Author Topic: Swelling  (Read 5195 times)

Offline Angel_of_Death

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I understand what swelling is, it's basically the same concept as let's say if your ankle gets sprained and then becomes swollen. What I don't understand is that if you get swelling after a sprain on the ankle, it happens immediately, or at least I think it does. Why in the case of surgery for gynecomastia does swelling occur only after a couple of weeks ?

I would also like to know if it's possible not to have any swelling. I removed my vest already and I am only 3 days post op going on my 4rth day. I also already took a shower. Yes I am burning some major steps, I know ! But my chest looks great. I feel great. There isn't much visible bruising or anything. Should I expect things to get worst in the up-coming days or weeks ? What are my odds of my chest staying the way it is now ? I pray to god it stays like this as I am 100% satisfied.


Offline DCBR78

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Why do people insist on not doing what their PS tells them?  :P

You still have potential for swelling, that and the vest will also help protect your incisions while you heal. The pads that are in the vest are to help keep the bruising down. I noticed some bruising outside the pads a several days after surgery. Hope it all works out.. But, remember, there is a reason they told you to wear it. I've had this damn thing on for 2.5 weeks, I hate it, but, I don't want to pay for a revision because I didnt heal properly. I'm certain that if I don't follow doctor's orders he'd make me pay for a follow up.
Surgery Date: April 9, 2008.
Surgeon: Dr. J C Fielding. (Toronto)
Result: Life is getting better with every day.

Offline Angel_of_Death

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Why do people insist on not doing what their PS tells them?  :P

You still have potential for swelling, that and the vest will also help protect your incisions while you heal. The pads that are in the vest are to help keep the bruising down. I noticed some bruising outside the pads a several days after surgery. Hope it all works out.. But, remember, there is a reason they told you to wear it. I've had this damn thing on for 2.5 weeks, I hate it, but, I don't want to pay for a revision because I didnt heal properly. I'm certain that if I don't follow doctor's orders he'd make me pay for a follow up.

 Maybe not following the post-op instructions could slow down the healing process, but how could it make worst to a point where revision is needed ?

Offline Noseguard

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Dr. Jacobs told me, that wearing the binder/vest properly (length of time, tightess, position) was almost as important as the surgery itself.

I am probably misquoting him a bit, but that was the general message.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The person with the most at stake is not the surgeon, but the patient.

Post operatively, there is little that you can do except follow directions. The surgeon based those instructions upon what has worked best in this type of situation in the past.

I truly believe that the patient has just as much potential impact upon the surgical result as does the surgeon.

Each surgeon will likely have a list of post operative instructions printed out which your will recieve before you go home. You may have additional, personalized, instructions as well. If you are not willing to follow those instructions, why have the surgery?
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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It is quite understandable to be impatient about the results of your gyne surgery.  Yet it is impossible to rush Mother Nature.  True, some people heal faster than others and everyone will have a different experience after surgery (there are just too many variables to make it the same for everyone), but ultimately, over time, the results of the surgery will emerge.

Every surgeon has his own particular regimen for post-operative care.  If you trusted your surgeon enough to operate on you, why would you distrust his post-operative instructions?

For my patients, I believe that a properly fitting compression garment, worn snugly and diligently 24/7 after surgery for a minimum of 3-4 weeks, will have a significant positive impact on the results of surgery and on the rate of healing.  No question, wearing the garment is a real pain in the A--, but a few weeks of annoyance will pay off in many years of pleasure.

Bottom line:  listen to your doctor!

Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Angel_of_Death

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I understand what you guys are saying, and I really appreciate that you're trying to make me realize the importance of going with the post-surgery directives/instructions. We could probably debate about it but in the end you guys will end up being right, that going with the surgeons post-op instructions is the "best" thing to do.

But in my initial post, I inquired about certain things that I would really like you guys to make me understand better.

1. I gave the example about the ankle sprain, where swelling builds up immediately or at least within the next hours following the injury. I've had many ankle injuries myself. But why in the case of gynecomastia surgery does swelling only occur 2-3 weeks later ?

2. Is it possible or common that people getting gynecomastia surgery don't experience any swelling at all ?

3.In my case I'm going onto day 5 post op and my chest looks absolutely great. I feel great. The pain is almost completely gone unless I put myself in certain positions. I'm gaining more and more flexibility as the days progress. How likely or what are the odds of things going badly from here ? If the healing seems to be progressing at a great rate on a daily basis, does this mean it's only going to get better from here ?

Offline Angel_of_Death

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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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1. I gave the example about the ankle sprain, where swelling builds up immediately or at least within the next hours following the injury. I've had many ankle injuries myself. But why in the case of gynecomastia surgery does swelling only occur 2-3 weeks later ?

Everyone is different dude... I had swelling very early (3rd day I think) and was gone by the 2nd week. As Dr. Jacobs mentioned, there are many factors that determine results...

It's quite possible that the fluid the doc injects you with has something to do with when you start to swell...

2. Is it possible or common that people getting gynecomastia surgery don't experience any swelling at all?

I know of one guy who had no swelling at all... so yeah, it's possible. Don't think it's common though.

3.In my case I'm going onto day 5 post op and my chest looks absolutely great. I feel great. The pain is almost completely gone unless I put myself in certain positions. I'm gaining more and more flexibility as the days progress. How likely or what are the odds of things going badly from here ? If the healing seems to be progressing at a great rate on a daily basis, does this mean it's only going to get better from here?

It's possible that you will continue to improve. However, be prepared for it to get a tad worse, swelling etc... You're not out of the woods yet dude...

Did you experience any bruising?

Did you have excision and lipo?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Angel_of_Death

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I had both lipo and excision.

My chest had little bruising since day 1. You can see it from my pics I posted.


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