Author Topic: Gynecomastia surgery 48 hrs. post-op  (Read 4235 times)

Offline megyn01

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Hello guys, I've had the surgery 2 days ago.
Surgeon says he removed 160 gr. each side of gland and fat tissue.

I don't know why but my pecs hurt as if I was working out the day before with 400 lbs.

My nipples are also stinging sore.

A lot of bleeding (I have drains attached to my nipples.

Is this common ?

Offline Noseguard

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  • You t*t, what's he gonna do nibble your bum?
All of that is very common.

However the bleeding should be watched.  I would report any unexpected or excessive bleeding to your doc ASAP.

All the other symptoms and more can be expected over the next 8 weeks or more.

Offline Twin Peaks

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The stuff coming out of your drains probably isn't all blood.  There is a lot of fluid that is discharged along with the blood.  Is the fluid somewhat pinkish opposed to a deep red?

Offline megyn01

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I guess there is some pink in it.
Anyway I've seen the doctor recently, and he reassured me that actually I am bleeding much less than I thought.
The doctor had the bandage replaced (got a first look at my chest by the way, all fluid and swollen, but I think I got to see some muscle mass underneath the fluid. It is great to see that 10 years of training with very heavy poundage (over 350 max benchpress, natural strength), is coming to reality, maybe there is a second life beyond 40. I have had this since early puberty (12-13)).

If I knew about it 20 years ago, I would have done it then.

Do you guys know what it feels like to finally look like some one who can bench 350 ?
No more stupid questions like "350 ounces ?" (laughing guy at the gym before the bench), "Oh you look very powerful", (scared guy at the gym after the bench).

Gee I don't know I guess I sound a bit emotional. guess I deserve some hope and happiness for over 30 years of Gyno.

I am Israeli by the way and the operation was carried out by Dr. Goldan, Haifa, Israel. I'll keep you posted.


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