Author Topic: How bad is my gynecomastia out of 10? (Now with post op pics)  (Read 10024 times)

Offline michael_aus

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Gyno since around 11ish
Hey fellas great board ay. Right my background. I was always the fat kid and i always thought having moobs and being over weight go hand in hand. Anyway ive been lifting weights for around 4 years but only seriously the last year. Ive tried many times to lose weight but have only recently managed to commit to a diet (down 19kg  ;D). Anyway ive noticed since ive started leaning out that fatter guys then me have no where near as large breasts as i do. This sprung me on the the point that something might be wrong, anyway after some research ive found out about gynecomastia.
Well under the gyno and fat i definatly have pecs, since i started leaning out ive discovered i have had a fairly good physique hidden underneath that fat and i reckon once im done with surgury and have dropped around another 10-13kg i should look pretty good so I'm pretty excited.
Anway i have a fold of fat that seems to come of the gyno pictured in the 4th image and circled. Im wondering if i do have the surgury (pretty sure i need both lipo and an excision) is it going to still be there? is there gonna be loose skin if they remove it ... will they remove it to? if its not removed with the gyno will it look really really weird? I have noticed since i have been leaning out that the fold has definitely been getting smaller. I going to try have surgury in very late september so hopefully i can drop some more kgs before then and drop that fold down some more.
The fold actually goes back about another 2 inchs past whats in the picture i think its just the photo and angle doesnt appear as bad as it is ... or i could be just be being paranoid about the whole thing
How bads my Gyno?
Is that fold of fat coming off the gyno going to be a problem as far as disfigurement goes post surgury?
Cheers fellas
P.S yeh i got a strong farmers tan, shows how often the old shirt comes off ay ;D
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 09:52:39 PM by michael_aus »

Offline michael_aus

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Any input would be much appreciated fellas :-\

Offline The_G0rn

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Could you switch on the light or use the flash....'ay'?
That would make it possible to actually see what you are talking about.

All I can say is, yeah you have it pretty bad.  You MIGHT have some loose skin issues after surgery.  Dunno.  If I was you i'd try to find some before/after pics of guys with cases similar to yours and see how they looked after surgery to get a better idea or how your results might turn out.  Loose skin can be dealt with in surgery but I believe this results in some significant scarring.  When you eventually go in for a consultation with a plastic surgeon he will definitely comment on whether loose skin is going to be a problem for you or not, and what you can do about it.  Until then, diet and burn fat like crazy to get rid of as much as possible through natural means.
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline michael_aus

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yeh the light was on and the flash just reflected off the mirror so it came out pure white, any way here are some hopefully better ones.
Cheers for the input gorn ... maybe these ones can help you judge better. I'll try search around for similar before and after pics now. I think the muscle underneath is making it a fair bit worse to, tried to show it in the last picture how far it goes underneath ... just realised used the middle finger  :-X, sorry bout that no offense intended to anyone.
I called and left a message to get an appointment just now so i will hopefully know how bad soon but all input is welcome and appreciated.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 08:59:15 PM by michael_aus »

Offline RyanMace

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Offline Bigchest123

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depending on how u look at it it either looks like u have B cups or that you bench 500 pounds


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Either way, you'll definitely benefit from the surgery ...

You might get loose skin, but then again, the surgeon knows best. Go speak to one ... you definitely have gyne though.

Offline The_G0rn

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It kind of looks like you have the pseudo-gyne...purely fat, because I can't see any puffy nipple-ness

Offline Spleen

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You've got yourself a nice case there bro'.  Good work getting in shape BTW.  I think you could definitely see an improvement with a good surgeon.  Yours could be a challenging case, IMO, 'cause you enough breast that surgical correction might leave you with some excess/sagging skin.  If you do decide to take the surgical approach to correction do your homework and find a doc that has some real experience with cases that look like yours.

Offline michael_aus

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Thanks for the input fellas, much appreciated. I managed to get an appointment this Monday for a consultation with a surgeon so we will see how it goes.

Offline Spleen

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Get a couple consultations, BTW.  You want to compare the doc's track record, ask how many gyne cases he or she does a year, know if they would be open to lipo and excision, and get a sense of cost.

Offline michael_aus

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Hey guys almost 6 weeks post op, Certainly looks better then before, especially when wearing a shirt. One sides seems smaller to me then the other. But I'm still noticing it coming down a bit from week to week.
Still got some more weight to lose, I reckon it will look a lot better when i do.
Any opinions?

Offline peshay

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Great Job - Michael assuming your Australian who did your surgery?

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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If you check out this link, I just made the point on this post that you need to consider the contour of the abdominal wall when performing liposuction on the chest.  You are a perfect example of someone who needs to preserve a little chest wall fat in order to balance with the abdominal wall fat.  I think you have a nice result.  If and when you decide to drop some weight, your chest and belly will slim down simultaneously, and you'll continually look balanced.

I hope this makes sense.  If your chest looked totally flat now, it would make your belly look totally out of proportion.

Nice job-
Dr. Pope, M.D.

George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline michael_aus

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Hi guys sorry I haven't checked back here. You very quickly forget that you ever had gyne post op. Shirts cause me no anxiety any more, no more tugging on them to try cover the gyne up.
I'm still not comfortable taking my shirt off in public and haven't done so yet, more out of habit though I think, even thinking about it i get that anxious feeling thinking that everyone will stare.
I stopped losing weight for about a month and a half (very frustrating but at least I didn't put any on) and then it started coming off again, losing about half a kg a week.
Anyway heres a little update picture of my progress.

peshay I went with Dr Mertin at pure aesthetics


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