Hey Grathen, i'm doing alright I guess. I did go the other day, and yeah, fluid had built up. There extreme confidence in everything being a-ok helped me be at ease, but also sat in the back of my mind if they were just saying so.. They say its a rare thing to happen, I just had bad luck, but everything will turn out the same. it will just take longer for me to heal.
I took a week off my job for vacation, and im having to use more call off days now. The ironic thing being the surgeon wanted me to only take a day or so off to begin with, but I knew I couldn't get back to business that fast. now im having to take longer than even I expected..
So he drains me that afternoon, I look decent, allot better.. Friend drives me home, we think everythings all great.. I get in the house, about to lay down. I suddenly feel this extreme tighting in the right side of my chest again. I look down, and blood is pouring out of my vest. I run into the bathroom with my cellphone. Unable to think for a moment. I dial the surgeons office, get the dr. on the phone. He's extremely calm, tells me to lay down put pressure on the bleeding. By that time there was so much blood over my boxers and vest now pouring onto the floor. The smell was strong. I was trying to keep my mind active, never seen that much blood before. He told me this was normal(why not prepare me for this before I left?) So I do what says.. The bleeding stops. Had allot of cleaning to do.. The downside is, my chest is tight and big again on the right side. my arm feels cramped up on that side like it affected my whole body, I only feel comfortable while hunching it seems and theres a weight like feeling there.
I call the nurse the next morning right when they open, say I wanna come in again for another drain.. She says I dont need it, that it could risk a cost of infection. That I will be draining alittle bit throughout the weeks, and she wants me to go to work.. Well, there is no way I can go to work! I called off again, even if I didn't want to.
My left arm and chest is almost perfect to me. I can move it around freely now after only a week. My right arm is practically useless to me. any movement gives me an uncomfortable feeling. And she doesent understand that my job in retail, involves me doing allot of lifting and that. I just cant do it unless I wanna be bleeding all over the floor within acouple hours of starting.
Well that was long. My little update. I know it sounds allot worse than it is, but im just gonna try to listen to them, i have no other choice. but we will see how it goes from here.