discomfort) and all the worries I had came to nothing.  I wish I had the nerve to get it done years ago.  

In terms of recovery I think after 2 or 3 weeks you will be more or less back to normal.  I'm feeling no pain after day 12 and am back to almost normal mobility.

Hope this helps people who are nervous about the operation and have been living with this condition for years.  Don't let age put you off.

Offline webster

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d2000, you describe the surgery experience I hope to have! Which encourages me greatly.
Can you share with me the name of your surgeon??


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