Author Topic: Day 3 post-op.. Alittle horrified  (Read 9881 times)

Offline trojan213

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Hope you're improving. No offense, but those first photos were terrifying. I am having serious doubts about surgery now...

Offline The_G0rn

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He is having a rough time thats for sure...I can't believe they told you to go back to work like that...
That bout of bleeding sounds very scary.  All I can say is...take it easy and just try to heal.  I hope you at least have someone to look after you at home.

Good luck
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline grathen321

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I am glad you feel calmer, but jesus how the hell can you be expected to go back to work like that! Are you getting some help with stuff around the house? Are you managing to eat healthily? Ive been having protein shakes and taking 1-5grams of vitamin C a day, because I hear it can reduce the chances of post operative complications.

Offline donnieosmond

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WTF tell them you want a drain put in. The nurse sounds like a dumb bitch. It's not a hard decision. Obviously you need a drain for that side. Excessive fluid build up will prevent your body from healing as quickly as it could be.

Offline wondering141

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hey guys. It's been exactly a week sense surgery, and I have decided to go into work tonight. I woke up this morning able to move my arm with abit more comfort, but thats an overstatement, I am uncomfortable.. I went to my store manager and explained my situation without telling him exactly what kind of procedure I went thought. I just told him it was cosmetic and there were complications, and I will be extremely susceptible to injury should I push myself to hard. I told him I will try to come in tonight, and to like to all the other managers, my story will be I fractured acouple ribs.

Grathen, Dilbert, yeah this sucks guys. Lets say when it rains, it pours. And in this case it holds so true. I'm a 21 year old guy, low job, and was living with my dad at the time. My dad suddenly became ill a week after I scheduled my surgery. He is now being taken care of by my family hours away. the house is mine for now. for weeks it has been. this is difficult. He had no idea what I was gonna do. I had only told two close friends which i had known for years just recently, one has been trying to help as much as he can, but hes not always around(the first night he stayed till 10:30pm and I had to keep getting up during the night to replace ice packs and that). So this situation is beyond bizarre for me.

I haven't been eating that healthy. I used to be on the perfect diet. worked out all the time. Now im just on a multivitamin and fast food is my friend. It sucks, but for now its all I can do. light cooking here and there but with no real money atm, bad foods await me.

Donnie, I swear I feel just like that at times.. She talks to me like I exaggerate and that, and thinks I need to push through this like its nothing. I feel I need one. At the time, my chest is alittle bigger than it was to start out with on the right side, and feels like stretched skin. my other side is flat. I feel extremely awkward and look it as much. I am gonna call again tomarrow. I dont wanna drive all the way down there as much as they dont want me to, its costing me allot but I know this has to be done.

Offline grathen321

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Hey, how did you do at work? Could you not come clean with your extended family? (or even say you had a cyst removed and these are complications) just to get some kind of help.

Offline wondering141

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"Hey, how did you do at work?"

Yeaah work was an awkward situation. I didn't work last night.. I told my store manager I was going in that night(work midnights). problem being the week I was in bed my body adapted back a regular schedule of sleeping at night. So I got no sleep, was extremely agitated. I had a feeling something would go terribly wrong but I told him I would. So I go into work that night, my assistant manager(whom hates me, and I hate her) looked at me.. I told her right then I injured my ribs and she smiled at me, asking me all kinds of questions.. now im a terrible lier. But I was very angry she had to question me. I smarted back with attitude, looked at my schedule for that night, and realized something.. I wasn't scheduled for that night.. All that moaning and groaning for nothing. She wanted me to stay, I said hell no.. So today i'll see how much trouble i'll get in.. I hate this place but need it more than ever right now.

"Could you not come clean with your extended family? (or even say you had a cyst removed and these are complications) just to get some kind of help."

I just have kept the secret for so long, I would never of told them before, and as bad as things are now, I still can't. My close friend whos like a brother is great help. He has went out on his busy schedule all week to get me things I need, take me places, and just chill here till im all good. So its not super hard. I know it could be better but this will suffice for now.

Offline The_G0rn

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Don't worry buddy you arent the only one who is lying his ass off to all his friends/family/coworkers about the surgery  ;)
None of their business anyway as far as i'm concerned, so I have no reservations about telling them whatever I feel like at the time to stop the intrusive, offensive and privacy invading "questioning".

Offline tenncast

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where do you live....can we help you in any way...if so let us know...

Offline wondering141

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Yeah Dilbert. Allot of us feel the same and it isnt going to change. Hopefully when its all fixed, my plan was to just put everything in the past and start anew.

Tenncast, its all good man. Im just gonna try and get through this. Life gets rough, I gotta remember that. Part of me had better hopes that all will be well in acouple months. Its just a more difficult road I gotta through.. I swear if I ever get rid of this gyne, nothing could ever really bother me again. Any life hard obstacle will be so much easier to get through, all because of this..

I talked to the nurse yesterday, we talked for awhile, and she made me feel more comfortable again. I thought she was blowing me off before, but I think shes trying to help. She says all of this is very normal with the swelling and pain. I guess she didnt want me to come in right away because shes unsure if its fluid build up, or because my body is shocked by the trauma, and making my chest swell unbelievably. She wanted me to come in monday.

Sooo.. I went to work last night.. things were going okayish.. I really need to go out and get some healthier things today though, a cop I work with and other employees were shocked at how pale I was.. I didn't notice because I see myself everyday I guess, and other things on my mind.. They just thought I looked like the walking dead.. I wonder if it has to do with the bloodloss from afew days ago. They wouldn't stop pointing it out.. So im gonna go and get some green veggies, get some more iron in my blood I guess.

Things got fucked around 2:30am. I just got off lunch, and I started to walk back to punch in. My manager was there, and looked at me, and instantly I felt my right chest swell up.. my god. It just felt like it wouldn't stop. if it already wasnt big enough, it just felt like it was going to explode, my skin was so stretched. I stood straight and didn't want her to notice, I kept switching my hands from my ribs to my chest. She told me instantly to go home.. I wanted to try and push though it, I told her let me go to the bathroom for a minute, ill get better.. I went to see if I was bleeding, I didn't see nothing unless the gause pads obsorbed everything. She came in and started questioning(she had good intentions, but she was asking to much!) I just said darn it, ill go. She wanted someone to give me a ride, but I said no. I got home, popped in two Tylenol '3' and the pain wouldn't let. It seemed because it was stretching my skin it affected my back and all, I was extremely uncomfortable but I ended up knocking out alittle over and hour later.

I wake and im unsure if my chest is still bigger than what it already was. no pain like yesterday, back to (below) normal. Surgeon's office is closed till monday, woopy! But im not gonna make an emergency call, im just gonna wait it out. Gonna try and go into work tonight, stick on the regester and not do anything else really.

Offline wilsjwilson

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Dude, I saw your pix before they were pulled.  Didn't look great.  Your messages are a bit concerning despite your attempt to make it sound ok.  You just better be sure you look like you are improving.  The symptoms you keep describing sound dangerous.  DO NOT take any chances.  Infection will run through you like a banshee.  Don't ignore any warning signs.

Offline rowdy99

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hey wondering...

send me a private message with some pics.

i have a feeling you and i have gone through the same thing with severe bleeding, fluid buildup and brusing??  not sure cause i couldn't see your pics.

i am 9 months post op but have had a hell of a time, maybe i can be of assistance or give you some advice.  cheers.

Offline Jim1985

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Mate, that all sounds rough. Sorry to hear that. Didn't see the pics, but the posts were enough.

How are thinsg now? Did you see the nurse again? Hope you're doing better
Surgery 2nd April with Dr. Benito.

Offline oldmate

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Hi mate, good to hear ur doing what you can to get urself back on ur feet and sort out what shouldn't of happened. and also if no ones mentioned, it's great to see ur motivation in getting back into work when u rob still shold be resting :P.

 I also dind't get to see the pics but ur description really hit me i guess. I was planning at some stage to get the op done..

really sorry to hear u've gone through a rough time but seems like your getting a hell of alot more support from this forum.

Good luck buddy, hope it all goes well for u!

Offline deftone

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