Author Topic: Did 17 pounds make a difference?  (Read 3413 times)

Offline anon643

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17 pounds Heavier.....(242) i'm 5'8

Updated 17 pounds ligther................ (224.5-225)

Not sure if i notice much difference, but i need to get to 180, i'm only 5' i'm 225 from 270, i was 242 when i first took the pics.....

Offline icarus

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go for it dude :), it will help improving your overall shape.. and health of course... but the gyne... i'm not sure :-[
i was 88kg and managed to drop off 20 kg's up to now... and counting!!... but those two damned things wouldn't go... glandular tissue is a real problem :'(..
think about it
but i encourage you to loose more weight and to do some exercises... lifting and cardio.. it will definitely help and yield more satisfying results if you decided to go for surgery.

Offline what2do?

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there's definitely improvements, keep up the good work ..

Offline NH

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It's obvious that there is some good fat loss on your stomach and your chest. Keep it up and you will be at your desired weight before you know it!

Offline johnnybot

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Keep losing for your health but gland doesnt go

Offline anon643

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i don't think that having some gland in the long run will bother me. it just depends on how much is left. i think i have more gland on the left side. I'm thinking if i hit 175 that the left side might stick out a bit and the right side might go away mostly. i dunno i'll post another update at the end of the summer!!!

Offline m9taylor

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Hey bud,

Yeah you're looking great, and weight loss can only help. I was in a VERY similar situation to yours. In fact, I was 5'7.5, 5'8 at the time and weighed 260- my boobs were pretty hefty, even I'd play with them! Haha.

Now I'm around 5'9 (happened to grow an inch) and weigh 160. The one thing I can tell you is that because there's quite a bit of fat on your chest (like mine), once you get down to about 210 and dip below 200, you'll start to lose quite a bit there- they may start to show off some loose skin. That is when you should start some pectoral lifts and such to help with your body adjusting to some lose skin.

I'll tell ya that I had surgery at 170 and I feel great about it- you may or may not by that time need to ask for some help with the loose skin but no worry, easily taken care of. The only thing I worry about now are my stretch marks! I'd rather them than my big ol' boobs.

Great job on the weight loss by the by!


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