Author Topic: 4 years post op and i think its comming back  (Read 4592 times)

Offline likewise

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Alright..... I am about 4 or so years post op and just about 2 weeks ago i started to get puffiness in my nipples... almost like how i did when i started to get my gyne.....

I am 18 now and about to start college.... i put my gyne behind me once i had my surgery and started to put my life back together. I am under a lot of stress and i do not know if i am just freaking myself out or what but i do not know the possibility's of this thing coming back....i also do not know if it is like puberty part 2. I guess i just need some reassurance and a prayer that this will go away because having to go through this humiliation again is more than i can take.

my main point here....does anyone know of the possibility that this will come back or am i just a good ol' fashioned worry wart.

any help here would be greatly appreciated and thank you all.

Offline likewise

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Offline broadsidebrother

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it depends on the doc who did his work, and people get it that dont get the surgery  and it goes away after a while when going through puberty. Also if your touching the area alot it may make it swell up, so avoid touching it. Theres also a hearble supplement you can buy from a vitamin store called d.i.m. dim. Its a natural way to control estrogene if thats whats causing it do to your age having a hormone imbalance. Hope this helps some.

Offline Paa_Paw

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If something is happening that would cause serious variances in your hormones, it could indeed come back.

The chances of this happening are not great, but the possibility does exist.

You should see a Dr. right away and get this checked out. If there is a problem, it is caught early, and properly treated, it should regress.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline Copespo

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If something is happening that would cause serious variances in your hormones, it could indeed come back.

The chances of this happening are not great, but the possibility does exist.

You should see a Dr. right away and get this checked out. If there is a problem, it is caught early, and properly treated, it should regress.

Good Luck!

Yea like Paa Paw said, that would have to be some insane hormones pics if u can...but I would see a doc if I were you.
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline broadsidebrother

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See the doc and while your waiting to see him I would get some d.i.m. its actually really healthy to take even if your not having gyno issues. It maintains healthy estrogen levels in men and women. Look it up people.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I have to jump back in here.

No! No! Don't Do It!

Do not take anything that might alter your hormone profile while waiting for your Dr appointment.

Why not?

If your Dr orders lab work and then relies upon the results, You have tampered, The Lab results may be unreliable, and you may get the wrong treatment as a result.

Here are two possibilities:

Nothing is wrong, but the Lab results have shifted one way of the other due to your self treatment. The Dr
then treats the "problem" which you do not actually have.

There is something wrong, but it has been "Masked" by the self administered Drugs. Treatment you really need is not given.

Before seeing any Dr you should make a list of all medications you are using. Include the dosage and frequency of use. The list should be all inclusive, even vitamins and OTC remedies should be listed.

Offline broadsidebrother

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Your one of the  smart ones I can see who sweak before they research somthing. Research dim before you speak your opinion!!!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 06:45:46 PM by broadsidebrother »

Offline headheldhigh01

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??? if it's going to affect levels like you say, why risk it?  do it after maybe, but not before.  his advice looks 100% sound to me. 

the risk of recurrence if you're not completely out of range is why some ps's prefer not to operate before you hit around 18 or so. 

the tests will be the main thing.  don't interfere with normal routine before then and see what they say. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline broadsidebrother

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It helps ballance healthy estrogen levels, this happens to people all of the time. A 10 year old can walk in and buy the stuff. You guys act like its something crazy to take and you havent done the research on it.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i don't think you're listening.  let's try again. 

he said very clearly it's not about whether it's good or bad, it's about keeping the levels where they are so they can be diagnosed.  after they're diagnosed, take wombat liver oil for all i care. 

it happens to the best of us, but so much time in the world could be saved by reading first.  all the research you had to do was read what he said right there instead of what you assumed he said.  scanning and reacting is not the same thing. 

go back and read post #7.  it's pretty clear. 
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 02:09:13 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline broadsidebrother

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Lets try again. Research dim!!!

Offline Clandestine

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DIM is harmless enough. It does promote balance betweel good Oestrone, and bad Oestradiol as well as a multitude of other things. However, please understand how it does this. Ultimately it DOES change your hormonal balance, that's the reason it's used.

The first thing someone should be doing if they suspect gyne re-growth, is rushing to see their Endo/Uro, NOT rushing out to buy some DIM.

So to satisfy you, yes I've researched DIM. Do I think it's going to help in situations where gyne may be re-growing (obviously a severe hormonal imbalance)? NO!

Offline broadsidebrother

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Drinking soy milk changes your hormon balance, it converts to estrogen, I guess you should go to the docs after you drink it.

Offline Clandestine

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Excuse me? Soy converts to oestrogen? News to me mate.

It may either contain compounds similar in structure to oestrogen, or interfere with enzymes that create/control oestrogen, but it doesn't "turn into" oestrogen.

With all due respect... GET A GRIP! We're talking about someone concerned thet his gyne is regrowing. He should go and see a doctor to confirm/eliminate hormonal causes, and you post nonsense like :
Drinking soy milk changes your hormon balance, it converts to estrogen, I guess you should go to the docs after you drink it.


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