Author Topic: Gyno..what a shitty "condition" to have. Here's my story.UPDATED! 2 days post-op  (Read 4893 times)

Offline leafhead

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Same old story... I started noticing it when I was 12. I was always a chubby kid, so it was easy to blame my condition on my weight. I played soccer since I was 5 (yes 5) and was always very good, and received some attention from the inter-league coaches. I used to go swimming with my friends, and spend my summers outside. By age 13 people started to stare and giggle. Relatives went from pinching my cheeks, to pinching my boobs and giggling. I became very self conscious, and quit soccer, stopped going to the pool or beach, mostly staying indoors and eating.

High School was an absolute bitch. I went to an all boys school because I didn't want girls to stare at me (it always hurt more when girls stared). At 15 I went on my dream trip to Italy with my family. I swam for the first time in years in the Mediterranean, but with a shirt on, and 2 undershirts (tank tops) underneath. Out of desperation before my trip I discovered that wearing two tanktops would not only hide them, but keep them from bouncing around. People in Italy can be very rude to foreigners.... people stared, called me names, one went as far as to call me a disgrace for swimming with a shirt on.

By 16 I was 5'9 300 lbs, I would never physically defend myself when guys would try to grab me because I was afraid of my shirt being torn, or becoming unbuttoned. So I walked away...

When I started college I went on a low-carb diet. It worked magically, at this point I got my weight down to about 195 - but I still had boobs. Going low carb your whole life is very difficult, so my plan was to get back on carbs while exercising to build up my metabolism. The problem was that I would still need to get changed at the gym, and run on the treadmills.... People would still stare.... "So what the hell do I do now?"  I thought, "I've lost all this weight, I've never felt better, and I look pretty good with a shirt on" (still wearing one tank top underneath - this worked much better after the weight loss). I still couldn't play soccer, and I couldn't go swimming. I started to put weight back on... and eventually put almost all of it back on once I got a desk job.

So now I'm free of debt, and finally making some decent money. I decided to consult with Dr. Fielding, I'm 25 . My surgery is in 2 days (the 16th), and I'm both excited and nervous. Excited that I'll get a result, but nervous that it might not be as good as I'd like it to be. I'm still overweight, and my gyne is as severe as I've seen on this site. We'll see I guess, I wish I could've done this a few years ago (especially when I lost all that weight), but money was tight.

Just wanted to share my story before I go ahead and do this.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 03:02:46 PM by leafhead »

Offline PhillyPUFF

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I'm both excited and nervous. Excited that I'll get a result, but nervous that it might not be as good as I'd like it to be.

Congrats on the surgery man. You'll be fine. I'm only 12 days post-op, and already life is so much better. Keep in mind though that your results probably wont be "perfect". You need to accept that fact. Surgery is only a fix, its not a cure.

My advice for post-op:
- Don't obsess with looking at your chest everyday
- Take it easy - rest a lot
- Wear your compression vest
- Eat healthy balanced meals
- Drink plenty of water

Good luck man. Keep us posted with everything

Offline leafhead

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I'm both excited and nervous. Excited that I'll get a result, but nervous that it might not be as good as I'd like it to be.

Congrats on the surgery man. You'll be fine. I'm only 12 days post-op, and already life is so much better. Keep in mind though that your results probably wont be "perfect". You need to accept that fact. Surgery is only a fix, its not a cure.

My advice for post-op:
- Don't obsess with looking at your chest everyday
- Take it easy - rest a lot
- Wear your compression vest
- Eat healthy balanced meals
- Drink plenty of water

Good luck man. Keep us posted with everything

Hey PhillyPUFF

Just got home from my firends house. He lives close to St. Jopeshs, so he let me crash at his place.

Anyway, I'm in some pain... I didn;t take any tylenol 3 this morning, because I drove home... gettting in and out of the car was interesting. Anyway, Thanks for the advice. Is it normal that I'm so thirsty? I drank like 2 L of water yesterday.. and same today.

Offline leafhead

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Felt great this morning. Went back to Dr. Fieldings to get a bruise checked out that I thought might be Hematoma. Thankfully it wasn't, but still disgusting to look at.
Anyway, I can't say enough about the guy, and his receptionist (I didn't catch her name). They are so pleasant and professional.

Anyway, apparenlty I'm a record for him.. her removed 1800 ml of fat.... and 200 grams of gland....I told him before the op that he had his work cut out for him. I was so releived when I woke up after the op.. I was high fiving the nurses.

The first 36 hours were rough. I was in significant pain, and my throat was sore to boot. My vest was packed with Gauze because I was bleeding a bit after surgery. Thank God for Tylenol 3. I woke up this morning in pretty good shape before I went to visit him. He removed the extra gauze, and told me not to worry about the bruise. The Vest really isn't that bad with the foam padding.. the gauze made it pretty uncomfortable.

Anyway.. no regrets... I can't wait to take a shower and remove the vest. I need to keep it on for 6 weeks because I was a severe case.

Any questions... feel free to ask. 

Offline DriftKing

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Congratulations man, your story reminds me alot of my own. Only I'm still waiting for surgery.

I imagine life must be pretty sweet right now and I bet it will only get better.

Offline leafhead

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Actually. I just took the bandages off today.... can I just say ewwwww........ lol
Some bruises and discolouring.... a little swolen and numb, but much better than before. Not completely flat.

I'm sheduled to see Dr. Fielding on the 29th for a follow up. It's still way to early to know what it'll ultimately look like.

Felt good wearing a golf shirt today though, even with the Vest on underneath.

I'll keep everyone posted.


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