Author Topic: Post op - vests and exercise...  (Read 3478 times)

Offline Alfa

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I finally got surgery for my gynecomastia last wednsday... or actually, it was just lipo but still... Anyway, everything seems to have gone very smooth so far. Never had much pain and it's just a little swollen, that's all. The surgeon told me I should expect significant swelling the first week but so far I havent noticed much at all. Still I was told to wear a compression vest that would reduce the swelling. However, the surgeon has also given different answers wether or not the vest will affect the final result. So I would like to hear other opinions on this; should I keep wearing the vest or can I save myself the discomfort?

Also while i'm asking this, how about exercise? I would like to get back to the gym asap, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not.

Thanks! :)

Offline MSJ108

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follow docs orders. I was to wear my vest for 4 weeks. After 3 weeks I was back in the gym. However, run it by your doc as well.

Offline mthatch1

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I think you need to wear the vest for 4 weeks and wait 3-4 weeks before strenuous exercise.  This is really important. 

Congrats on your surgery! 

Offline Alfa

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Thanks guys!

You know, i'm not sure exactly what docs orders are, and i'm not so sure he knows either. Before the op he told me that I should give it a few days but then i'd be back to exercising like normal. Regarding the vest he first said that it doesent matter for the final result, but reduces the swelling, however a day after a nurse told me that it's important to keep it on because it could effect the end result. I don't know for how long I should keep it though. So i'm a little confused, especially since i've read here that people should keep the vest for weeks.

I'm not so sure the surgeons where I live have so much experience with gynecomastia(i've met several surgeons who knew almost nothing about it so...). That's also a reason why I keep a little healthy skepticism.

Do you know what the vest is supposed to do and how it does that? And also, are there some things I should be aware of that could effect the result?

Offline mthatch1

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I hope one of the surgeons responds to this post because I think it is critical that you keep the vest on for at least 3 weeks.  I think it helps reattach the the skin and the muscle.  Dont exercise and don't take that vest off except to shower for 3 weeks!! 

You don't want to exercise because you need to keep your blood pressure low -- so that you can heal

Offline Alfa

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Unless the surgeons here say otherwise I will follow your advice. What you say makes sense to me so... not worth gambling with the results just to save me some discomfort. :)

Offline MSJ108

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Thanks guys!

You know, i'm not sure exactly what docs orders are, and i'm not so sure he knows either. Before the op he told me that I should give it a few days but then i'd be back to exercising like normal. Regarding the vest he first said that it doesent matter for the final result, but reduces the swelling, however a day after a nurse told me that it's important to keep it on because it could effect the end result. I don't know for how long I should keep it though. So i'm a little confused, especially since i've read here that people should keep the vest for weeks.

I'm not so sure the surgeons where I live have so much experience with gynecomastia(i've met several surgeons who knew almost nothing about it so...). That's also a reason why I keep a little healthy skepticism.

Do you know what the vest is supposed to do and how it does that? And also, are there some things I should be aware of that could effect the result?

Vest helps prevents swelling and bruising.

Offline Alfa

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I met the surgeon a couple of days ago and he told me to get rid of the vest. He thought I was healing very well without much swelling or bruising at all, and this - a week after surgery - is when the swelling is usually the worst.

I have to agree with the doc that so far the result seems really good, so i've ditched the vest.

Regarding swelling though, is it normal that the breasts go back somewhat to their old shape?

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Postop instructions really vary from surgeon to surgeon, whether it's gynecomastia surgery or something else.  In plastic surgery, we often tell patients that if you go to 5 different surgeons, you'll get 5 different opinions.  At any rate, I have my patients wear a compression vest for 2 weeks.  After that, they can change to a tight shirt like Underarmor, but that's optional.  I had this surgery about 5 years ago myself, and one week into the vest, I was on a long plane flight and ripped the vest off because it was driving me crazy.  Even docs can be bad patients, I guess.  But the vest does help minimize swelling for the first couple of weeks.  Whether or not it affects the ultimate result is probably not clear.  When in doubt, though, it doesn't hurt to wear it.

Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261


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