I thought that if I lost weight, my chest would naturally become more chiseled, but it has not. In fact, the weight loss, while enhancing the appearance of the rest of my body, seems to have made my chest look worse. Is this common?
Yes, very common. There is a common misconception that if the G sufferer looses weight, he will also loose the G. In the vast majority of cases, this just isn't true. In most cases, the majority of the G remains while the rest of the body is very toned. G on a skinny guy just looks

Is the compression vest easy to hide when outside of the home? I'm in graduate school; would I be able to resume my classes and studies shortly after the procedure?
The compression vest could be concealed by a baggy sweat shirt (cold months of course). You could opt for an UnderArmour type compression shirt rather than a 'vest' if you are wanting to wear a t-shirt or other semi-tight shirt.
Yes, you should be able to resume classes within a week, after your surgery. However, keep in mind that you will still have a long road to recovery. You should expect at least 3-6 months for initial recovery. Depending on how quick you heal, you may not see final results for a full year.
Also, what are the total costs that I would be looking at? The surgeon's website lists the average cost of the procedure alone at $2,800. I know there are other costs involved, such as the anesthesiologist's fee.
Average cost in the US is approx $6000 all in...
And one more thing: I am a broke grad student. I'm basically living off of scholarships, student loans and my parents' goodwill right now. Are there typically any financing options available?
Yes, many PS's have 'discrete' financing options available. If you go that route, make sure you fully understand the terms of the contract and most importantly, the current interest rate.
I have been mulling the idea over of asking my dad to help me out, but as this is a purely cosmetic - and many would argue unnecessary (though my gynecomastia seems to be a severe hindrance to happiness) - procedure, if possible I'd like to pay for as much of it as I can.
Yes, G is a 'cosmetic' procedure, however, I would not say that it is an 'unnecessary' procedure. Gynecomastia is a
very psychologically crippling condition. In order for the sufferer to be relieved of the G related stress/anxiety, Gynecomastic Reduction Surgery is a
very necessary procedure!
Those people who say that it
isn't 'necessary', in most cases, don't have the condition themselves ( Insurance Co's/GP's etc... ). So then how would
they 'know' if it isn't necessary? As the old saying goes... Don't judge a person unless you have walked in his/her shoes for a while... ( or something like that anyways...

There is a woman close to where I live who could grow a full beard. She just recently had laser surgery to correct the condition. Just ask her if her procedure was 'necessary'. We all know what her answer would be....