Author Topic: Visiting doctor due to painful lumps under nipples.  (Read 7821 times)

Offline Clandestine

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Hello guys.

I am currently planning on seeing my GP as soon as I can. Spoke too him around 3 months ago, due to the recurrence of painful lumps behind my left nipple. He basically told me it was nothing, and not to worry.

Since then, more lumps have appeared under my left armpit, and the problem has started on my right side, with both nipple and armpit lumps. These lumps are painful when pressure is applied, and I sometimes feel a kind of "shooting pain" coming from them.

I remember having the same tender lumps under my nipples from the age of 12-14, when they seemed to shrink, then disappear. I am now 26, and it seems they've made a return.

Visibly to there has been a change. I admit I am a slightly overweight 220lb at a height of 6'2", but I can see that the left side of my chest is more pronounced than the right, with a kind of circle on my pec where there is more fat, and a bulge under my arm. I do have a decent amount of muscle on me, just that I have a bit of a belly  :)

Not wanting to sound over anxious, but my doctor isn't the most receptive of people, and having dismissed this once I am worried he'll do so again. Living in England, I am kind of restricted to seeing my GP first, then have him possibly refer me on to a specialist etc.

If anyone has experience of this kind of situation, and dealing with the NHS, I would really appreciate your insight!

« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 04:10:56 PM by Clandestine »

Offline deuscondo

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Hello guys.

I am currently planning on seeing my GP as soon as I can. Spoke too him around 3 months ago, due to the recurrence of painful lumps behind my left nipple. He basically told me it was nothing, and not to worry.

Since then, more lumps have appeared under my left armpit, and the problem has started on my right side, with both nipple and armpit lumps. These lumps are painful when pressure is applied, and I sometimes feel a kind of "shooting pain" coming from them.

I remember having the same tender lumps under my nipples from the age of 12-14, when they seemed to shrink, then disappear. I am now 26, and it seems they've made a return.

Visibly to there has been a change. I admit I am a slightly overweight 220lb at a height of 6'2", but I can see that the left side of my chest is more pronounced than the right, with a kind of circle on my pec where there is more fat, and a bulge under my arm. I do have a decent amount of muscle on me, just that I have a bit of a belly  :)

Not wanting to sound over anxious, but my doctor isn't the most receptive of people, and having dismissed this once I am worried he'll do so again. Living in England, I am kind of restricted to seeing my GP first, then have him possibly refer me on to a specialist etc.

If anyone has experience of this kind of situation, and dealing with the NHS, I would really appreciate your insight!

Breast sensitivity will vary with the individual, and if I squeeze my gynecomastia too hard, it will hurt.

Another thing that signals gynecomastia is that the left side is more pronounced. The majority of gynecomastia formations and female breast developments begin on the left side, and leaves the left side a very small amount bigger; mine did, and the left side of my chest is slightly bigger than my right.

This is just my 2 cents on gynecomastia, but I am not saying it couldn't be something else.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You may want to get a referral to an Endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive issues.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Clandestine

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Ok, so I booked an appointment today. Unfortunately due to work, I can't see my GP until 7th July.

Basically he should be able to see for himself that my left side has got worse, and the fact that it's happening on the right should cause him to look into this properly.

If all else fails, I am, like advised going to ask for a referral to an Endocrinologist, and be pretty firm about it too.

Offline Clandestine

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Ok, so I managed to get to see my doctor today, a week earlier than expected.

He examined my left chest area, and told me he can feel nothing, no lumps of note, and that a build up of "gristle" is common and nothing to worry about.

So I asked him why I was experiencing a slight burning sensation in my nipples, and why I have noticed lumps in my right side now too.

At this point he became very agitated, as if to say "Look I told you, there's nothing wrong, now sod off!" However he couldn't answer my questions to my satisfaction, saying the pain was in my chest muscles.

I continued to question him, insisting it wasn't muscular pain, and after a while of what ammounted to him making me feel as small as an ant, said he would refer me to a "breast clinic" for a second oppinion or as he put it in a very patronising mannar "to put your mind at rest".

So I now have an apointment within two weeks to go to the breast clinic where they hopefully will examine me propperly.

One thing I did notice is that when my GP did examine my chest, he pressed around the area with flat fingers. Now I do have some fat on me, more so on my left pec than my right, even I can't feel the lumps very well just by pressing. If I pinch around the lumps to raise them, then press, they are very easy to feel.

The locations of the lumps are shown in this picture (it's not my chest  :)  ) The main lump is behind my nipple, with others going up towards where the chest joins my arm, and also on the same level as my nipple but on the boarder of my chest and armpit. Sorry, my MS paint skills suck!

Offline Clandestine

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Hey john.

Nothing to update you with so far. I do however have my appointment with a NHS Breast Clinic tomorrow.

Hopefully they'll be more willing to listen to me and perform a decent examination.

Apparently, if it's justified (presumably when they question these lumps) they will perform one of four tests. Either a Fine Needle Aspiration, a Core Sample, Ultrasound or a Mammogram.

To tell you the truth, I'm a little sceptical about the clinic, as it seams geared toward women for breast cancer screening.

I'll definately let you know how I get on.

Offline Clandestine

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I'm not really worried about cancer to be honest.

As soon as the pain and discomfort started, it all felt strangely familiar, just like the pain (aching, itching etc) I felt when I was 13.

I'm just a little worried I won't be taken seriously.

I'll ask again at this appointment if I can be refered to an Endocrinologist, for a full hormone screen.

I know you guys in the states have to worry about your insurance covering the cost of your diagnosis/treatment etc, however, you won't believe how obstructive the NHS can be. If youre refused a referal, that's it basically. God knows what it'll costs for a private Endocrinologist to do my blood work, and for the consultation, but if all else fails, it'll be worth it.

On a posative note I've lost around 18 LB in the last 3 weeks since I sorted out my diet and got my arse into the gym, so that's a posative thing  :) It does however get me wondering as to what I'll see under the excess flab. Oh well... another 20-25 lb to go and I'll see.

Offline Clandestine

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I've just returned from the breast clinic.

The doctor I saw was a general surgeon, however he does specialise somewhat in breast issues.

After examining me he did agree that there is breast tissue present, that is slightly more than usual.

However he has told me that it's probably a natural progression. According to him, there are three times when the hormonal system can change/fluctuate, and where tissue growth can occur. First one is in infancy, second is in the teenage years, and the third around 21-27 where the body's hormone levels settle down and remain stable from there.

I asked that as he had said it's a hormone problem, would he refer me for some blood tests. The answer was no, that it was not necessary.

He said if it becomes a long term problem, ie continued growth, excessive pain, then they would conduct further tests.

To be honest I am quite tired of the NHS, surely if it's a hormone imbalance they should test for this?

I have decided to give it a couple of months, and then obtain the tests needed privately.

If I go that route, at least I'll know if my hormone levels are screwed, or just slightly imbalanced and what can be done about it. Maybe I can even use the privately obtained results to get NHS treatment IF there is a problem.

If there isn't a problem I'm going to have to assess if surgery is apropriate, then pay for that too. No good just jumping into surgery if there's an underlying cause.


Offline hem

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Hi Clandestine,  I am having the exact same problem. Painful lump under my right nipple first, then left and now the pain is easing off. Both my nipples are puffy and when i lean forward they look quite pointed.
I went to the doctor and he said the same "just forget about it" easier said than done!
I returned and insisted i want the blood tests which i have now had done. The results showed nothing?
Im 32 and this has come out of knowwhere, it driving me mad and i just want a explanation.

Someone must know surly!


Offline Clandestine

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Sorry to hear youre having the same problem hem.

I haven't bothered going back to the doctors since. After the bull shit I was fed last time, the NHS can go darn themselves with a very sharp stick.

In my next holiday from work, I'm off to London to get bloods drawn, and having it tested for hormone levels.

As it's quite expensive, I've only ordered Total Testosterone, SHBG and Oestradiol. Apparantly I can work out quite accurately my FREE testosterone by plugging the SHBG and Total testosterone figures into an equation.

Hopefully everything will be fine, but if not I would then be able to take the results to my own GP, and be in a good position to demand treatment.

My diet and training are going great. I've come down from 17 stone 8 lb, to my current 15 stone 10 lb, however although my chest has decreased in size, the deformity on the left is now much more noticable. I seem to have shed more fat on my right side, and the mix of gland and fat on the left has a distinct roundness to it.

One strange thing I don't understand is that although the left side has more gland and fat, the areola of the right is much more puffy. However my left nipple is inverted in the warm, so maybe the gland is tethering it down.

I suppose the only consolidation is that it's not gotten any worse, as in more lumps etc. I've always had puffy nipples, very dome shaped areola when warm, but it didn't really bother me, my chest has always looked quite good until ~a year ago... well.. when I was lean it looked good.


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