Author Topic: liquid SQUIRTED from my right nipple  (Read 7814 times)

Offline Puff

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Well I have gyno and have for about 2-3 years I'm 23 right now.  I don't know what caused the onset.  

I'm in good shape and have fairly low body fat.  6'1" 200lbs.  

Earlier today I was feeling the lumps out of curiousity and squeezed the right one and a quick stream of fluid squirted out.  It was clear and there was not much at all.  Probably if you took an eye dropper and dropped a drop or 2 that would be the volume.

A couple times in the past I have squeezed my nipple and a small drop of fluid has come out (actually my girlfriend found this lovely trait of mine), but never has it squirted out like this.

I made an appointment to get a consultation and January 2006 is the earliest I can get in, and by the sounds of it, it may be a year after that for surgery.

Should I be seeing an endocrinologist instead?  Has anyone had this strange phenomenon happen to them?  Lord do I hope it's not milk and instead just some other fluid.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Gynecomastia with onset in early puberty is common, some would even say normal.

You give your age as 23 and say you've had Gynecomastia for 2-3 years.  Meaning that you had it develop when you were already adult!

See your Doctor, who will probably order tests including one for Prolactin.  The doctor will probably refer you to an Endocrinologist.   The cause could range from no big deal to a life threatening tumor.  Check it out ASAP!!!  The longer you let it go the more difficult it is to treat.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2005, 09:42:19 PM by Paa_Paw »
Grandpa Dan

Offline hypo

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Paw Paw is quite correct in that this 'can' be due to Prolactin.

An elevated prolactin level (a hormone secreted by the pituitary) can cause this, although I believe the are other possible causes of lesser significance.

Sometimes prolactin is simply elevated, other times it can be grossly elevated due to a prolactinoma, a tumor of the pituitary.

Even when a prolactin secreting tumor is found, they are benign and usually very treatable either via medication or via surgery.

If the later is the case, it is worth knowing that the pituitary is not regarded as part of the brain and is outside but connected to the brain via a stalk of tissue.

Surgery is performed via the nose cavity as an day case, much like gynecomastia surgery.

Don't get worried just be sensible and get checked out by an endocrinologist.

Could be something, hopefully nothing of issue.

If you give me your address in terms of city and state I will give you the contact details for endocrinologists in your area.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2005, 04:13:57 PM by hypo »

Offline jonQ

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I agree that you should get checked out asap...why is the wait so long?
had the surgery done,now i'm gynecomastia-less

Offline Puff

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Well I am in Canada, the demand for doctors exceeds the supply in almost every medical area.  You can't even get a family doctor in my city.

I went to the clinic to see a doctor and described my situation.  He told me to wait 4 or 5 weeks, and that I probably would have trouble getting into see a endocrinologist and that infact I would actually be sent to a mastitician(sp?) if anything.

I'm going to go see another one to try and get a referral as I could tell this guy wasn't the sharpest out there.

Hypo, if you have a list of Canadian (more specifically the province of Alberta) doctors I would really appreciate you sending it.

Offline hypo

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I'm thousands of miles away in the UK and no nothing about Canada.  I checked out Alberta and could only come up with one AACE recommended endocrinologist but they did not have an interest in reproductive endocrinology, so I looked up maps of Canada and found;

Ahmad AlDousari, MD
380-575 West 8th Street
Division of Endocrinology
Vancouver, V5Z 1C6
Directions to Office
Phone: (604) 875-5996
Interest Areas:
   Diabetes Mellitus
   Reproductive Endocrinology
   Thyroid Dysfunction


I hope he can help you, either with an appointment or a referral to an appropriate colleague who may be a bit nearer.

I hope that helps.

Offline aux513s

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There was a guy just like you on this documentary I watched.

His gyno also started when he was an adult and his breasts started secreting fluid. They later found out he had a tumor on his pituitary gland.

It's kind of scary that the doctor you went to wasn't more concerned over your symptoms. Does he not know this could be a sign of a tumor, or does he just not care?

Offline bjk99

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i think it is called galactorreah and it could also be caused by something as simple as manual nipple stimulation. lots of articles about this if you search. i think this is what happened to me.

Offline Puff

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After the first doctor I have put off going again, I need to get myself in gear though because it sounds like it could potentially be serious.  

Offline betterdays

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Fluid coming out of the nipple is the first thing that alerted me to my situation. I was sitting at the computer without my shirt on and a drop of fluid hit my freaked me out trying to figure out how a bead of sweat could hit my stomach coming from my armpit...and then it got 100 times worse when I figured out the fluid came from my nipple.  :o

This was the summer of 1999. I was 27 y/o, 6'1 and 155 lbs. and tired of being skinny, so I totally immersed myself with bodybuilding. My goal was to hit 200 lbs with no more than 6% bodyfat in 8 months. After 3.5 months I was up to 190 lbs...naturally.

I then started taking Accutane (acne medication) for 6 months; this stuff totally killed my energy level and left me feeling tired all the time. After 6 months, I had regressed to 185 lbs; all the while still busting my ass in the gym. So out of frustration, I tried 6 weeks of the prohormone Nor-Androstenedione. This gave me my energy level back and the gains resumed -- up to 198 lbs. I then took a month off from lifting.

The fluid thing happened 7 weeks after stopping the Nor-Androstenedione. I did some quick research on the subject and found out that the fluid was part of the aromatization process of excess testosterone to's basically water. My research showed that there was a good chance the process would reverse itself naturally. I kept my fingers crossed that it didn't, and it left me with noticeable gyno on both sides after about 6 months.

This then started to systematically affect every aspect of my life in a negative manner. I started obsessing over the condition, and although I was still muscular and hiding it well, it turned into a mental monster for me.

I eventually stopped working out totally in the fall of 2000 due to the paranoia I was experiencing. With each passing year, the situation got a bit worse as the 'protective' layer of muscle I had built up slowly melted off (exposing the gyno glands under my nipples), and the mental anxiety deepened. I finally realized I would have to do something about it -- meaning surgery -- in late 2002...but still procrastinated about the inconvenience and the cost of surgery until just last week.

After visiting Dr. Bermant and getting the procedure done, I am amazed at how long I put this off. I missed out on so many things by altering my lifestyle to hide the gyno. I'm looking forward to getting my life back.  :)

Anyway, that's a long way saying 'Don't put off taking care of this.'  If you aren't certain what caused your condition (as I was mine), then I would certainly make every effort to get to the bottom of it.

Offline hypo

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I think you'll find that this can be caused by elevated prolactin as opposed to elevated estrogen.

Offline Puff

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Thanks for sharing your story.  I am definately getting rid of this, I just need to get it checked to make sure it's not something more serious.  

Also my sex drive also hasn't been great in the last year or two.  I just assumed it was as a result of stress from school.  I wonder if that is related to all this too.  


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