Author Topic: Recovery time  (Read 7314 times)

Offline darippa3131

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So at the moment i'm saving for the surgery. Problem is that i don't have the time to do the surgery and not work through recovery.

My question is, how much downtime would i have from work? I work at boeing assembling airplanes where it can be pretty physical whether it be from lifting weights or vibrations from neumatic tools.

Offline Bigchest123

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my doctore said i can start lifting weights and running agian after a week.... i just cant do contact sports.... he said the earlier i start working my chest and exercising the faster it will recover... so yea

Offline Vonsteelo

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I don't know guy, Im 5 days post op and there is no way i wanna run or start using power tools. I just had lippo and not incision around the nipples and i'm still really sore. I'm a carpenter and i don't think I will be returning to work for 2 more weeks at least, plus the compression garment is uncomfortable and slightly noticeable. plan on 2 weeks at the very least.

Offline Bigchest123

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the compression garment isnt too noticable if u wear the right shirt.... i had my surgery 4 days ago and im wearing my garment..... but it matters hows fast ur body heals.... i think ill be straight to lift in like 5 more days lifting light obviously but none the less lifting

Offline Vonsteelo

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I don't know guy, I haven't gone in for my first post op appointment yet, tomorrow. It makes sense to me that you should want to let your body completely heal before you start straining and stretching with weights, even light ones. Just my opinion.

Offline Bigchest123

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my surgens the 1 that recomended it... he said the faster i start my regular routine and lifting and exercising the faster it will heal

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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my surgens the 1 that recomended it... he said the faster i start my regular routine and lifting and exercising the faster it will heal

Say whaaat? ???  Naw dude, that doesn't sound right to me...  If you put stress/strain on a healing tissue, you will re-injure it... causing it to take longer to heal... No?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Bigchest123

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well it made sence to me... the more u work an injured tissue LIGHTLY the more it will be stimulated and more bloodflow will go through and the more it will heal... doesnt that make sense??

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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doesnt that make sense??

Sorry dude, but no... that doesn't make any sense to me. When you have surgery, your body has been damaged. Your body needs as much rest as possible during the healing process... When you break a bone, why do you think you get a cast? Or when you get a laceration, why do you wear a bandage... etc...etc.. ?


Offline Bigchest123

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but in the same sense.... when u break soemthing they have u do physical therapy  to strengthen the area of damage do they not?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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True, but now you are talking about the muscles dude. 'Apples' and 'Oranges'...


Offline PhillyPUFF

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i had my surgery 4 days ago and im wearing my garment..... i think ill be straight to lift in like 5 more days

I'm no Doc, but That seems a bit soon to start hitting the weights. During my consultation with my PS he said it would be at least 3 weeks before returning to the gym (depending on how I heal). I think you should wait it out a bit more. Maybe start doing some light cardio 2 weeks post-op. Then slowly get back into the weights after the 3-4 week mark (light weights and barely any chest work). Don't rush anything man. I know it sucks being out of the gym, but if you exercise PATIENCE now, your results from surgery will be better.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Don't rush anything man. I know it sucks being out of the gym, but if you exercise PATIENCE now, your results from surgery will be better.

Now there's some sound advice...  ;)



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