Author Topic: IS working out better for prospective surgery...  (Read 5617 times)

Offline yagsiesiurcmot

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A general Q (mods, feel free to move this Q elsewhere):

Is it advantageous to at least build some muscle mass / definition in the pectorals before surgery - or does it make no difference. This is open to surgeons also - does it make for an easier surgery or provide better aesthetic results?

I'm planning on having the surgery later this year and wanting to give myself the best outcome.


Offline PhillyPUFF

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I'm not sure if muscle mass is directly beneficial before surgery, although I've read some docs posting that getting your bodyfat down is definitely advantageous. Either way, the more muscle you have, and the less fat you have, you'll look way better. If your way out of shape, I wouldn't worry too much about building muscle (shit takes time), just hold onto the muscle that you do have, and concentrate more on toning up and stripping away bodyfat.

Offline The_G0rn

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The more muscle in your chest the better...the guys who get the best results from surgery are usually the muscular athletic types. Sure big pecs push the gland out a bit but who cares if you are getting it cut out anyway...after the op is done you'll look great
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline moobzSUck

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The more muscle in your chest the better...the guys who get the best results from surgery are usually the muscular athletic types. Sure big pecs push the gland out a bit but who cares if you are getting it cut out anyway...after the op is done you'll look great
ye that makes sense

Offline Copespo

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yea G0rn has it right, building muscle under your gyne will push it out, but once you get the surgery the results are awesome. The guys here with post op pics who worked out look much better then the skinny guys with no muscle.
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline womanboob

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  • Getting in shape, then surgery.
and do you think I can go to the gym just like that with these moobs?

I think you can/should :)

Lose 18 lbs FAT by October (12 so far)


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