Author Topic: I JUST DONT GET IT!!!  (Read 2656 times)

Offline mmiikkee1985

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OK its now 3 weeks post op, im 6ft and 12 half stone, athletic and have never been over weight. my main concern was puffy nipples caused by the gland. i had lipo and incision for removal of the gland. the thing is is now it actually looks worse than prior to surgery :-(

I dont get it!!! the only positive is the lipo but the nips are awfully puffy now. is this normal? he said he took the glands out so how can it be worse. its as if he added some haha. that would be cruel lol.

any help or opinions appreciated. sorry i have no photos.


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OK its now 3 weeks post op, im 6ft and 12 half stone, athletic and have never been over weight. my main concern was puffy nipples caused by the gland. i had lipo and incision for removal of the gland. the thing is is now it actually looks worse than prior to surgery :-(

I dont get it!!! the only positive is the lipo but the nips are awfully puffy now. is this normal? he said he took the glands out so how can it be worse. its as if he added some haha. that would be cruel lol.

any help or opinions appreciated. sorry i have no photos.

Hello all, i had my surgery on Monday and had the bandages taken off today. Prior to surgery i had mild grade 1 gyno, with the main problem being my puffy nipples. The right side was not as bad as the left prior to surgery.
Now i am delighted with the right side but the left side is still puffy, is this too go down or what? im scared now. aahhhh so muich money and stress . and if i need further surgery will this be free?  i'd blooming well hope so. I had it done woth Harley who have been great by the way and the dr seems very good.
opinions please peeps
thanks for your time

4 days is very after surgery with some techniques.

Posting Standard Before and After Pictures can help others better understand your concerns.

How tissues evolve after surgery depends on the problem treated, surgical technique, skill of the surgeon, after care, scar care, and how a patient heals.  I prefer my Dynamic Technique in which there is minimal bruising and swelling.  The biggest change happens on the operating table.  That is how I am able to post images the day after surgery.  However, further refinement happens over time as sculpted tissues evolves as they soften with scar care, compression, and healing.  As with any cut, tissues need to heal and soften.

You can see other examples of early results:

in this competition body builder here.

This one sided (unilateral) gynecomastia shows the swelling after surgery typical swelling after my gynecomastia surgery compaired to the side that had No Surgery

Here is another example of early healing after unilateral surgery typically seen with my techniques. 

Here is another example of typical minimal swelling and bruising in a 14 year old patient with more images images of tissue evolution and swelling here.

You can find many more examples on my website of primary gynecomastia tissue evolution.

This is real surgery and tissues do need to heal just like any other cut or injury.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Each doctor has his / her own skills.  Early healing, evolution of tissues, and results depend on these factors already discussed in the prior answer.  With some doctors' methods, it can take months to see results if ever.  What I put up on my website are typical results for my patients.  My goal is to have patients tell me that their experiences were just like what they saw on my site or better! 

Why not put up some of the standard pictures discussed above so others can see your concerns?  Have you discussed your issues with your doctor?  Did you get a chance to evaluate many before after pictures and tissue evolution photos of your doctor's typical results?

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery


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