Author Topic: Just had a revision 10 days ago  (Read 2874 times)

Offline willy27

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I had my revision, which was only an excision, no lipo. (But my first surgery last year did include a lipo) There was a lot of scar tissue build up since that surgery, part of the excision was removing fibrous tissue. Personally I think I needed another lipo.
the PS just put bandages on me and let me to go. I asked him about compression garments and he said it was wasn't necessary for me. He didn't give one to me for my initial surgery either.

1 week later; I called the doctor's office telling the secretary that I have bruising which looked like a hematoma on my left side. I went to the hospital, got the the hematoma drained quickly (bit painful as he pressed against the bruise to extract the blood w/ a syringe)

now 10 days later, my left nipple is puffy and pointy. I can feel a lump; Im pretty sure its scar tissue underneath.

The thing is, I think the past couple of days and the initial surgery would of been much better if I wore a compression garment, but I didn't want to side against my PS infront of him because that would be rude. WOuld the garment reduce the amount of swelling or the chance of scarring for me if I wear one? I even remember hearing my PS say scar tissue tends to patch up areas in our body when there is space for it to develop, such as removal of a gland. Would a compression vest reduce the space for scarring to occur?

What should I do now?

Offline The_G0rn

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Well here is my understanding of the purpose of a compression garment.  Hopefully someone will correct or refine this response if i'm wrong in any way:
When you have lipo, the tiny vessels that circulate blood/fluid etc are destroyed. (temporarily).
Therefore your body has no way of draining fluid from that area while these vessels are healing.  Thats what swelling is, a build up of fluid in that area where the lipo was done.
The purpose of the compression vest is to apply pressure to the tissue thus pushing the fluid away and/or stopping it from building up in the first place.  Like squeezing a wet sponge? Anyhow, eventually your body heals its lymphatic vessels and you dont have to wear a compression vest any more. yay

this doesn't explain why you got a hematoma though. Maybe you stressed that area too much doing some sort of physical activity
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline raiders637

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hey willy, i had gland exicision 11 days ago, and my surgeon said i didn't need to wear a compression garment either, i do have a bit of swelling and looks just as bad as before surgury, but it will all settle down and look better soon hopefully, im thinking about buying a compression shirt, because i went back to work today for the first time since my op and its swelled up more because of work?? what do you guys think?

Offline willy27

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swelling is pretty much gone,  still see brusing around the left nipple
I can feel a marble sized scar tissue under my left nipple and it makes my nipple stick out and pointy! im massaging it everyday -_-
I used polysporin on the excision to help with the external scarring

its about 15 days post-opt
I`ve been wearing a compression shirt so that my pointy nipple doesn`t stick out of my shirt since its so hot recently and working with layers is impossible.

I think working could cause more swelling if your workload is stressful, which increases more blood activity in your system.


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