Author Topic: New here, wondering if I have Gynecomastia.  (Read 3345 times)

Offline LLTrain

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Hey everyone! I'm new here, and I couldn't be happier that I've found this site! I've been searching and searching for a way to get my fat man-boobs to go away, and everything looked like a scam.

Here's my dilema...I'm 19 years old and in college. I go to class and the REC every day just to see guys who don't have to worry about what they wear, or taking their shirts off. I like to think I'm not a bad looking guy, and I'm not overweight at all (6'0" weighting in at 185lbs...played football all throughout highschool and still play tons of volleyball and soccer.) I am so jealous of these guys...I actually get angry (inside, mind you) that they can do whatever they want to and not have to go through the worries like me.

I've had "moobs" for about 3 years now, and it has severely altered my pysche. I don't shop for/wear white t-shirts unless they have writing or unless I wear a tight undershirt. I look forward to the winter because I can wear jackets and sweaters. I'm tired of it...but my parents won't listen to me when I tell them I have a medical problem! So, just to try and confirm my own assumptions, I was wondering if you all could help me out as far as determining whether or not I have Gynecomastia. Thanks so much and God bless you all!

Here are the pictures:
From the right side
Another from the right side
From the left side
Looking down from the right side (what I see)
Looking down from left side (what I see)
From the front (doesn't look as bad as it does in real life)
Again from the front (closer up, notice the shadowing under the breast)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 03:19:59 PM by LLTrain »

Offline mthatch1

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It looks like you have a case of about 1 or 2 on a scale of 1-10, which could be just as distressing as having a 10 for some people!  Just based on pics of guys that look like you and their post-op pics, you could have a much flatter chest. 

What do you think you might do? 

Offline mthatch1

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But I should also say LLTrain -- you look good in those pics too!!

Offline LLTrain

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Well I will probably go through with surgery...I've tried working out and dieting and all of the above, but nothing, absolutely NOTHING changed about my chest. The worst part is, I'm in college...and, statistically, college is the one time during my life in which I will be surrounded by more single, healthy and good looking girls. Not only that, but I WANT to take off my shirt when I'm playing disc golf or sand volleyball or soccer...and I always look "weird" whenever it's only my friends who have their shirts off and I'm the one guy with his shirt on.

Although it may not be the most "severe" case, it has psychologically hurt me enough to where (when I was younger, mind you) I considered suicide. By the grace of God I have overcome that short-lived stage! However, my confidence is still shot by this unfortunate case. And, without sounding too "cocky", I can be a pretty charming guy. Yet, I'm too afraid to approach people (girls, especially) because of the way I look. I think the surgery will be totally worth it.

Offline mthatch1

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I completely agree with you.  I am having surgery next month.  I am 27 and there are so many things I do not do and have not done in my life because of the way my chest looks.  I am hoping this will allow me to be a little bit more happy than I am stressed all the time. 

I know what you mean about being angry and jealous of other guys that have flat chests and never had to do anything about it.  I sometimes obsess over it.  I don't get angry but just very sad that I am missing out on a freedom that they have. 

Offline LLTrain

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You're right, I do guess "angry" was the wrong feels more like jealousy, really. My roommate, for example, doesn't work out at all and drinks about 3 cokes a day and whatever junk food he can get his hands on. He sleeps till about 1 in the afternoon everyday and hardly ever does anything active...yet, whenever I see him, I get jealous of the way he looks. He can walk around the house with his shirt off when we have girls over or just whenever we have friends over, and he doesn't have to think twice about it. Me, on the other hand, I used to be too ashamed of myself to take my shirt off in front of my girlfriend when we'd go hot tubing or just whenever. As a matter of fact, there's a hot tub party at my friends house this weekend and although I'm going, I know I'm not going to actually get in...I'll just chill by the side, like I always do.

Offline booty_frijoles

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That's exactly the reason why we gotta get rid of this when we're young. Up until a few months ago I thought I was gonna have to live with this forever. I was just looking for way to build a better chest and loose fat when I finally came across the term "gynecomastia." Ever since then, I've thought about how great it'll be once I finally get rid of it every single day.

Do everything possible to get rid of it ASAP man, dont let it be another burden in your life. Talk to your parents, talk to doctors, talk to us. I know your probably already stressing about school, homework, tests, girls, girls, girls...same with me, but you shouldn't be worrying about your chest especially when you put so much hard work into being fit. I'm the same way, try to hit the gym everyday and do weights, run at least 2 miles daily, and of course eat right. Everyone always gives me shit for eating so healthy but its a good thing. I think having gynecomastia almost "forces" us to be healthier people...but all of our attempts to get rid of it naturally never work. So after surgery life, as long as we keep up the good habits from before we're set to be pretty healthy people for life.

The sooner you get rid of it, the more you can enjoy life. I look at other guys one here getting their surgery in the mid to late 20's. Hey, we're still young...we're teenagers. We need to enjoy life! EVERYBODY DOES! Do not wait for things to happen, MAKE things happen yourself.

Good luck with everything man. We're all here for you.

Offline LLTrain

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I've got good news! I had a good long talk with my Dad last night about everything, and really expressed to him my want for surgery. After some convincing, he actually admitted that I "may actually have this gynecomastia thing and it might be worthwhile looking in to." You see, he had always just told me that I looked just fine the way I was and that there was nothing wrong with me, but now he understands the psychological pains I've been going through for years!

We're going to see Dr. Dr. Wilcox in Plano, TX, tomorrow for a consult!

Offline mthatch1

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LL -- how did the consult go? 

I am two weeks exactly from my surgery date...

Offline arpa1

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Based on what I see you have a very very light case...but the answer is that I believe you do in my opinion. The most important thing is how it affects you.


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