Author Topic: Chorltons Thread - Op Feb 2005  (Read 14817 times)

Offline AJP

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Hi Chorlton.

Glad to see you're getting prepared for the big day! Don't worry about the chinese, I think any garlic would be well out of your system by the time you have your op. I know what you mean about sometimes thinking "do I really need this?" but then you look in the mirror or look down and see something you don't want to see. I think for most of us this will be the best thing we have ever done. No going back now!

I'm a few weeks off yet, but I'm starting to get to grips with the whole thing. There was a subject a bit back by someone who went with Levick, and he did a comprehensive list of all the do's and don'ts, along with what to take with you. It's worth reading if you haven't already. My compression vest came through a couple of days ago; I've been trying it on just to get familiar with the feel of it. It's f*cking tight, that's for sure! I think maybe I should have got the size up, but then again it's supposed to be tight.

Good to see your missus is helping out too. I'm sure it's comforting to have her support.

All the best.
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline RRB

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Good luck with the Op.  Im in on the 17th and I am still very excited but now managing to control my patience better  :)  I look forward to hearing about the op after it is done.
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline Merv_UK

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All the best! Sorted out all my arrangements on Friday, accommodation, travel, vest from underwork; hard to believe its this close. Off the booze and multivitamins but gonna have a really stinky Thai Green curry this week before I give the garlic a miss!

Know what you mean about clothes shoppin: I haven't bought anything for months knowing there'll be loads more things i can wear come spring.

Keep us posted. Really keen to hear with how things are going for you.

RRB- I'm in on the 16th... Practice run for yours the next day? Levick should be at the top of his game.


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Can anyone please provide me with Mr. Levicks contact detailsso that I may book a consultation.



Offline Merv_UK

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Here's the number for his office: 01527 577675

Good Luck.


Offline Chorlton

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Come on AAh - join the Levick boys!

2 days to go and counting.  Yahoo.


Offline RRB

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All the best! Sorted out all my arrangements on Friday, accommodation, travel, vest from underwork; hard to believe its this close. Off the booze and multivitamins but gonna have a really stinky Thai Green curry this week before I give the garlic a miss!

Know what you mean about clothes shoppin: I haven't bought anything for months knowing there'll be loads more things i can wear come spring.

Keep us posted. Really keen to hear with how things are going for you.

RRB- I'm in on the 16th... Practice run for yours the next day? Levick should be at the top of his game.



Im in at 8am on the 17th so i would assume you will most likely still be there.  :D

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Lol, as much as it would seem a good idea to meet up and see how he's feeling... probably best not too... he will be slightly groggy, a little unsure on his feet, and pretty sore! You might not want to see that! lol


Offline Chorlton

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It gone.  What a roller coaster of emotions.  The wife and I drove down to birmingham on Thursday morning.  Did a run through from the priory to the Norfolk Inn on hagley road.  It is a 10 min drive and you have to figure out the one way system.  It is cheap enough but not the best hotel.  There are plenty of shops near buy if you need to buy stuff.  But for those who don't know your partner can pay £30 to stay in the same room as you on a makeshift bed or £50 if you want to have meals as well.  I wish we had done this.

Any way arrive at 12 and checked in.  Paid over the dosh.  Had a porter take me to my room.  Levick came in about 1ish and said I would be down in an hour.  the anithetist come in and introduced himself.  I met loads of nurses to.  Every one was very friendly.  I did not actually go down for surgery till 4 as Levick was running late.

We had a chat in the waiting room.  He drew some lines on my chest.  Then the anethesist came in and injected me.  I said good bye to my boobs and fell asleep to the sounds of the nurse and the doctor laughing!!!

I woke up in the recovery room in loads of pain.  I was not expecting it as not one had mentioned it before.  The nurse asked how bad the pain was - moderate or server.  I was still a bit dizzy at this point and just said moderate as I though server would be what you felt if you had you leg chopped off.  I had two shots of pain killer before I told them the pain was server.  I had to wait an hour for the first two sets to be trialed and then they gave me some thing stronger which did the trick.  God the emotions were hi as I thought it had gone wrong but everyone even levick reasured me.  I am only mentioning this so that if it happens you you don't panick.  

Once the pain relief had kicked in I was wheeled up to my room.  I was greated by the wife, brother and his partner.  Apparently there is no limit to the number of visitors or the times they visit.

I was groggy all evening.  A mixture of the anesthetic and loads of excess pain releif.  sleeping on my back was uncomfortable (although last night it was fine).  Woke up in the morning and was still a bit under.  I had to have a few shots of nausea injections. Ask for these straight away as the nurses are very attentive.

We left the hospital about 4pm as I was still groggy.  i think I needed some fresh air and I had taken some pain releif during the day which now I feel was a bit to strong for me.  Once I got home I was feeling much better.  Some people have asked if it is better to stay over another night.  In my case if I had been alone I would have had to but others have said they were ok.

My new chest!  Levick came in after my op and fisted the air and said " I have got rid of another lot of Gyne" - I thought that rather cool.  I put on a shirt  and even under the bandages my chest feels so flat and looks great in the shirt.  In the past  I have used bandages and scarves to flattern my chest to see what it would look like but even though you get it flat you are only squashing the fat and gyne.  Now when I feel my chest under the bandages I can just feel my breast plate. It is so weired.  I cannot wait to have a look.  I have to keep the bandage on till next Wednesday.  Its good really as Under works have still not sent my compression vest!

Pay it back - a phrase I heard in a film, and on Ste and IT100's diaries.  If there is any one out there in two minds about their condition and what to do please please read through this site and make an informed decision on how to deal with it.  My decision was to spend £3655 with Mr Levick (apparently once you get to a certain level of being a doctor you revert back to being called Mister - that is how good the man is).  Hope this helps some one over come gyne.

Pics and stuff to come.

All the best,

Another Levick Lad

« Last Edit: February 05, 2005, 02:37:46 AM by Chorlton »

Offline RRB

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Congratulations im glad it went well.

Im getting close now and getting worried about the pain aspect, but i guess once in the pain, you just have to deal with it.

Im kinda wondering if i should go down alone now or not.  Ive had general twice before now when getting teeth out,  the first time i got it i woke up and drove home and actually felt great.  Second time i was out of it and had to get helped to my friends car and driven home.  The next day i felt like crap all day.

Im due in the morning so hopefully ill get done very early and get a bit more time to recover than you guys did getting done in the afternoon.

Offline AJP

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Nice one Chorlton.

Levick's picking us off one by one!

RRB, don't worry about any pain; we're all men here. ;) Seriously though, I doubt it will be so bad that the painkillers don't work. Try and forget about it for now - look forward to feeling good and looking good a few weeks after the op.

I'm in with him on the 23rd, and to be honest I'm not worried about any pain, just that it all goes to plan. Have faith in Levick and stay positive.

Stay in touch Chorlton.


Offline RRB

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You are absolutely right, I guess im just getting a little worried and nervous the closer the Op gets.  :D

Offline Chorlton

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Hi all,

back to the pain thing...I would not worry about it to much.  When the pain relief kicked in in the recovery room that should have been enough but I asked for more the next day when thinking back I don't think I was actually in pain.  Hence why I said I had too much which made me a bit nauseous.  Since then there has been no pain at all considering I have had major surgery!!

All should go well with you guys.

Keep the faith.


Offline AJP

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It's a bit like waiting for Christmas when you're a kid. ;D

I'm starting to really look forward to it. It will be great for so many of us to be able to 'compare notes' after our Levick treatment. I think it's quite a help for all of us, just to be able to ask questions, and offer and receive advice.

I just can't wait for summer: Walking to the pub with my head held high, shoulders back, in any T-Shirt I want! It's weird because that's something that 95% of men take for granted. I suppose we all take things for granted, until the privilage is taken away. I don't want to get unrealistic with my expectations, but I'm starting to get to grips with just how much this could improve the quality of my life. And the same for all fo us. I bet we've all got one thing that we're looking forward to doing that we've avoided in the past.

Bring it on Levick! :D

Offline Chorlton

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4 days pre op and I still feel line.  I can lift up both arms but not  past shoulder height as the incisions are still healing.  when I touch my chest it feels numb.  I tried to scratch a nipple yesterday and could not feel anything.  when I press down on the dressing there is a  slight ache.  Nothing to worry about but similar to pressing on any type of bruise.  There does not appear to be any type of rash.  Sleeping on my back is a pain but last night I used about 4 cushions to form a slight incline and sleep like a baby last night.  I think I will carry this on.

A mate came round yesterday and I was actually folding my arms over my chest and covering it with a pillow (like I used to do before the gyne was removed) but this time it was to try and stop him seeing some of the padding sticking out from under my shirt.  The bandages come off on Wednesday (I can't wait) - well that is if that flaming compression vest arrives from bleeding underworks.  I think I am going to do a charge back on the credit card and order one from design veronique instead.  That should arrive tomorrow.  The wife says the bandages are not that noticable under my shirt - yeah right, try telling that to some one who has suffered with gyne for 23 years LOL!!!

I am getting a make over today.  we are going shopping in town.  It will be so good to put a top back because it does not look good on rather than my t1ts look big in that!

Chest is still flat!  Somebody pinch me!




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